
  • Baal (bahl)

    Canaanite god of soil fertility.

  • Baalim (bey' uh lim)

    The followers of Baal.

  • Babel (bab' uhl)

    A later name for the city where the architect, Bablot, built the tower.

  • Bablod (bab' lod)

    The name given the location, northeast of Dalamatia, of the 'Tower of Babel' whose designer was Bablot, approximately 150,000 years ago.

  • Bablot (bab' lot)

    A descendant of Nod who developed a plan to erect a pretentious temple to memorialize the Nodite race.

  • Babylon (bab' uh luhn)

    The location where the people of Judah were taken in captivity.

  • Badonan (bah' doh nan)

    A great-great-grandson of Andon and Fonta whose tribe of descendants lived in approximately 991,000 B.C. in the northwestern area of India.

  • Baptism (bap' tiz uhm)

    A rite of admission.

  • Barabbas (buh rab' uhs)

    Murderous robber released by Pilate.

  • Barak (bair' uhk)

    Israelite military leader.

  • Barnabas (bahr' nuh buhs)

    Early covert to new gospel about Jesus.

  • Bartholomew (bahr thol' uh myoo)

    Father of Nathaniel.

  • Bartimeus (bar tih mee' us)

    Blind beggar healed in Jericho.

  • Basques (basks)

    Survivors of the Andites.

  • Bathsheba (bath shee' buh)

    One of David's wives, the mother of Solomon.

  • Bautan (baw' tan)

    A student in Gautama Siddhartha's Benares school who communicated to Gautama the Salem missionary traditions of Melchizedek's covenant with Abraham.

  • Beelzebub (bee el' zuh buhb)

    Leader of the disloyal midway creatures who allied themselves with the forces of the traitorous Caligastia.

  • Beeroth (ba eh' roth)

    A city on Jesus' final tour.

  • Beersheba (beer shee' buh)

    The city in the south of Palestine from which Jesus started his final tour.

  • Beirut (bey root')

    A coastal city of the gentiles.

  • Beit Adis (bee yet ah' dis)

    Jesus lived in an ancient rock cavern, a shelter in the side of the hills near a village sometime called Beit Adis.

  • Beit Jenn (bee yet' jahn)

    A village in the foothills of Mount Hermon.

  • Bel (bel)

    One of seven chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Bel-Marduk (bel mahr' duk)

    A god of the Mesopotamians.

  • Belgium (bel' juhm)

    The most northerly settlement of the Danubians was at Liege in Belgium.

  • Benares (buh nahr' is)

    Location where Gautama founded his school.

  • Berbers (bur berz)

    Survivors of the Andites.

  • Bernice (bur nees')

    Mother of Justa.

  • Bestowal (bih stoh' uhl)

    The bestowal plan is the great Father-revelation enterprise of the Eternal Son and his co-ordinate Sons and consists of his bestowal of the Sons of God upon the evolutionary creations.

  • Beth-Marion (beth mahr' ee uhn)

    Fanatical Phoenician woman.

  • Beth-Meon (beth me' ohn)

    A city in Perea.

  • Beth-Nimrah (beth nim' rah)

    A city in Perea.

  • Beth-Peor (beth pee' or)

    A city in Perea.

  • Beth-shean (beth she' uhn)

    A ancient Hebrew city that became Scythopolis, the chief Greek city of the Decapolis.

  • Bethabara (Beth ab’ ar a)

    The Bethany ford of the Jordan.

  • Bethany (beth' uh nee)

    A little village on the eastern slopes of Olivet .

  • Bethel (beth' uhl)

    The location of Jacob's well in Samaria.

  • Bethesda (buh thez' duh)

    A pool of water outside of Jerusalem.

  • Bethlehem (beth' li hem)

    The City of David.

  • Bethpage (beth peyj')

    A hamlet near Bethany.

  • Bethsaida (beth sey' i duh)

    The home of Zebedee on the lake to the south of Capernaum.

  • Bildad (bil' dad)

    Friend of Job.

  • Bithynia (bih thin' ee uh)

    An area north of Jerusalem.

  • Blackfoot (blak' foot)

    American Indians descended from Onamonalonton.

  • Bon (bon)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff (see Ang), headed the board of animal domestication and utilization.

  • Bosora (bow sohr' ah)

    A city in Perea.

  • Brahma (brah' muh)

    The first member of the supreme trinity of Hinduism.

  • Brahman-Absolute (brah' muhn ab' suh loot)

    Vedic concept of the Absolute.

  • Brahman-Narayana (brah' muhn nah rahyn' yah)

    The primordial creative potency of the potential cosmos, in East Indian religious philosophy.

  • Brenner Pass (bren' ur pahs)

    A route to the Danube valley.

  • Bretons (bret n)

    Survivors of the original Andonite inhabitants of western Europe, mixed with the Mediterranean stock.

  • Bright and Morning Stars (brahyt and mawr' ning stahrz)

    Of the first order of Universe Aids, there is just one in each local universe.

  • Brilliant Evening Stars (bril' yuhnt eev' ning stahrz)

    Local universe personalities who are associated with the Trinity Teacher Sons.

  • Buddha (boo' duh)

    Great truth teacher of sixth century B.C.

  • Buddhist (boo' dist)

    The Buddhist religion promises salvation from suffering, unending peace.

  • Bushmen (boosh' muhn)

    The African Bushmen have never progressed beyond this primitive stage.

  • Busiris (boo' suh rees)

    David’s messenger regarding the crucifixion, being the fifth in the Jerusalem-Alexandria relay of runners.


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