
  • Gabriel (gey' bree uhl)

    Chief executive of Michael on Salvington.

  • Gad (gad)

    Leader of a tribe that traditionally had dwelt in the regions east of the Jordan River.

  • Gadara (ga dahr' rah)

    A Greek city of the Decapolis.

  • Gadda (gad' duh)

    A city in Perea.

  • Gadiah (gad' ee ah)

    A young Philistine truth-seeker working in Joppa with whom Jesus, in A.D.22-23, discussed the story of Jonah and the whale and good and evil.

  • Gaius (gey' uhs)

    Friend of Crispus who later became loyal supporter of Paul.

  • Galantia (gal ahn' sha)

    The ascended superangel who maintains the Jerusem headquarters of the Brilliant Evening Stars, a local universe class of superangels brought into being by the Creator Son and Creative Spirit (see Gavalia).

  • Galilee (gal' uh lee)

    A large region in northern Israel extending from Dan to the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, along Mount Lebanon to the ridges of Mount Carmel and Mount Gilboa to the south, and from the Jordan Rift Valley to the east across the plains of the Jezreel Valley and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Coastal Plain in the west.

  • Gamala (guh mey' luh)

    City visited by Jesus and his twelve apostles in the second public preaching tour of Galilee .

  • Gamaliel (guh mey' lee uhl)

    One of Jerusalem's leading rabbis.

  • Gangetic (guhn je' tik)

    A plain in India also called the North Indian Plain, extensive North Central section of the Indian Subcontinent.

  • Ganid (Gey' nid)

    The 17-year-old son of a wealthy Indian traveler with whom Jesus traveled around the Mediterranean basin A.D. 22-23 (see Gonod).

  • Gath (gath)

    City in the north of Philistia.

  • Gautama Siddhartha (gaw' tuh muh si dahr tuh)

    Founder of Buddhism.

  • Gavalia (Guh vah' lee yah)

    The first-born and head of the Brilliant Evening Stars, who for the past 1,900 years has been assigned to ascendant mortal ministry. Gavalia's associate, Galantia,currently maintains the Jerusem headquarters of this class of local universe superangels.

  • Gaza (gah' zuh)

    City of Philistia in the coast of the Great Sea.

  • Geba (gey' buh)

    City of Judah at the north of Jerusalem.

  • Gehenna (gi hen' uh)

    A place outside ancient Jerusalem, known in the Hebrew Bible as the Valley of the Son of Hinnom.

  • Genghis Khan (jeng' gis kahn')

    Great Mongol warrior.

  • Gennesaret (jen es' uhr et)

    A region around Gennesaret lake (also, Sea of Tiberius, Sea of Galilee, Sea of Chinnereth) at the north of the Dead Sea.

  • Gerar (gee' rahr)

    Town and district in what is today south central Israel

  • Gerasa (gee' rah suh)

    One of the most important Roman cities,located in the region of Decapolis.

  • Gerizim (gee' ri seem)

    Mount in the north west of Jerusalem near Shechem.

  • Geshur (gee' shuhr)

    Kingdom in the east of Galilee Sea.

  • Gethsemane (geth sem' uh nee)

    Park situated on the western slope of the Mount of Olives to the east side of Jerusalem, where Jesus prayed.

  • Gibeon (gib' ee uhn)

    City located to the northwest of Jerusalem.

  • Gibraltar (ji brawl' ter)

    Strait connecting Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, between Spain and North Africa.

  • Gideon (gib' ee uhn)

    One of the judges of Israel.

  • Gilboa (jil boh' uh)

    Mounth near Jezreel valley and Jordan River, at southeast of Mt. Carmel.

  • Gischala (gis kah' luh)

    Town in the north of the Galilee Sea, in the west of the Jordan river , where Jesus and apostles preached the gospel and baptized believers.

  • Glantonia (Glan toh' nee uh)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Glorified (glawr' uh fahyd)

    To make glorious; give glory to.

  • God (god)

    The personalizaton of Deity.

  • God-hunger (god huhng' ger)

    Aspect of the Deity leveraged when the human being is doing the God's will.

  • God-hungry (god huhng' rhee)

    Aspect of the mortal mind related with the desire of spiritual growth.

  • God-knowing (god noh' ing)

    Knowledge that humans have about God.

  • God the Absolute (god' thee ab' suh loot)

    The experientializing God of transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings, now existential as the Deity Absolute.

  • God the Almighty (god thee awl mahy' tee)

    The Supreme Being functions primarily in the central universe as a spirit personality; secondarily in the grand universe as God the Almighty.

  • God the Father (god thee fah' ther)

    Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.

  • God the Sevenfold (god thee sev' uhn fohld)

    Deity personality anywhere actually functioning in time and space.

  • God the Son (god thee suhn)

    Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.

  • God the Spirit (god thee spir' it)

    Conjoint Actor, Universal Integrator, and Mind Bestower. The Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity.

  • God the Supreme (god thee suh preem')

     The actualizing or evolving God of time and space.

  • God-unidentified (god uhn ahy den' tuh fahyd)

    Not associated with God.

  • Godad (goh' dad)

    A sixth-century B.C. hermit whose instructions concerning the traditions of the Melchizedek missionaries were ignored by Gautama Siddhartha.

  • Godheads (god' hed)

    Each one of the personalities of the trinity.

  • Godlike (God' layk)

    Divine, like God.

  • Godlikeness (God layk' nes)

    To be like God.

  • Godward (god' werd)

    In the direction or likeness of God.

  • Golgotha (gol' guh thuh)

    Place in Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.

  • Goliath (guh lahy' uhth)

    Philistine warrior.

  • Gonod (Goh nod')

    A wealthy Indian traveler and father of Ganid with whom Jesus traveled around the Mediterranean basin A.D. 22-23 (see Ganid).

  • Gophna (gohf' nuh)

    Small village to the north of Jerusalem. Today it is known as Jifna.

  • Gospel (gos' puhl)

    Life of Jesus of Nazareth described in the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

  • Gradant (gray' dant)

    The standard weight measure on Jerusem which is equivalent to ten ounces of weight on Urantia.

  • Graduate Guides (graj' oo eyt gahyds')

    Personalities who sponsor and conduct the high university of technical instruction and spiritual training of mortals. .

  • Grand Universe (grand yoo' nuh vurs)

    The present organized and inhabited creation.

  • Grandfanda (Grand fahn' duh)

    The first ascendent mortal to reach Havona. He was a pilgrim from a planet in superuniverse number one.

  • Gravita (grah vee' tuh)

    The name given to energy-matter of dual constitution, which is responsive to linear gravity, and which is the basis of the physical systems of the superuniverses.

  • Gravitation (grav i tey' shuhn)

    Natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distances between their centers.

  • Gravity (grav' i tee)

    Physical, mindal, or spiritual force due to gravitation in any of these domains.

  • Gravity-embraced (grav' i tee em breysd')

    Under the effect of the gravity.

  • Gravity Messengers (grav' i tee mes' uhn jers)

    Spirits who utilize gravity for purposes of transit; they can go anywhere any time — instanter — but they are not persons.

  • Greco-Roman (gree koh roh' muhn)

    Refers to those geographical regions that culturally were influenced by the language, culture, government and religion of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

  • Greenland (green' luhnd)

    Island between the Artic and Atlantic Ocenas, near Canada.

  • Guardian of Destiny (gahr' dee uhn ov des' tuh nee)

    Seraphim devoted to the ministry to individual mortals.

  • Guites (gayts)

    Tribe of Northern Mesopotamia.


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