
  • Sadib (sah deeb')

    A tertiary Lanonandek Son who serves in the Satania system government as second assistant Sovereign to Lanaforge, the System Sovereign.

  • Sagittarius (saj i tair' ee uhs)

    An enormous and dense star cloud, around which our local universe and its associated creations all move.

  • Saharans (suh har' ruhnz)

    Herders and agriculturists from the Sahara region.

  • Sakyamuni Buddha (sah' kyuh moon ee boo' duh)

    Title given to Gautama by his disciples.

  • Salem (sey' luhm)

    A city in Palestine.

  • Salome (suh loh' mee)

    (1) Sister of Mary, (2) Mother of James, John and David Zebedee.

  • Salsatia (sal say' sha)

    A high-order spirit being who serves as the Nebadon Census Director with headquarters on Salvington and registers the existence (marked by birth and death) of all will creatures in the local universe(see Usatia).

  • Salvington (sal' ving tn)

    The headquarters sphere of the local universe of Nebadon, personal home of the Creator Son, Michael, and the Creative Spirit (see Nebadon, Orvonton).

  • Samaria (suh mar ee ah)

    A region in Palestine.

  • Samaritan (suh mar' i tn)

    A culture competing with the Jews.

  • Samson (sam' suhn)

    A Nazarite predecessor of John.

  • Samuel (sam' yoo uhl)

    First of the Hebrew prophets.

  • Sandmatia (sand may' sha)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Sangik (san' jik)

    The Badonite family, descended from Andon and Fonta, in which the ancestorsof the six colored races of Urantia were bom in approximately 498,000 B.C.

  • Sanhedrin (san hed' rin)

    Scribes and Pharisees.

  • Sanhedrists (san hed' rihtz)

    Members of the Sanhedrin.

  • Sanobim (san' oh bihm)

    The lowest order of angels, created by the Creative Mother Spirit, who serve in functional union with cherubim as routine spirit workers and aids of the seraphic ministers.

  • Sansa (san' suh)

    The daughter of Adam and Laotta, stepsister of Cain(son of Eve and Cano), who was raised by Adam and Eve after Laotta died in childbirth. Sansa later married Sargan.

  • Sanselon (san' cee lohn)

    A local universe neighbor of Nebadon.

  • Sarah (sair uh)

    Wife of Abraham.

  • Sargan (sahr' gahn)

    (1) Chief of the northern blue races, (2) Priest of Kish who proclaimed himself king, (3) King of Assyria.

  • Sarid (sahr' id)

    A town several miles south of Nazareth on the Megiddo road .

  • Sartaba (sahr tahb' uh)

    A mountain overlooking the Jordan valley.

  • Sasta (sahs' tuh)

    Master or teacher in Buddhism.

  • Satan (seyt' n)

    Fallen associate of Lucifer.

  • Satania (sah tahn' ee ah)

    The administrative system of approximately 1,000 inhabitable planets to which Urantia belongs, one of the 10,000 such systems in Nebadon. Jerusem is the capital sphere of the Satania(see Orvonton).

  • Sato (sah' toh)

    An Andite of direct descent from Adamson and Ratta who, in approximately 10,000 B.C., led a group of his people from Mesopotamia to Greece. In settling there, these Andites became the progenitors of the Greek peoples.

  • Saturn (sat' ern)

    A peculiar cloud-bound type of world, one of the two largest of the solar system.

  • Saul (sawl)

    (1) A citizen of Tarsus who became a convert (Paul); (2) First king of united Israel.

  • Savior (seyv' yer)

    A redeemer who shows the way of salvation .

  • Scythopolis (skih thop' uh lus)

    The chief Greek city of the Decapolis.

  • Seconaphim (seh kon' uh fim)

    The ministering angels of the superuniverses, children of the Reflective Spirits assigned to the headquarters of each of the superuniverses.

  • Second Source and Center (sek' uhn d sawrs and sen' ter)

    The Eternal Son, the Personality Absolute .

  • Secondary Dissociators (sek' uhn der ee dis so' she a turz)

    Beings endowed with the unique power of evolving limitless supplies of energy.

