
  • Aaron (air' uhn)

    (1) Brother of Moses, (2) Stone mason whom Jesus healed of withered hand.

  • Abaddon (uh' ba don)

    Chief of staff of the Planetary Prince, Caligastia. He chose to follow Caligastia's lead and join the rebellion at the time of its occurrence approximately 200,000 years ago, and has ever since acted as chief of the Urantia rebels.

  • Abandonter (uh' bon don ter)

    An order of beings residing on Uversa, created by unrevealed agents of the Ancients of Days and the seven Reflective Spirits. They administer the routine affairs on the Uversa headquarters spheres.

  • Abel (ey' buhl)

    First son born to Adam and Eve in the second garden.

  • Abila (ah' buh la)

    One of the Decapolis towns where Jesus taught the apostles and desciples.

  • Abimelech (uh bim' uh lek)

    King of Philistines in Gerar.

  • Abiram (uh bir' uhm)

    Foundation sacrifice buried in walls of Jericho.

  • Abner (ab' ner)

    The chief of John’s apostles.

  • Abraham (ey' bruh ham)

    Convert to Salem teachings [of Melchizedek].

  • Abram (ey' bruhm)

    Name of Abraham prior to his formal acceptance of covenant with Melchizedek.

  • Abridgment (uh brij' muhnt)

    A shortening or reduction.

  • Absalom (ab' suh luhm)

    Son of David.

  • Absoluta (ab suh loo' tah)

    Space potency, a phase of force-energy which is a prereality, considered to be the free space presence of the Unqualified Absolute, and is responsive only to the grasp of the Universal Father.

  • Absolute (ab suh loot')

    The absolute level [of reality] is beginningless, endless, timeless, and spaceless.

  • Absolutes of potentiality (ab suh lootz' uv pur suh nal' i tee)

    The Unqualifed Absolute, the Deity Absolute, and the Universal Absolute.

  • Absolutum (ab suh lew' tum)

    Materialistic composition of Paradise not found elsewhere in the universe of universes.

  • Absonite (ab' son eyet)

    Level of reality between the finite and the absolute which is characterized by things and beings without beginning or ending and by time/space transcendence.

  • Absoniter (ab' son eye ter)

    Eventuated beings existing on the absonite level.

  • Absonitize (ab son' uht eyez)

    To come into existence on the absonite level.

  • Absonity (ab son' uh tee)

    The absonite level of reality.

  • Achaia (uh kah' yuh)

    The Roman province in Greece where Jesus spent time with Ganid, Paul later preached & Luke wrote his Gospel.

  • Acropolis (uh krop' uh lis)

    The Athenean mountain atop which sits the Parthenon and ""under the shadow"" of which Paul proclained the gospel .

  • Actium (ak' tee uhm)

    Greek coastal city near the site of the Ionian Sea battle between the forces of Octavian (later known as Augustos) and the combined forces of Mark Anbthony & Cleopatra.

  • Actual (ak' choo uhl)

    Actual and Potential. Realities existing in fullness of expression in contrast to those which carry undisclosed capacity for growth.

  • Adam (ad' uhm)

    Material Son of God bestowed on Urantia.


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