
  • Pagan (pey' guhn)

    A combination of Hellenic and Latin mythology, patriotism, and tradition.

  • Palatine (pal' uh tahyn)

    A hill in Rome where were located the emperor’s residence, the temple of Apollo, and the Greek and Latin libraries.

  • Palestine (pal' uh stahyn)

    An area centrally located with reference to the then existent trade, travel, and civilization of the world.

  • Palonia (pahl oh' nee uh)

    The system in which Michael made his second bestowal, as a primary Lanonandek Son serving as System Sovereign.

  • Panoptia (pan op' sha)

    The only world among the 38 rebellion-touched planets in the Satania system whose peoples refused to join their Planetary Prince in allying with the Lucifer rebels (see Ellanora).

  • Pantaenus (pan tay' nuhs)

    Believer who taught in India.

  • Pantheism (pan' thee iz uhm)

    To accept the fallacy of omnificence is to embrace the colossal error of pantheism.

  • Paphos (pey' fos)

    A landing on Cyprus.

  • Paradise (par' uh dahys)

    Paradise is the geographic center of infinity and the dwelling place of the eternal God. Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon. This universe, together with similar creations, makes up the superuniverse of Orvonton, from whose capital, Uversa, our commission hails. Orvonton is one of the seven evolutionary superuniverses of time and space which circle the never-beginning, never-ending creation of divine perfection — the central universe of Havona. At the heart of this eternal and central universe is the stationary Isle of Paradise, the geographic center of infinity and the dwelling place of the eternal God.

  • Paradise Arrivals (par' uh dahys uh rahy' vuhls)

    The final stage in the mortal ascent to Paradise.

  • Paradise Citizens (par' uh dahys sit' uh zuhns)

    Co-ordinate Trinity-origin Beings resident on Paradise.

  • Paradise Companions (par' uh dahys kuhm pan' yuhns)

    An order of the the Messenger Hosts of Space.

  • Paradise Corps of the Finality (par' uh dahys kohr uv thuh fahy nal' i tee)

    A composite personality group resident in Uversa.

  • Paradise Deities (par' uh dahys dee' i tees)

    The Universal Father, The Eternal Son, The Infinite Spirit.

  • Paradise Father (par' uh dahys)

    The eternal God — the Paradise Father of all universe personalities.

  • Paradise-Havona-trinitized Sons (par' uh dahys huh vohn' uh trin' i titzd suhns)

    One of the three orders of creature-trinitized sons, the result the trinitization of certain high spiritual aspects of the Supreme Being .

  • Paradise-Havoner (par' uh dahys huh vohn' er)

    The creative efforts of the Paradise Citizens and the Havoners.

  • Paradiseward (par' uh dahys wurd)

    Toward Paradise.

  • Paradisiacal (par uh di sahy' uh kuhl)

    One aspect of the activities of seven-circuited Havona.

  • Parsees (pahr' sees)

    Modern perverters of the gospel of Zoroaster.

  • Parthia (pahr' thee uh)

    One of the countries in the region of Palestine.

  • Pattern (pat ern)

    Can be projected as material, spiritual, or mindal, or any combination of these energies. It can pervade personalities, identities, entities, or nonliving matter. But pattern is pattern and remains pattern; only copies are multiplied.

  • Paul of Tarsus (pawl uv tahr' suhs)

    One of the greatest teachers of this era along with Jesus and Philo of Alexandria.

  • Pauline (paw' lahyn)

    The version of the life and teachings of the Son of Man which became paganized Christianity.

  • Pella (pel' uh)

    A city near the Jordan River in Perea.

  • Pentecost (pen' ti kawst)

    A feast occurring seven weeks after Passover.

  • Penuel (peh new' uhl)

    A city in Perea.

  • Pepi (pep' ee)

    Egyptian king.

  • Perea (pur ree' uh)

    The most beautiful and picturesque province of all Palestine.

  • Perfect (pur' fikt)

    Complete, in every relevant aspect.

  • Perfections of Days (per fek' shuhns uv deyz)

    The rulers of the superuniverse major sectors.

  • Perfectors of Wisdom (pur fek' tohrs uv wiz' duhm)

    A specialized creation of the Paradise Trinity designed to personify the wisdom of divinity in the superuniverses.

  • Perpetua (per pech' oo uh)

    Simon Peter's wife.

  • Persian (pur' zhuhn)

    Referring to the area that later became Mesopotamia.

  • Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit (pur' suh nul eydz uv thuh in' fuh nit spir' it)

    One of the groups comprising the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Personal guardians of destiny (pur' suh nul gahr' dee uhns uv des' tuh nee)

    Personal angels who are wholly and exclusively devoted to an ascending mortal.