  • Secoraphic (sek' or afik)

    Of or pertaining to the seconaphim and their activities (see seconaphim).

  • Secularism (sek' yuh luh riz uhm)

    A philosophy concerned with things, barren of all real values, sanctions, and satisfactions of a spiritual nature, as well as being devoid of faith, hope, and eternal assurances.

  • Segregata (sehg' ree got tuh)

    Pure energy at the pregravity response stage of cosmic force.

  • Segub (see' guhb)

    A son sacrificed by the king in building the walls of Jericho.

  • Selah (see luh)

    A word that has become a part of ritual.

  • Selective Assorters (si lek' tiv uh sawrt' erz)

    It is the task of the Selective Assorters to keep mortal ascenders in progressive synchrony with the morontia life.

  • Seleucid (si loo' sid)

    The group in power in Syria.

  • Selta (sel' tah)

    Writer attached to the court of Emperor Caligula.

  • Semites (sem ahytz)

    Among the most blended of Urantia peoples, containing hereditary factors from most of the nine world races.

  • Sepphoris (sef' or us)

    A trade center in Galilee.

  • Sequentiality (si kwen' she al eh tee)

    The ability to consciousize time even in the absence of motion.

  • Serapatatia (ser ah pah tah' sha)

    The Nodite leader (descended from Caligastia's defaulted corporeal staff) manipulated by Caligastia to entrap Eve into the default of the Adamic mission by mating with Cano (see Cano, Laotta).

  • Seraphic (si raf' ik)


  • Seraphim (ser' uh fim)

    Ministering orders of the angelic hosts.

  • Seraphim of assignment (ser' uh fim uv uh sahyn' muhnt)

    The angel who sponsors the new body for the ascending mortal, the morontia form, as the new life vehicle for the immortal soul and for the indwelling of the returned Adjuster.

  • Seraphington (si raf' ing tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise. It is the home world of the vast hosts of beings created by the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.

  • Servital (surv' eh tahl)

    An order of central universe (Havona) creatures of origin in the collaboration of the Seven Master Spirits and the Seven Supreme Power Directors.

  • Set_ (set)

    Egyptian god of darkness and evil.

  • Seth (seth)

    The eldest son of Adam and Eve born in the second garden, founded the Sethite priesthood whose ministry included religion, education, and health.

  • Sethard (seth' ard)

    One of seven outstanding human teachers.

  • Sethite (seth' ahyt)

    An order of priests who were great post-Adamic teachers.

  • Seven Groups of Reflective Spirits (sev' uhn groopz uv ri flek' tiv spir' itz)

    A group of the Supreme Spirits on the Uversa Personality Register.

  • Seven Master Spirits (sev' uhn mas' ter spir' itz)

    The factualizing mind of the Supreme as a time-space experience in Majeston.

  • Seven Orders of Reflective Spirits (sev' uhn awr' der uv ri flek' tiv spit' itz)

    One of the groups of the Supreme Spirits in the Paradise classification of living beings.

  • Seven Spirits of the Circuits (sev' uhn spit' itz uv thuh sur' kitz)

    A specialized representation of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits (sev' uhn spit' itz uv thuh huh vohn' ah sur' kitz)

    The joint impersonal representation of the Infinite Spirit and the Seven Master Spirits to the seven circuits of the central universe.

  • Seven Supreme Executives (sev' uhn suh preem' ig zek' yuh tivz)

    The administrative co-ordinators of the grand universe.

  • Seven Supreme Power Directors (sev' uhn suh preem' pou' er dih rek' terz)

    The physical-energy regulators of the grand universe.

  • Sevenfold (sev' uhn fohld)

    A basic scheme of the superuniverse organization and government.

  • Sevenfold Adjutant Mind-Spirits (sev' uhn aj' uh tuhnt mahynd spir' itz)

    A group of the Supreme Spirits of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Shabattum (shah batt' um)

    The seventh day of the week. Its origin as a day of honor began with the Adamites, and during later times in Mesopotamia its observance became heavy-laden with tattoos and rituals.

