Monjoronson020504Teleconference_Preparation for divine leading, agondonter status, Applying science to TR process

Date: February 5, 2004
Teachers: Monjoronson
Transmitter / Receiver: Bob
Moderator: Robin, Dominic
  1. Preparing for Divine Leading
  2. Applying Science to the TR Process
  3. How will Monjoronson's Physical Coming Affect Agondonter Status?
  4. Monjoronson Will Be Physically Here Long Before it is Commonly Known

Monjoronson 022804 CelestialNights 2004

Date: February 28, 2004
Teachers: Monjoronson, Machiventa Melchizedek, Christ Michael, Aaron, Captain Armando, Elyon
Transmitter / Receiver: Simeon, Daniel Raphael, Robin, Leoma Sparer, Steffany Murray
Moderator: Daniel Raphael, Student
  1. Michael Introduces Monjoronson

Andronason 032804 NOCO49 Four Horsemen of Apocalypse

Location: Northern Colorado, Loveland
Date: March 28, 2004
Teachers: Andronason
Transmitter / Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  2. Not the End of Times
  3. Middle East War will Continue
  4. Biologic Destabilization
  5. Cycle of Earth Warming
  6. Famine in Many Places of the World
  7. Simultaneous Development
  8. A Matter of Development, Not Time
  9. Natural Order of Developments
  10. Upliftment of Awareness
  11. Seek the Stillness for Guidance
  12. Do Not Move Into Fear
  1. Fear
  2. Death is Natural
  3. Accidents of Time
  4. Complementary Currencies

Monjoronson - A Technical Report - History of Christ Michael's Plans from 200,000 years ago, Extra Sensory Perception, Comparing Monjoronson's and Machiventa Melchizedeks roles.

Location: Bogus Basin Idaho Conference, Transcript #6
Date: August 14, 2004
Teachers: Monjoronson
Transmitter / Receiver: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Public Call-in
  1. A Technical Report
  1. Will There be Observable Celestial Influence in our Political Leadership?
  2. What Can You Tell us About Changes in Other Lands, Other Countries?
  3. Spontaneous Developments - Is zero-point energy one of these?
  4. Is There Any Given Time Frame in Which We Might See Zero-point Energy?
  5. Would You Please Speak on Behalf of the Disclosure Project?
  6. Do You Have Any Advice to Give Those of Us That are Active Within our Church?
  7. Will Extra-terrestrials Give Us Help in Freeing Ourselves From Old Myths?
  8. Psychic Ability, Subliminal Communication - Is This a Part of the Time We are Living In?
  9. Genetic Limitations - Are There no Practices That Can Raise Awareness?
  10. How Do We Raise our Awareness?
  11. Is Monjoronson's Purpose/Role Administrative as well as Spiritual?

Monjoronson: A Technical Report on the Forthcoming Mission Transcript 6

Location: Bogus Basin Conference
Date: August 14, 2004
Teachers: Monjoronson
Transmitter / Receiver: Daniel Raphael
  1. Points of history in this era
  2. The speed of this development
  3. The changes occurring in nations
  4. Zero Point Energy
  5. Ways to move forward within current church organizations
  6. Extra-terrestrials
  7. Characteristics and development of the morontial mind
  8. The role of Machiventa and Monjoronson
  9. The development of archives
  1. The political scene in our nation, the leadership for our next 4 years, will there be observable celestial influence at this point in our history? Will there be something that those of us who can see will realize that there is divine help in all this process?
  2. What can you tell us about changes in other lands, other countries?
  3. Is zero-point energy one of these?
  4. Is there any given time frame in which we might see zero-point energy?
  5. Would you please speak on behalf of the disclosure project.
  6. Will the disclosure project become more public with the citizens of the United States?
  7. Do you have any advice or direction to give those of us that are active within our particular church denomination on ways that we should go forward?
  8. Will the extra-terrestrials give us help in freeing ourselves from some of the old myths? Will the truth come out about the fact that we are not alone in the universe, that others are watching us and thinking about us?
  9. I am perceiving perhaps elevated, things that would fall into the realm of psychic ability, more subliminal communication between us, more knowing...beyond knowing among that part of the time we're in?
  10. If it's genetic are there no practices in that can be done to raise that awareness?
  11. How do we do that?
  12. Your purpose, your role, I'm assuming is both strongly administrative as well as spiritual. Is this anywhere near right? I feel Prince Machiventa is more administrative but are you equally administrative as well as a spiritual uplifter?


Location: Northern Colorado
Date: October 8, 2004
Teachers: Rayson, Monjoronson
Transmitter / Receiver: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Student
  1. 1.Teaching Mission Archive Project
  2. 2.Importance of early history/ Explain precursors
  3. 3.Preparation for Monjoronson’s appearance
  4. 4.Preparation for a large volume of Internet "hits"
  5. 5.Co-creative assistance available
  6. 6.Technique of "working teams"
  7. 7.Packets of material
  8. 8.Devise schemes of implementation
  9. 9.Expect immense difficulties
  1. 1.Editing guidelines
  2. 2.Group decisions/identities
  3. 3.Clarification of requested mission
  4. 4.Difficulties to be faced
  5. 5.Posting guidelines
  6. 6.Advisability of parallel process
  7. 7.Volunteers
  8. 8.Translations

Second Revelatory Commission Project 11-21-04, NOCO #58~GabrielAnnouncement_Rayson

Location: Northern Colorado TeaM, #58- Loveland, Colorado
Date: November 21, 2004
Teachers: Rayson, Gabriel
Transmitter / Receiver: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Student
  1. Second Revelatory Commission
  2. Organization, Personnel and Function
  3. Pronouncement of Inauguration
  4. Enhancement to the "Urantia" Papers
  5. Co-creative – Mortals, "Midwayers"& Melchizedeks
  6. Natural Development – Rational, Reasonable & Timely
  7. Machiventa Is the Beginning Presiding Officer
  8. Monjoronson "Will" Take over When He Is Established
  9. Will Not Replace "Urantia" Papers
  10. Purpose: Answer Questions and Provide Additional Information
  11. Dependant on Development, Not Time
  12. Validation Process
  13. Q & A by Rayson
  14. Examine Intentions for Participation
  15. How "Will"Tr’s Be Involved?
  16. Who "Will" Publish These New Papers?
  17. What Is its Relationship to the "Urantia" Book?
  18. More on Purposes
  19. Important Role of Mortals
  20. An Example Given by Rayson
  21. What "Will" Not Be Included - Example

The Game of Life

Location: Cheshire, UK
Date: November 29, 2004
Teachers: Monjoronson
Transmitter / Receiver: Helen Whitworth

Acknowledgement of Monjoronson's involvement on our planet

Location: Illawarra District, Australia
Date: January 18, 2005
Teachers: Midwayer Chief Bzutu
Transmitter / Receiver: George Barnard
  1. Acknowledgement of Monjoronson's foreseeable arrival
  2. Answers to inquiries of Monjoronson

Simeon - About This List and Monjoronson - Jul 01, 2005 - Helen Whitworth; Illawara, AU

Location: Illawara, AU / Nottingham, England
Date: July 1, 2005
Teachers: Simeon
Transmitter / Receiver: Helen Whitworth
  1. Monjoronson