
  • Hades (hey' deez)

    A place invented by the Greeks to receive weak souls.

  • Hagar (hey' gahr)

    One or Abraham's concubines.

  • Haggai (hag' ee ahy)

    Hebrew prophet.

  • Hallel (hah leyl')

    The responsive reading of the Psalms accompanied by waving of the branches before the altar.

  • Hammurabi (hah moo rah' bee)

    Babylonian king.

  • Han (hahn)

    Chinese emperor.

  • Hanavard (hahn' uh vuhrd)

    A primary Lanonandek Son who is currently serving as the high counselor and acting chairman of the execufive council of the Satania system.

  • Hannah (han' uh)

    Mother of Mary.

  • Hap (hap)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff (see Ang). Hap headed the council of the college of revealed religion.

  • Haran (hey' ruhn)

    A stopping place between Ur and Canaan.

  • Hatita (hey' tuh tuh)

    Village visited by Jesus and his apostles.

  • Havona (Hah vohn' uh)

    The central and divine universe, an eternal, wholly created, and perfect planetary family containing one billion worlds arranged in seven concentric circuits contiguous to and surrounding Paradise.

  • Havona Centers (Hah vohn' uh sen' ters)

    Power centers supervising the energy regulation in the Havona worlds.

  • Havona Natives (Hah vohn' uh ney' tivs)

    Permanent residents of Havona descending directly from the Trinity of the Paradise.

  • Havona Pilgrims (Hah vohn' uh pil' grim)

    A term used to refer to surviving mortals when they arrive on Havona.

  • Havona Servitals (Hah vohn' uh suhr' vi tuhls)

    Beings created by the work of the Seven Master Spirits and their associates, the Seven Supreme Power Directors.

  • Havonal (Hah vohn' uhl)

    One of the three kind of activity in circuits of Havona.

  • Havoner (Hah vohn' her)

    Inhabitant of Havona.

  • Hebrews (hee' brooz)

    Israelites or Jews living in Judea.

  • Hebron (hee' bruhn)

    City of Judah in the west of the Salt Sea.

  • Heidelberg (hahyd' l burg)

    German City situated in the southwest portion of the country.

  • Hell (hel)

    Place invented for the punishment of taboo violators.

  • Hellenes (hel eenz')

    The Greek people.

  • Hellenist (hel' uh nist)

    Someone focused on the study of Greek culture.

  • Hellenized (hel' uh nahyz)

    Term used to describe something influenced by the ancient Greek culture.

  • Henselon (Hen' suh Ion)

    A local universe neighbor of Nebadon.

  • Herod (her' uhd)

    Anyone of the Herodian dynasty.

  • Herod Agrippa (her' uhd uh grip' uh)

    King of the Jews after his uncle Herod Antipas. Killed James.

  • Herod Antipas (her' uhd uhn tee' puhs)

    Governor of Galilee and Perea during Jesus youth and ministry to A.D. 39. Son of Herod the Great.

  • Herod the Idumean (her' uhd thee id yoo mee' uh)

    Founder of the Herodian Dynasty. Father of Herod the Great, Grandfather of Herod Antipas.

  • Herodian (huh roh' dee uhn)

    Political party that advocated emancipation from the direct Roman rule by a restoration of the Herodian dynasty.

  • Herodias (huh roh' dee uhs)

    Unlawful wife of Herod Antipas.

  • Heshbon (Hesh bohn')

    An ancient town located at the east side of the Jordan River.

  • Hestia (hes' tee uh)

    Greek goddess of the hearth.

  • Hesunanin (Heh soo nan' in)

    The first name of Onamonalonton (see Onamonalonton).

  • Hezekiah (hez uh kahy' uh)

    Judean king and reformer.

  • High Commissioners (hahy kuh mish' uh ners)

    One of the seven orders of Helpers of the Universe.

  • High Son Assistants (hahy suhn uh sis' tuhnt)

    Mighty messengers of the Perfection of days, one of the seven Supreme trinity Personalities.

  • Hildana (hil deyn' uh)

    Woman accused of adultery.

  • Himalayas (him uh ley' uhz)

    Mountain range in Asia, separating the Indian subcontinent from the Tibet Plateau.

  • Hinduism (hin' doo iz uhm)

    Predominant religious tradition of the Indian subcontinent.

  • Hinnom (hin' uhm)

    Valley outside of Jerusalem.

  • Hippos (hip' ohs)

    A town at the east of the Galilee Sea.

  • Hiram (hahy' ruhm)

    King of Tyre during times or David and Solomon.

  • Hittites (hit' ahyt)

    Tribe living in the hills of Canaan during the era of the Patriarchs.

  • Holdant (Hohl' dant)

    A tertiary Lanonandek Son who is currently serving in the Satania system government as custodian of the system, controller and holder of all interned spirits above the mortal level.

  • Holy (hoh' lee)

    Dedicated or devoted to the service of God.

  • Holy Spirit (hoh' lee spir' it)

    The Holy Spirit is the spiritual circuit of this Creative Daughter of the Paradise Infinite Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a circuit indigenous to each local universe and is confined to the spiritual realm of that creation; but the Infinite Spirit is omnipresent.

  • Honen Shonin (hoh' nuhn sho' neen)

    Japanese teacher of Buddhism.

  • Horeb (hawr' eb)

    Another name for the biblical Mount Sinai.

  • Horus (hawr' uhs)

    Egyptian deity, son of Osiris and Isis.

  • Hosannas (hoh zan' uh)

    Cry of praise or adoration shouted in recognition of the messiahship of Jesus.

  • Hosea (hoh zee' uh)

    Prophet of northern kingdom of Israel.

  • Humanistic (hyoo' muh nistik)

    An approach in study, philosophy, or practice that focuses on human values and concerns.

  • Humanized (hyoo' muh nahyzd)

    To made human or humanlike.

  • Hydrosphere (hahy' druh sfeer)

    Describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet.

  • Hyrcanus (hahr' kahn uhs)

    A Maccabeean leader who destroyed the Temple of Mount Gerizim.


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