  • Shaddai (shah dahy)

    The Egyptian concept of the God of heaven.

  • Shalmaneser III (shal man eez' ur)

    Assyrian king.

  • Shaman (shah' muhn)

    Fetish men who were thought to be directed by a spirit ghost, even by a god.

  • Shamash (shah' mahsh)

    One of seven chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Shang-ti (shang' tie)

    Chinese concept of the God of Heaven.

  • Shechem (sheck' um)

    A town in Palestine.

  • Sheepfold (sheep' fohld)

    An enclosure where a shepherd gathers his flock for the night in times of danger.

  • Shekinah (she kin' ah)

    A symbol of the Divine Presence .

  • Shema (she' mah)

    The Jewish creed of faith.

  • Shemer (she' mur)

    City despot of Israel.

  • Sheol (she' awl)

    The Hebrew idea regarding the destiny of the ghost soul.

  • Shiloh (shy' low)

    The location of Yahweh’s temple in the northern kingdom.

  • Shin (shin)

    A Japanese Buddhist sect.

  • Shinran (shin' ran)

    Teacher of Buddhism in Japan.

  • Shittim (sh tim')

    A town in Perea.

  • Shonin (show' nin)

    Teacher of Buddhism in Japan.

  • Shunem (shoo' nehm)

    An ancient village in Palestine.

  • Sibmah (sib' mah)

    A town in Perea.

  • Siddhartha (si' dahr tuh)

    Son of a petty chieftain who ruled over a small and secluded mountain valley in the southern Himalayas, later becoming the Buddha.

  • Siddim (sihd' uhm)

    Location of the battle after which Abraham became leader of a second confederation of eleven tribes.

  • Sidon (sahyd' n)

    A city historically linked to its neighbor, Tyre.

  • Sierras (see er' uhz)

    A mountain range on the west coast of North America.

  • Sikh (seek)

    One of the major religious traditions of India.

  • Silas (sahy' luhs)

    Leading member of early church ln Jerusalem.

  • Siloam (si loh' uhm)

    A semisacred pool in Jerusalem.

  • Simeon (sim' ee uhn)

    (1) Judean singer at the Jerusalem temple, (2) Reputed holy man of Israel.

  • Simon (sahy' muhn)

    (1) A common name of the time; (2) the third brother of Jesus.

  • Simon from Cyrene (sahy' muhn fruhm sahy ree' nee)

    Man who bore Jesus' cross.

  • Simon Peter (sahy' muhn pee' ter)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Simon Zelotes (sahy' muhn zehl' oh teez)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Simultaneity (sahy muhl tey neyh' eh tee)

    A whole and perfectly related cycle of time.

  • Sin (sin)

    One of 7 chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Sinai (sahy nahy)

    A holy mountain of the Hebrews.

  • Singlangton (sing' lahn tuhn)

    A great leader and teacher of the yellow race who was the first of the yellow men to teach the worship of 'One Truth.' Currently serves on the Urantia Advisory Council as one of the four and twenty counselors.

  • Single-origin beings (sing' guhl awr' i jin bee' ingz)

    Those of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Sisera (sis er uh)

    General of army of King Jabln.

  • Siva (shee vuh)

    Hindu lord of life and death.

  • Siwalik Hills (sih' wahl ik hilz)

    A location in northern India.

  • Skeptic (skep' tik)

    A follower of the philosophy of Skepticism.

  • Skepticism (skep' tuh siz uhm)

    A philosophy which asserted that knowledge was fallacious, and that conviction and assurance were impossible.

  • Sleep of death (sleep uv deth')

    The period before the resurrection of life for mortal ascenders.

  • Sleeping Survivors (slee' ping ser vahy' verz)

    Ascending mortals in transition to the Mansion Worlds.

  • Slumbers (sluhm berz)

    Transition periods.

  • Socrates (sok' ruh teez)

    Greek philosopher.

  • Socratic (suh krat' ik)

    The philosophy of Socrates.

  • Sodom (sod uhm)

    A city historically linked to its neighbor, Gomorrah.

