(see zahr)
Title of Roman emperors.
(see zahr)
The capital of the Tetrarch Philip’s domain.
(key' uh fuhs)
The high priest of the Sanhedrin.
Son of Eve and Cano.
(key' luhb)
Only Caleb and Joshua from among all the hosts that went out of Egypt lived to enter the promised land.
(kal I gas' chah)
A secondary Lanondek Son who served as Planetary Prince of Urantia until he betrayed his trust and joined the Lucifer rebellion approximately 200,000 years ago.
(kuh lig' yuh luh)
Roman emperor.
(kal' vuh ree)
Where Jesus died on the cross.
(key' nuh)
A town in Galilee near Nazareth.
(key' nuhn)
Melchizedek told Abraham the story of the future occupation of Canaan by his offspring after their sojourn in Egypt.
(kay' noh)
A brilliant leader of a Nodite colony near the Garden of Eden with whom Eve was encouraged by Serapatatia to mate, thereby causing the Adamic default approximately 37,800 years ago.
(kuh pur' ney uhm)
Town where Zebedee's boat-building shop was located.
(kap i toh' lee um)
A temple in Rome dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva.
(kap' yoo uh)
A town in Italy linked by the Appian Way to Rome.
(kahr' thij)
A city in northern Africa.
(kas' pee uhn)
A sea in the vicinity of Lake Van .
(kas' pihn)
A town in Perea.
(kaw' kuh soid)
The Andite blend of the Nodite and Adamic stocks.
(kaw zal' i tee)
The response of effect to antecedent action.
Believer who made brief gospel record in A.D. 78.
(suh' les chuhl)
The spiritual equivalent of terrestrial.
Celestial Artisans
(suh' les chuhl ahr' tuh zuhn)
The master artists and artisans of the morontia and lower spirit realms.
Celestial astronomers
(suh' les chuhl uh stron' uh mer)
Star students.
Celestial Guardians
(suh' les chuhl gahr' dee uhnz)
Officers of the courts of the Ancients of Days.
Celestial Overseers
(suh' les chuhl oh' ver see erz)
A recruited corps embracing all types of individuals connected with the scheme of educating and training the ascending mortals.
Celestial Recorders
(suh' les chuhl ri kawr' derz)
The recorders who execute all records in duplicate, making an original spirit recording and a semimaterial counterpart .
Celestial visitors
(suh' les chuhl viz' i terz)
Observers, exchange pupils, and student helpers.
(sel' sus)
Believer in Caesarea-Philippi.
(sel' tuh)
One of the first ten women evangelists.
Census Directors
(sen' suhs dih rek' ter)
The Census Directors are a special and completed creation of the Infinite Spirit. These directors, by a not-fully-understood technique, are made immediately aware of the birth of will in any part of the grand universe.
(sen' ter sohrs)
The Paradise Trinity.
Central Universe
(sen' truhl yoo' nuh vurs)
The never-beginning, never-ending creation of divine perfection — the central universe of Havona.
(sen' truhm)
The three zones of absolute force presence and performance on the nether side of Paradise.
Chinese merchant with whom Jesus had many visits.
(kar' ax)
A city on the Persian Gulf .
(khah zahn')
An officer of the synagogue.
(kee dohr lay' oh mehr)
King of Elam during Abraham's time.
(kee' mosh)
God of the Amorites.
(cher' uhb im)
Assistants to the seraphim.
(ko ra' zin)
A city that did not well receive the gospel.
Michael, the sovereign of our universe of Nebadon .
Christ Michael
(krahyst mahy kuhl)
Son of Man and Son of God.
(kris' chuhn)
A cult started by Paul on “the blood of the everlasting covenant.” .
(kronol' dek)
An order of frandalanks, or Master Physical Controllers, who register time as well as quantitative and qualitative energy presence (see frandalanks).
(choo' zah)
Steward of Herod Antipas.
(sis' uh roh)
Roman orator.
Circle of eternity
(sur' kuhl uv ih tur' ni tee)
God is the perfected circle of eternity.
(sur' kit)
May be material or spiritual .
Circuit Regulators
(sur' kit reg' yuh ley ter)
The unique beings who co-ordinate physical and spiritual energy .
(sur' kyuh ler grav' i tee)
The energy presence of the Isle of Paradise.
Claudia Procula
(klaw' dee uh pokk' yoo lah)
Wife of Pontius Palate.
(klaw' dee uhs)
(1) Wealthy slave holder with whom Jesus talked in Rome, (2) Discouraged young woman who became a preacher.
(klem' uhnt)
Pupil of Pantaenus at Alexandria.
(klee' oh pas)
Shepherd of Emmaus who observed 7th morontia appearance of Jesus.
(klo' ah)
Ancestor of Mary.
(kloh' pas)
Husband of Jesus' aunt.
(koh ab' suh loot)
One of three superfinite possibilities for universe manifestation contained by the Supreme Being.
(koh kree ey' tiv)
Not wholly subject to the fetters of antecedent causation.
