Search results for "teachers:Mother Spirit"

Monjoronson - The Obstacle of Fear, The Need for Rest

Location: North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Date: 2005-09-18
Teachers: [Elyon Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. This Universal Park is Full of Job Tasks
  2. The Obstacle of Fear.
  3. The Need for Rest

Monjoronson; Elyon; Celine - Questions To Consider For Preparation of Monjoronsons Appearance on Urantia, Everything is Possible

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2005-10-02
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Jonathan, Mark Rogers
  1. Leaven
  2. Discussion of Preparation
  3. The Miraculous
  4. Questions to the group
  5. Allow Grace to be Poured Out

Margul - Be in Your Highest Awareness, Growth Impacted by Inner or Outer Reality

Location: North Idaho
Date: 2005-10-30
Teachers: [Monjoronson Christ Michael Margul]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
  1. You - An Expansive Universe Treasure,
  2. Growth Impacted by Reality/Reality Impacted by Growth,
  3. Be Your Highest Awareness

Elyon; Cromek; Monjoronson - PrimaryPurpose - Purpose - Value - Service - Nov 06, 2005 - North Idaho

Date: 2005-11-06
Teachers: [Monjoronson Elyon]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
  1. Primary Purpose
  2. Spiritual Growth
  3. You are a Reality Transformer
  4. Purpose, Values, and Service.

Machiventa, Monjoronson - Be Islands of Stability, - Nov 13, 2005 - North Idaho

Date: 2005-11-13
Teachers: []

Monjoronson; Nebadonia - Higher Mind, Creating a Bridge of Intention - Nov 05, 2005 - SOCO

Location: Southern Colorado
Date: 2005-11-05
Teachers: [Monjoronson Nebadonia]
  1. Higher Mind
  2. Creating a Bridge of Intention

Elyon 112705 NorthIdaho - Monjoronson - Michael - Michael's Commitment To You, No darkness can withstand The Father's Light

Date: 2005-11-27
Teachers: []

Elyon 121105 North Idaho - Monjoronson - Clear Path To The Gate

Date: 2005-12-11
Teachers: []

Monjoronson 122905 Teleconference - Growing In Spirit Brings Greater Desire and Opportunities For Service, Answered Prayer

Date: 2005-12-29
Teachers: []

Monjoronson 121505 Teleconference - Receptivity IsTo Spirit What Exercise Is To The Human Body, Feng Shui, Vedic Architecture, Unseen Affects, Forgiveness

Location: Lightline Teleconference
Date: 2005-12-15
Teachers: [Monjoronson]
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers


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