  • Sol Invictus (sohl ihn vik' tus)

    Sun-god of Mithraism.

  • Solitarington (sohl eh tahr' ing tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise, the home of a host of beings of origin in the conjoint action of the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit, and other superangelic orders.

  • Solitary Messengers (sol i ter ee mes uhn jerz)

    The highest type of perfect and confidential personality available in all realms for the quick transmission of important and urgent messages when it is inexpedient to utilize either the broadcast service or the reflectivity mechanism.

  • Solomon (sol' uh muhn)

    Son of David and Bathsheba.

  • Solonia (soh lohn' ee uh)

    The chief of the fifth order of angels, the planetary helpers, who was on duty during the time of Adam and Eve and who proclaimed Eve's default of the divine plan and requested the return of the Melchizedek receivers to Urantia.

  • Soma (soh muh)

    Ancient Aryan god.

  • Son-fused Mortals (sohn' fyoozd mawr' tlz)

    An Ascending Order of Mortals in the dual-origin category.

  • Son of God (sohn uv god)

    All of the Paradise Sons who, in spirit and nature, if not in all attributes, are divinely perfect portraitures of the Original Son.

  • Son of Man (sohn uv man)

    Our own Creator Son, onetime Son of Man on earth, now the exalted sovereign of our local universe .

  • Son-seized (suhn' seez d)

    The translated souls of the flowering ages of the settled spheres who do not pass through the mansion worlds or any of the earlier phases of morontia life.

  • Sonarington (soh nahr' ing tun)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise. It is the personal receiving world of the Eternal Son and Paradise headquarters of the accredited and approved ascending and descending Sons of God.

  • Sons of God (suhns uv god)

    The personal expression of the Universal Father in the sectors of time and to the children of the whirling planets of the evolving universes of space.

  • Sonship (suhn' ship)

    Recognition of personality ancestry.

  • Sonta-an (sohn' tah ehn)

    The name Fonta used for Andon meaning 'loved by mother'.

  • Sonta-en (sohn' tah ahn)

    The name Andon used for Fonta meaning 'loved by father'.

  • Sontad (sohn' tahd)

    The first of 19 children born to Andon and Fonta. Assisted by his eldest sister, he assumed leadership of the family clan when his parents died.

  • Sortoria (sohr tohr' ee uh)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Soul (sohl)

    The immortal self of an ascending mortal, an experiential acquirement. The soul of man or woman is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual — it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

  • Sovereignty of the Almighty Supreme (sov' rin tee uv thee awl mahy' tee)

    As existent upon the consummation of the present universe age, the Supreme Being will function as an experiential sovereign in the grand universe.

  • Space (speys')

    Space is not force, energy, or power. It seemingly originates just below nether Paradise and is a bestowal of Paradise.

  • Space charge (speys' chahrj)

    A homogeneous and undifferentiated aspect of universal force.

  • Space-force (speys' fohrs)

    The predecessor of space-energy and the energy of gravity control.

  • Space potency (speys' poht' n see)

    A primal endowment of Paradise that is not an actual level of reality, but is ancestral to all relative functional nonspirit realities .

  • Spaceless (speys' wurd)

    An attribute of The absolute level.

  • Spaceward (speys' wurd)

    Outward from Paradise.

  • Spirit (spir' it)

    Any and all things responding to the spirit circuit of the Son.

  • Spirit-born (spir' it bawrn)

    A new orientation of personality as well as the development of a new standard of values.

  • Spirit circuit (spir' it sur' kit)

    Carrier of the mandates of the Eternal Son.

  • Spirit entities (spir' it en' ti teez)

    Though not personal, these marvelous fragments of the Father are commonly referred to as beings and sometimes, in view of the spiritual phases of their present ministry to mortals, as spirit entities.

  • Spirit existences (spir' it ig zis' tuhns ez)

    There are spirits

  • Spirit explorers (spir' it ik splohr' erz)

    Entities such as the Solitary Messengers.

  • Spirit-fused (spir' it fyooz' d)

    Mortals fused with the fragmentations of the premind spirit of the Third Source and Center.