  • Personalities of the Infinite Spirit (pur suh nal' i tees uv thuh in' fuh nit spir' it)

    Three groups

  • Personality (pur suh nal' i tee)

    (1) The Universal Father is the secret of the reality of personality, the bestowal of personality, and the destiny of personality. The Eternal Son is the absolute personality, the secret of spiritual energy, morontia spirits, and perfected spirits. The Conjoint Actor is the spirit-mind personality, the source of intelligence, reason, and the universal mind; (2) The personality of mortal man is neither body, mind, nor spirit; neither is it the soul; (3) Personality is the one changeless reality in an otherwise ever-changing creature experience; and it unifies all other associated factors of individuality. The personality is the unique bestowal which the Universal Father makes upon the living and associated energies of matter, mind, and spirit, and which survives with the survival of the morontial soul.

  • Personality circuit (pur suh nal' i tee sur' kit)

    Only by means of his far-flung personality circuit does God deal directly with the personalities of his vast creation of will creatures.

  • Personality synthesis (pur suh nal' i tee sin' thuh sis)

    The Supreme Being is evolving as the personality synthesis of finite matter, mind, and spirit in the grand universe.

  • Personalized Adjusters (pur' suh nl ahyz d uh juhs' terz)

    Those who have served with the incarnated Paradise Sons, together with many who have achieved unusual distinction during the mortal indwelling, but whose subjects rejected survival.

  • Pervaded space (per veyd' ud)

    The space of the grand universe and that of all outer regions is believed to be actually pervaded by the ancestral space potency of the Unqualified Absolute.

  • Peter (pee' ter)

    An intimate of Jesus, one of the inner circle, and one of the three formulators of the Christian religion.

  • Pharaoh (fair' oh)

    Title of Egyptian kings.

  • Pharisee (far' uh see)

    A member of the Sanhedrin.

  • Pharos (fair' os)

    The great lighthouse in Alexandria.

  • Phasaelis (feyz' uhl lis)

    A new Greek citiy near the Jordan.

  • Phenix (fee' niks)

    A city in Crete.

  • Philadelphians (fil uh del' fee uns)

    People from the city that served as the headquarters of the eastern branch of the early Christian church.

  • Philip (fil' ip)

    (1) One of the twelve apostles, (2) Brother of Herod Antipas.

  • Philo (fi' loh)

    One of the teachers on whose personal religious experience were based the doctrines of early Christianity .

  • Phoenicia (fi nish' uh)

    A Greek term used to refer to the region of the major Canaanite port towns.

  • Phrygian (frij' ee uhn)

    Place of origin of the cult of Cybele and her son Attis.

  • Physical energy (fiz' i kuhl en' er jee)

    term denoting all phases and forms of phenomenal motion, action, and potential.

  • Physical gravity (fiz' i kuhl grav' i tee)

    The universal manifestation of the Isle of Paradise.

  • Pilate (pahy' luht)

    Governor of Judea.

  • Pilgrim (pil' gruhm)

    Ascenders through time and space.

  • Pindar (pin' der)

    Greek poet.

  • Pisidia (pi sid' ee uh)

    The region where Antioch was located.

  • Pitcairn (pit' cahrn)

    An experiment in blending the white and Polynesian races .

  • Planetary Custodians (plan i ter' ee kuh stoh' dee uhnz)

    One of the groups comprising the Morontia Power Supervisors, a division of the Universe Power Directors.

  • Planetary Midwayers (plan i ter' ee mid' wey urz)

    One of the groups comprising the Corps of Permanent Citizenship, a division of the Universe Power Directors.

  • Planetary Mortals (plan i ter' ee mawr' tlz)

    Animal-origin evolutionary beings of ascendant potential.

  • Plato (pley' toh)

    Greek philosopher of the sixth century before Christ.

  • Polynesian (pol uh nee' zhuhn)

    A group of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

  • Polytheism (pol' ee thee iz uhm)

    Monotheism in the making.

  • Pontius Pilate (pon' shuhs pahy' luht)

    Governor of Judea.

  • Porogia (pohr odg' ee uh)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Norlatiadek.

  • Porphyreon (pawr fahy' ree uhn)

    A coastal city, presumably the one eight miles north of Sidon.

  • Porshunta (pohr shunt' uh)

    The leader and master mind of the orange race who ministered from their headquarters at Armageddon approximately 300,000 years ago. Serves today on the Urantia Advisory Council as one of the four and twenty counselors.

  • Portalon (pohrt' uh lohn)

    A local universe neighbor of Nebadon.

