• Anu (uh noo')

    One of seven chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Aphrodite (af ruh dahy' tee)

    Greek goddess of fertility.

  • Apollo (uh pol' oh)

    Greek sun-god.

  • Apostate (uh pos' teyt)

    One who foresakes his religion.

  • Apostle (uh pos' uhl)

    one of the 12 initial followers fo Jesus.

  • Appalachian (ap uh ley' chee uh'n)

    Mountain range in eastern U.S.

  • Aquila (uh kwil' uh)

    One of the Cynics whom Jesus contacted in Rome.

  • Arabia (uh rey' bee uh)

    Land mass situated north-east of Africa.

  • Aram (air uhm)

    River settlement near Erech.

  • Aramaic (ar uh mey' ik)

    One of the three languages that prevailed in Palestine in the days of Jesus.

  • Ararat (ar' uh rat)

    Mount Ararat was the sacred mountain of northern Mesopotamia.

  • Arbela (ahr bee' luh)

    One of the cities of Perea, the most beautiful and picturesque province of all Palestine.

  • Archangels (ahrk' eyn jelz)

    Archangels are the offspring of the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit.

  • Archdeceiver (ahrch di seev' ur)

    Lucifer, a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon.

  • Archelais (ar kee lay' is)

    A new Greek city near the Jordan.

  • Archelaus (ar kee lay' us)

    Brother of Herod Antipas.

  • Architects of the Master Universe (ahr' ki tekts uv thuh mas' ter yoo' nuh vurs)

    The Architects of the Master Universe in administration prior to the appearance of specific rulers, foster and care for the fundamental needs of the master universe as a whole, from Paradise to the fourth and outermost space level.

  • Archrebel (ahrch reb' uhl)

    Lucifer, a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon.

  • Ardnon (ard' nohn)

    Leader of Chaldean priests to whom the birth of Jesus was revealed.

  • Areopagus (ar ee op' uh guhs)

    The Apostle Paul stood before the council of the Areopagus in Athens and told the Athenians about ""the Unknown God."".

  • Areopolis (ar ee op' oh lis)

    One of the cities of Perea, the most beautiful and picturesque province of all Palestine.

  • Aristotle (ar uh stot' l)

    Greek philosopher, successor to Socrates.

  • Arius (uh rahy' uhs)

    Contender with Athanasius at Nicaea.

  • Armageddon (ahr muh ged' n)

    The headquarters of the orange race some three hundred thousand years ago.

  • Armenia (ahr mee' nee uh)

    Landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia.

  • Aroer (ar oh ahr')

    One of the cities of Perea, the most beautiful and picturesque province of all Palestine.

  • Artemis (ahr' tuh mis)

    Most famous goddess of Asia Minor.

  • Artisan (ahr' tuh zuhn)

    These beings are the master artists and artisans of the morontia and lower spirit realms. They are the spirits and semispirits who are engaged in morontia embellishment and in spiritual beautification.

  • Aryan (air' ee uhn)

    Descendents of the Andites who invaded India just prior to the days of Melchizedek.

  • Ascendant (uh sen' duhnt)

    The universal plan for the creation, evolution, ascension, and perfection of will creatures.

  • Ascender (uh sen' der)

    A will creature who is following the divine plan of progress.

  • Ascender-trinitized (uh sen' der trin' i tahyz d)

    One of three orders of creature-trinitized sons.

  • Ascending (uh sen' ding)

    Climbing to the supernal heights of finaliter sonship with God.

  • Ascending Material Sons (uh sen' ding muh teer' ee uhl sohns)

    Liberated Adams and Eves, now on their paradise journey.

  • Ascendington (uh sen' ding)

    One of seven sacred satellite spheres of the Father in circuit around Paradise. This particular world is the rendezvous sphere for the ascendant creatures of time who are traversing Havona on the way to Paradise.

  • Ascension (uh sen' shuhn)

    The plan for spiritualizing and training evolutionary mortals. The amazing plan for perfecting evolutionary mortals and, after their attainment of Paradise and the Corps of the Finality, providing further training for some undisclosed future work, does seem to be, at present, one of the chief concerns of the seven superuniverses and their many subdivisions; but this ascension scheme for spiritualizing and training the mortals of time and space is by no means the exclusive occupation of the universe intelligences. There are, indeed, many other fascinating pursuits which occupy the time and enlist the energies of the celestial hosts.

  • Ashtoreth (ash' tuh reth)

    Palestinian goddess of fertility.

  • Ashur (ah' shoor)

    God of the Assyrians.

  • Ashurbanipal (ah shoor bah' nee pahl)

    Assyrian king.

  • Asmonean (az muh nee' uhn)

    A palace in the upper court of the Jerusalem temple.

  • Asoka (uh soh' kuh)

    Low-caste Indian monarch responsible for the spread of Buddhism.

  • Assigned Sentinels (uh sahyn' d sen' tn ulz)

    A group almost exclusively concerned in keeping the Associate Inspector of their universe fully informed on all matters relating to the welfare and state of the systems of their assignment.

  • Associate Inspectors (uh soh' shee yet in spek' terz)

    The Associate Inspectors are the personal embodiment of the authority of the Supreme Executives to the local universes of time and space.

  • Associate Power Directors (uh soh' shee yet pouer dih rek' terz)

    These marvelously efficient beings are intrusted with the assignment and dispatch of all orders of the Master Physical Controllers in accordance with the ever-shifting needs of the constantly changing energy status of the realms.

  • Associate Registrars (uh soh' shee yet rej' uh strahrz)

    The morontia world has its own recorders, who serve in association with the spirit recorders in the supervision and custody of the records and other data indigenous to the morontia creations.

  • Associators (uh soh' shee yet ohrs)

    The associators are the first group of life to appear on an organizing material sphere.

  • Assuntia (ah sun' ter)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Astarte (a stahr' tee)

    Fertility goddess of northern tribes.

  • Athanasius (ath uh ney' shuhs)

    Greek who vanquished Arlus at Nicaea.

  • Athens (ath' inz)

    Location of the council of the Areopagus in Greece.