  • Spirit-fusion (spir' it fyoo' zhuhn)

    As the Universal Father fragmentizes his prepersonal Deity, so does the Infinite Spirit individuate portions of his premind spirit to indwell and actually to fuse with the evolutionary souls of the surviving mortals of the spirit-fusion series.

  • Spirit gravity (spir' it grav' i tee)

    The ever-present and unerring spiritual grasp of all true spirit values.

  • Spirit identity (spir' it ahy den' ti tee)

    Mortals acquire real spirit identity just before they leave the local universe . . . . Passing from the final morontia stage to the first or lowest spirit status . . . . But the spirit form is just as real as the morontia body (was).

  • Spirit-indwelt (spir' it in dwelt)

    Mortals who have powers of prevision (insight) and may visualize the future.

  • Spirit-mind (spir' it mahynd)

    Mind-spirit unified by personality.

  • Spirit of Truth (spir' it uv trooth)

    The bestowal spirit of the Creator Son, the Comforter.

  • Spirit of Wisdom (spir' it uv wiz' duhm)

    The highest of the seven adjutant mind spirits.

  • Spirit of Worship (spir' it uv wur' ship)

    The religious impulse, the sixth adjutant mind spirit.

  • Spirit personalities (spir' it pur suh nal' i teez)

    Members of the vast family of the Divine and Infinite Spirit .

  • Spirit presences (spir' it prez uhnsprez' uhns ez)

    One of the categories of spirit.

  • Spiritington (spir' eh ting tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost Circuit around Paradise. This is the Paradise home of those high beings exclusively representative of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Spiritists (spir' eh tists)

    Jews who taught that the kingdom would be ushered in by the great judgment of God.

  • Spiritized (spir' it eyez d)

    Transformed from the material levels to the spiritual .

  • Spiritizing (spir' it eyez ing)

    A functional progression which gradually extends from the material to the spiritual.

  • Spiritual energy (spir' i choo uhl en' er jee)

    A creation of The Eternal Son.

  • Spironga (speer ohn' juh)

    Spirit offspring of the Bright and Morning Star and the Father Melchizedek, these dual origin beings are a stationary order who are natives of, and spirit helpers in, the local universe.

  • Splandon (splan' duhn)

    The name of the major sector of the superuniverse, of Orvonton to which our local universe, Nebadon, belongs. Its capital sphere is called Umajor the fifth (see Orvonton).

  • Spornagia (spohr nagh' e ah)

    An animal order of creatures responsible for the care and cultivation of the landscapes of the headquarters worlds in the local universe. They are the only creatures to experience actual reincarnation.

  • Stabilizers (stey' buh lahy zerz)

    These are the regulators of the morontia energy in association with the physical and spirit forces of the realm. They make possible the conversion of morontia energy into morontia material.

  • Star-observer colony (stahr uhb zur' ver kol' uh nee)

    The star-observer colony of Uversa now numbers over one million. These astronomers come and go, though some remain for comparatively long periods.

  • Star Students (stahr stood' ntz)

    The celestial astronomers.

  • Stationary Sons of the Trinity (stey' shuh ner ee suhnz uv thuh trin' i tee)

    This group of Trinity Sons embraces the following personalities

  • Stephen (stee' vuhn)

    First Christian martyr.

  • Stoic (stoh' ik)

    Stoicism was the superior philosophy of the better classes [of Hellenistic cultures]. The Stoics believed that a controlling Reason-Fate dominated all nature. They taught that the soul of man was divine.

  • Stone of Scone (stohn uv skohn)

    A surviving ""sacred stone"" fetish.

  • Student spirits (stood' nt spir' itz)

    Spirit ascenders who continue to master new worlds while they practice at giving out to others that which they have imbibed at the experiential founts of wisdom.

  • Student visitors (stood' nt viz' i terz)

    One of the Seven Courtesy Colonies of Uversa.

  • Sub-Paradise (suhb par' uh dahyz)

    The seven superuniverses .

