
  • Ebal (ee' bahl)

    Location of the traditions of Abraham, Jacob, and Abimelech.

  • Eber (ee' bur)

    An officer of the Sanhedrin who, when sent to arrest Jesus after his first temple talk, refused to do so.

  • Ebullition (eb uh lish' uhn)


  • Eden (eed' n)

    The planetary headquarters of such an Adam and Eve is usually denominated the Garden of Eden.

  • Edentia (ee dehnt' sha)

    The headquarters world of Norlatiadek, the constellation to which our system belongs.

  • Edrei (en' dree)

    One of the cities of the Decapolis.

  • Ego-entity (ee' goh en' ti tee)

    The material self.

  • Egypt (ee' jipt)

    Egypt became the successor of Mesopotamia as the headquarters of the most advanced group on earth.

  • El elyon (el el' ee ohn)

    Melchizedek's term denoting the Most High, the one and only God.

  • El Shaddai (el shah' dahy)

    This idea of God was a composite derived from the teachings of Amenemope’s Book of Wisdom modified by Ikhnaton’s doctrine of Aton and further influenced by Melchizedek’s teachings embodied in the concept of El Elyon.

  • Elam (ee luhm)

    The highland regions of Elam just east of the Euphrates valley.

  • Elealah (el aw lay')

    A city in Perea.

  • Electron (ih lek' tron)

    Electronic matter — the electrical stage of material differentiation — electrons, protons, and various other units entering into the varied constitution of the electronic groups.

  • Eleusinian (el yoo sin' ee uhn)

    Mysteries that grew up within the Olympian pantheon, a Greek version of the worship of fertility.

  • Elihu (el' uh hyoo)

    Prophet of Ur and priest of Salem believers.

  • Elijah (ih lahy' juh)

    A translated soul of brilliant spiritual achievement during the post-Material Son age.

  • Elijah Mark (ih lahy' juh mahrk)

    Father of John Mark.

  • Eliphaz (el' uh faz)

    The first of Job’s friends.

  • Elisha ([ih lahy' shuh)

    Faithful associate of Elijah.

  • Elizabeth (ih liz' uh buhth)

    (1) Mother of John the Baptist, (2) One of the first ten women evangelists.

  • Ellanora (elah' nor uh)

    A young woman on the planet of Panoptia whose leadership during the Lucifer rebellion ensured that not a single Panoptian joined with the planet's apostate Planetary Prince.

  • Elman (el' mahn)

    Syrian physician at Bethsaida camp.

  • Eloah (e loh' uh)

    The singular for Elohim.

  • Elohim (e loh' him)

    The Trinity was worshiped in Egypt under the name of Elohim.

  • Elyonist (el' ee ohn ist)

    A worshiper of El Elyon.

  • Emergent energy (ih mur' juhnt en' er jee)

    Embraces those energies which are responsive to Paradise gravity but are as yet unresponsive to local or linear gravity.

  • Emmaus (uh mey' uhs)

    A town about seven miles west of Jerusalem.

  • En-Gannim (en gan' im)

    One of the stops on Jesus' final tour.

  • Endantum (en dahnt' um)

    The constellation headquarters planet on which Michael experienced his sixth bestowal as a morontia mortal.

  • Endor (en' dohr)

    One of the towns surrounding Nazareth.

  • Energy (en' er jee)

    An all-inclusive term applied to forces across the spiritual, mindal, and material realms.

  • Energy Transformers (en' er jee trans mit' erz)

    One of the groups comprising the Master Physical Controllers.

  • Energy Transmitters (en' er jee)

    One of the groups comprising the Master Physical Controllers.

  • Engedi (en jed' ee)

    A colony on the Dead Sea.

  • Enoch (ee' nuhk)

    (1) First translated Urantia mortal, (2) First son of Cain and Ramona.

  • Enos (ee' nuhs)

    Grandson of Adam and Eve, son of Seth, Adam and Eve's eldest surviving second garden son, co-founder with Seth and his own son, Kenan, of the Sethite priesthood.

  • Ensa (en' suh)

    The name of the minor sector of the superuniverse of Orvonton to which our local universe, Nebadon, belongs (see Orvonton).

  • Enseraphim (en ser' uh fim)

    The process of unconscious slumber when in transit sleep during the passage from one sphere to another.