  • Post-Havona (pohst hah voh' nuh)

    Epochs in the time-space and the time-space-transcended spheres of master universe evolutionary expansion.

  • Postexperiential (pohst ik speer ee en' shuhl)

    That which lies after destinies

  • Postfinite (pohst fahy' nahyt)

    Finite endings or destinies.

  • Postgravity (pohst grav' i tee)

    In this stage, energy-matter discloses response to the control of linear gravity.

  • Potencies (poht' n seez)

    The potentials inherent in matter, mind, and spirit.

  • Potentiality (puh ten shee al' i tee)

    Potentiality comes inward from the infinity periphery and converges at the center of all things.

  • Power (pou' er)

    Universe power includes all forms of energy which, while still responding to Paradise gravity, are directly responsive to linear gravity. This is the electronic level of energy-matter and all subsequent evolutions thereof.

  • Power-personality synthesis (pou' er pur suh nal' i tee sin' thuh sis)

    The ever-ascending mobilization and perfecting unification of all phases and values of finite reality.

  • Praetorium (pray tohr' ee uhm)

    An addition to the fortress of Antonia, where Pilate and his wife made their headquarters when stopping in Jerusalem.

  • Prajapati (pruh jah' puht ee)

    Deity-father principle of the Vedic cult.

  • Pre-Adamic (pree uh dam' ik)

    Civilization before the arrival of an Adam.

  • Pre-Aryan (pree air' ee uhn)

    The early pre-white Andites.

  • Pre-existentials (pree eg zi sten' shuhl)

    That which lies before beginnings .

  • Pre-experiential (pree ik speer ee en' shuhl)

    A quality of the I AM.

  • Pre-Trinity (pree trin' i tee)

    The existential, solitary, nonattainable I AM .

  • Preactual (pree ak' choo uhl)

    A quality of the I AM.

  • Preadjutant (pree aj' uh tuhnt)

    Mechanical mind, the nonteachable intellect of the most primitive forms of material life.

  • Prechoice age (pree chois eyj)

    Twenty years for the children of Adam and Eve.

  • Precolored (pree kuhl' erd)

    Humanity before the appearance of the colored races.

  • Prefinite (pree fahy' nahyt)

    Before the genesis of finite beginnings .

  • Preglacial (pree gley' shuhl)

    A time when mountain ranges were born, streams changed their courses, and isolated volcanoes broke out all over the world.

  • Pregravity (pree grav' i tee)

    The first step in the individuation of space potency into the pre-energy forms of cosmic force.

  • Premachine (pree muh sheen')

    An age in which the only way in which man could accomplish work without doing it himself was to use an animal.

  • Premagical (pree maj' i kuhl)

    The incantations of primitive religion .

  • Premorontia (pree mohr ohn' shuh)

    Mortal experience extending from the highest purely animal level to the lowest actual contactual morontia level of self-consciousness as a personality experience.

  • Preperson (pree pur' suhn)

    Prior to the bestowal of personality.

  • Prepersonal spirits (pree pur' suh nl spir' itz)

    Are representative of the Universal Father’s direct and unexplained contact with the creatures of the realms.

  • Prereligious (pree ri lij' uhs)

    At this level, men pray to gods — local and national and to fetishes, amulets, ghosts, rulers, and to ordinary people.

  • Primary Associators (prahy' mer ee)

    Masterly energy conservators and custodians.

  • Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers (prahy' mer ee ih ven' choo ay td mas' ter fohrs awr guh nahy' zers)

    One of the groups comprising the Universe Power Directors.

  • Primordial (prahy mawr' dee uhl)


  • Priscilla (pri sil' uh)

    Jewish refugee from Rome.

  • Progressor (proh gres' ohr)

    An ascending creature.

  • Prometheus (pruh mee' thee uhs)

    Greek god who stole fire from heaven.

  • Providence (prov' i duhns)

    The realm of the Supreme Being and the Conjoint Actor.

  • Ptolemais (tol uh may' uhs)

    A city on the coast north of Jerusalem.

  • Ptolemies (tol uh meez)

    An area south of Palestine.

  • Ptolemy (tol' uh mee)

    Greek king of Egypt.

  • Publican (puhb' li kuhn)

    Tax gatherers.

  • Puissant energy (pwis uhnt' en' er jee)

    Primary energy, powerful-directional, mass-movemented, mighty-tensioned, and forcible-reacting energy .

  • Pure mind (pyoor mahynd)

    Mind subject only to the universal gravity grasp of the Conjoint Actor.

  • Pygmies (pig' meez)

    An African tribe.


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