  • Subabsolute (suhb ab suh loot')

    Evolutional levels of power-personality manifestation in the master universe.

  • Subbreathers (suhb bree' therz)

    Those inhabiting a planet with an atmosphere as thin as that of our outer neighbor, Mars.

  • Subpersonal (suhb pur' suh nl)

    A creature without personality, e.g., an animal.

  • Succoth (soo kawt')

    A Perean town among those visited by the seventy evangelists; Succoth is also the name of a Jewish harvest festival, called ""Tabernacles"" in the UB.

  • Sudna (sood' nah)

    A Havona Servital on record as having been embraced by the Father and translated to the status of Graduate Guide (see servital).

  • Suduanism (soo' doo ah nizm)


  • Sumeria (soo meer' ee uh)

    An area on the Persian Gulf .

  • Sumerian-Chaldean (soo meer' ee uhn kal dee' uhn)

    Groups who taught a three-in-one God concept founded on the traditions of the days of Adam and Melchizedek.

  • Summarizer (suhm' uh rahyz ur)

    One of God the Supreme's indispensable qualities.

  • Summating (suhm' yet ing)

    A process used by the Supreme to aggregate evolutionary experience.

  • Superadditive (soo' per ad' i tiv)

    Where the sum of two or more things is very often something more than, or something different from, predictable additive consequences .

  • Superalmighty (soo' per awl mahy' tee)

    The speculated power of the Supreme in the outer universes.

  • Superangel (soo' per eyn' juhl)

    The Brilliant Evening Stars .

  • Superaphic (soo' per af' ik)

    Of, or pertaining to, the beings and activities of the highest order of central universe ministering spirits, the supernaphim.

  • Superbreather (soo' per bree' ther)

    Intelligent creatures on a planet with an atmosphere similar to that of our near neighbor, Venus.

  • Supercitizens (soo' per sit' uh zuhnz)

    Eventuated beings with absonite attributes.

  • Superenergy (soo' per en' er jee)

    An attribute of the Unqualified Absolute.

  • Superevolutional (soo' per ev uh loo' shuhn ul)

    That which is transcendental is not necessarily nondevelopmental, but it is superevolutional in the finite sense.

  • Superfinite (soo' per fahy' nahyt)

    Reality, as comprehended by finite beings, is partial, relative, and shadowy. The maximum Deity reality fully comprehensible by evolutionary finite creatures is embraced within the Supreme Being. Nevertheless there are antecedent and eternal realities, superfinite realities, which are ancestral to this Supreme Deity of evolutionary time-space creatures.

  • Superfishes (soo' per fish' ez)

    In Satania, of the elemental types, seven per cent are water, ten per cent air, seventy per cent land, and thirteen per cent combined land-and-air types. But these modifications of early intelligent creatures are neither human fishes nor human birds. They are of the human and prehuman types, neither superfishes nor glorified birds but distinctly mortal.

  • Supergoodness (soo' per good' nis)

    Truth, beauty, and goodness are correlated in the ministry of the Spirit, the grandeur of Paradise, the mercy of the Son, and the experience of the Supreme. God the Supreme is truth, beauty, and goodness, for these concepts of divinity represent finite maximums of ideational experience. The eternal sources of these triune qualities of divinity are on superfinite levels, but a creature could only conceive of such sources as supertruth, superbeauty, and supergoodness.

  • Superhuman (soo' per hyoo' muhn)

    Above or beyond what is human; having a higher nature or greater powers than humans have.

  • Superminded (soo' per mahyn' did)

    Creature mind, before acquiring the ability to recognize divinity and worship Deity, is the exclusive domain of the adjutant spirits. With the appearance of the spiritual response of the creature intellect, such created minds at once become superminded, being instantly encircuited in the spirit cycles of the local universe Mother Spirit.

  • Supermortal (soo' per mawr' tl)

    Above or beyond what is purely mortal, having a higher nature or greater powers than mortals have.

  • Supernaphim (sue per'nah fim)

    The highest order of central universe ministering spirits Created in three orders, primary (offspring of the Conjoint Actor), secondary (of origin in the Seven Master Spirits), and tertiary(of origin in the Seven Spirits of the Circuits).