Combined Controllers
(kuhm bahynd' kuhn troh' lerz)
Highly mechanical beings sensitive to, and functional with, physical, spiritual, and morontial energies.
(kuhn fyoo' shuhs)
Chinese proclaimer of truth in the 6th century B.C.
Conjoint Actor
(kuhn joint' ak' ter)
The spirit-mind personality, the source of intelligence, reason, and the universal mind.
(kon' stuhn teen)
Roman emperor who adopted Christianity.
(kon stuh ley' shuhn)
One hundred systems (about 100,000 inhabitable planets) make up a Constellation.
Constellation Centers
(kon stuh ley' shuhn sen' ter)
Ten of these living power centers are stationed in each constellation.
Constellation Univitatia
(kon stuh ley' shuhn yoo nee veh tay' shah)
The corps of permanent citizenship listed in the Uversa Personality Register.
Consummator of Universe Destiny
(kon' suh meyt of uv yoo' nuh vurs des' tuh nee)
A member of The Absolute Trinity.
(kuhn tin' yoo uhm)
The nonbeginning, nonending aspect of the Infinity, the I AM.
(kawr' inth)
The capital of the Roman province of Achaia.
(kawr neel' yuhs)
Roman centurion who became believer.
Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters
(kawr uv kuhn joint' trin' i tayhd fahy nal' i tur)
Part of the seven Corps of the Finality.
Corps of Havona Finaliters
(kawr uv)
Part of the seven Corps of the Finality.
Corps of Mortal Finaliters
(kawr uv mohr' tul fahy nal' i turs)
Part of the seven Corps of the Finality.
Corps of Paradise Finaliters
(kawr uv)
Part of the seven Corps of the Finality.
Corps of Permanent Citizenship
(kawr uv pur' muh nuhnt sit' uh zuhn)
One of the seven grand divisions of the divine family of living beings registered on Uversa.
Corps of the Finality
(kawr uv thuh fahy nal' i tee)
The group that embraces, among others, those mortals of time and space who have attained perfection in all that pertains to the will of God.
Corps of Transcendental Finaliters
(kawr uv tran sen denl' tl fahy nal' i turs)
A member group of the Paradise Corps of the Finality.
Corps of Trinitized Finaliters
(kawr uv trin' i tahyzd fahy nal' i turs)
Creature-trinitized sons.
Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny
(kawr uv un ri veel' d sohns uv des' tuh nee)
One of the seven Corps of the Finality.
(koz' mik fawrs)
All energies deriving from the Unqualified Absolute but which are as yet unresponsive to Paradise gravity.
(koz' mik mahynd)
Mind circuits of the grand universe.
Courtesy colonies
(kur' tuh see kol' uh nees)
The seven courtesy colonies sojourn on the architectural spheres for a longer or shorter time while engaged in the furtherance of their missions and in the execution of their special assignments.
Created Citizens of Paradise
(kree ey' ted sit' uh zuhns uv par' uh dahys)
A member group of the Corps of Permanent Citizenship.
Creative Daughter
(kree ey' tiv daw' ter)
A daughter of the Infinite Spirit, the Divine Minister, the Mother Spirit of a local universe.
Creative Spirit
(kree ey' tiv spir' itz)
Partner of the Creator Son of a local universe.
(kree ey' ter)
God the Father is the personal Creator of Paradise and, in association with the Eternal Son, the Creator of all other personal universe Creators.
Creator personalities
(kree ey' ter pur suh nal' i tees)
The Supreme Creator personalities, ranging from the Master Spirits to the Creator Sons, emerge from Paradise to engage in the agelong task of bringing the evolving universes into factual being.
Creator Son
(kree ey' ter sohn)
The fathers of the inhabited worlds and the sovereigns of the local universes.
(kree' cher trin' i tayhd)
The union of finaliters and Paradise-Havona personalities.
(kris' pus)
Chief ruler of synagogue at Corinth.
(kroh mag' nuhn)
Members of the post-Adamic blue race.
(kroo suh fik' shuhn)
A harsh method of punishment learned by the Greeks and the Romans from the Phoenicians.
A container.
(kuhl' tiz uhm)
A symbolism of rituals, slogans, or goals.
Custodians of Records on Paradise
(kuh stoh' dee uhnz uv rek' erdz ohn par' uh dahys)
One of the groups comprising the Messenger Hosts of Space.
(cuth' itz)
One of the groups sent to replace the Jews of the northern kingdom of Israel who were taken into captivity by the king of Assyria.
(cue' tahyts)
One of the groups that occupied the first garden after it was vacated by Adam.
(sib' uh lee)
Mother of Attis In Phyrgian cult.
(sim boy' ton)
A wealthy Urmia merchant at whose school of religion Jesus taught in the spring of A.D. 25.
(sin' ik)
Roman philosophers who derived much of their doctrine from the remnants of the teachings of Machiventa Melchizedek.
(sahy' pruhs)
A Mediterranean island settled by the Mesopotamians around 5000 B.C.
(sahy ree' nee)
A city in northern Africa.
(sahy' ruhs)
Persian king who seized Babylon in 538 B.C.