  • Enta (ehn' tuh)

    One of Jesus' mother Mary's female ancestors.

  • Ephesians (ih fee' zhuhnz)

    Residents of the capital of the Roman province of Asia.

  • Ephesus (ef' uh suhs)

    The capital of the Roman province of Asia.

  • Ephraim (ee' free uhm)

    Hill country of the northern Israelites .

  • Epicurean (ep i kyoo ree' uhn)

    The school of thought dedicated to the pursuit of happiness.

  • Epistles (ih pis' uhls)

    The writings of Paul.

  • Epoch (ep' uhk)

    An isolated stretch of time.

  • Error (er' er)

    The willful rejection of truth.

  • Esdraelon (es drey ee' lon)

    The broad and fertile plain country of Esdraelon, stretching from Nazareth toward Mount Gilboa and Samaria.

  • Eskimos (es' kuh mohs)

    Descendents of the Foxhall peoples.

  • Esta (es' tah)

    Wife of James.

  • Esther (es' ter)

    Jewish woman who became queen or Persia.

  • Eternal (ih tur' nul)

    Never-beginning, never-ending.

  • Eternal decision (ih tur' nul dih sizh' uhn)

    To God, as absolute, an ascending mortal who has made the eternal decision is already a Paradise finaliter.

  • Eternal Son (ih tur' nul sohn)

    The Second Person of Deity, Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and Spiritual Administrator.

  • Eternaliter (ih tur' nul ahyz)

    A being of eternal existence and nature.

  • Eternalize (ih tur' nl ahyz)

    Become never-ending.

  • Eternals of Days (ih tur' nulz uv deyz)

    One of the groups comprising the Stationary Sons of the Trinity.

  • Eternity (ih tur' ni tee)

    Without beginning or end.

  • Ether (ee' ther)

    A collective name to designate a group of force and energy activities occurring in space.

  • Eve (eve)

    Material Daughter who became the mother of the violet race on Urantia.

  • Eventod (ee' vuhn tohd)

    The name by which Michael was known during his fifth bestowal as an ascending mortal on Uversa, headquarters world of the superuniverse of Orvonton.

  • Eventuate (ih ven' choo yet)

    Exist without being created.

  • Eventuated transcendental beings (ih ven' choo ey ed tran sen den' tl bee ings)

    The eventuated children of divinity, ultimacy, and eternity. These “eventuators” are neither finite nor infinite — they are absonite; and absonity is neither infinity nor absoluteness.

  • Eventuating (ih ven' choo ey ting)

    Emerging — as in the eventuated existences of certain absonite and associated beings, e.g., God the Ultimate.

  • Eventuation (ih ven' choo ey shun)

    By example

  • Eventuators (ih ven' choo eyt ohrs)

    Beings who are neither finite nor infinite — they are absonite; and absonity is neither infinity nor absoluteness.

  • Eveson (eev' sohn)

    The second-born son of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, born in approximately 35,900 B.C.

  • Evolutional (ev uh loo' shuhn ul)

    The change over time in the inherent biologic, organic, mindal, or spiritual attributes of an living entity.

  • Evolutionary (ev uh loo' shuh ner ee)

    The change over time in the inherent biologic, organic, mindal, or spiritual attributes of an living entity.

  • Evolvement (ih' volv mehnt)

    Progressive development .

  • Existential (eg zi sten' shuhl)

    Of eternal existence, past, present, and future.

  • Experiential (ik speer ee en' shuhl)

    Of, or having the capacity to, experience.

  • Extra-Havona (ek' struh hah vohn' nah)

    Outside of Havona.

  • Extragalactic (ek' struh guh lak' tik)

    The remote stretches of outer space.

  • Extrasolar (ek' struh soh' ler)

    Outside of the sun.

  • Extrauniverse (ek' struh yoo' nuh vurs)

    Outside of the universes.

  • Ezda (ez' duh)

    Orphan lad whom John the Baptist cared for.

  • Ezekiel (ih zee' kee uhl)

    Hebrew prophet during exile.

  • Ezra (ez' ruh)

    (1) Father of Rebecca, (2) a wealthy merchant and trader of Nazareth.

  • Ezraeon (ez righ' on)

    Owner of boat carrying Joseph and Mary to Joppa.


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