  • Superperson (sue' per pur' suhn)

    God, as a superperson, eventuates; God, as a person, creates; God, as a preperson, fragments; and such an Adjuster fragment of himself evolves the spirit soul upon the material and mortal mind in accordance with the freewill choosing of the personality which has been bestowed upon such a mortal creature by the parental act of God as a Father.

  • Superpersonal (sue' per pur' suhn uhl)

    Superpersonal — as in the eventuated existences of certain absonite and associated beings.

  • Superpersonal spirits (sue' per pur' suhn uhl spir' its)

    We fully understand neither the nature nor the conduct of the Inspired Spirits. They may possibly belong to the category of superpersonal spirits.

  • Superpersonality (sue' per pur' suhn nal' i tee)

    God is much more than a personality as personality is understood by the human mind; he is even far more than any possible concept of a superpersonality.

  • Superphilosophic (sue' per fil uh sof' i kuhl)

    Mota is a superphilosophical reconciliation of divergent reality perception which is nonattainable by material personalities; it is predicated, in part, on the experience of having survived the material life of the flesh.

  • Superspirit (sue' per spir' it)

    We presume to call Gravity Messengers personalities, but in reality they are superspirit beings, unlimited and boundless personalities.

  • Supersummative (sue' per suhm' uh tiv)

    The Trinity is a supersummative Deity reality eventuating out of the conjoining of the three Paradise Deities.

  • Supertime (sue' per tahym)

    It may be that on the upper limits of the finite, where time conjoins transcended time, there is some sort of blurring and blending of sequence. It may be that the Supreme is able to forecast his universe presence onto these supertime levels and then to a limited degree anticipate future evolution by reflecting this future forecast back to the created levels as the Immanence of the Projected Incomplete. Such phenomena may be observed wherever finite makes contact with superfinite, as in the experiences of human beings who are indwelt by Thought Adjusters that are veritable predictions of man’s future universe attainments throughout all eternity.

  • Supertruth (sue' per trooth)

    Truth, beauty, and goodness are correlated in the ministry of the Spirit, the grandeur of Paradise, the mercy of the Son, and the experience of the Supreme. God the Supreme is truth, beauty, and goodness, for these concepts of divinity represent finite maximums of ideational experience. The eternal sources of these triune qualities of divinity are on superfinite levels, but a creature could only conceive of such sources as supertruth, superbeauty, and supergoodness.

  • Superultimate (sue' per uhl' tuh mit)

    If we assume a cosmos-infinite — some illimitable cosmos beyond the master universe — and if we conceive that the final developments of the Absolute Trinity will take place out on such a superultimate stage of action, then it becomes possible to conjecture that the completed function of the Trinity Absolute will achieve final expression in the creations of infinity and will consummate the absolute actualization of all potentials.

  • Superuniverse (sue' per yoo' nuh vurs)

    Your world, Urantia, is one of many similar inhabited planets which comprise the local universe of Nebadon. This universe, together with similar creations, makes up the superuniverse of Orvonton.

  • Superuniverse Centers (sue' per yoo' nuh vurs sen' terz)

    Occupying an enormous area on the capital sphere of each of the seven superuniverses are one thousand power centers of the third order. Three currents of primary energy of ten segregations each come in to these power centers.

  • Superuniverse space level (sue' per yoo' nuh vurs speys lev uhl)

    You [Urantia] are following the orderly and predetermined path of the superuniverse space level. You are now passing through the very same space that your planetary system, or its predecessors, traversed ages ago.

  • Superuniverse Wards (sue' per yoo' nuh vurs wawrds)

    All ascenders arriving on the training worlds of the superuniverses become the wards of the Ancients of Days; they have traversed the morontia life of the local universe and are now accredited spirits.

  • Supremacy (suh prem' uh see)

    Deity functioning on the first creature-identificational level as time-space overcontrollers of the grand universe, sometimes designated the Supremacy of Deity.

  • Supreme (suh preem' bee' ing)

    Supreme — self-experiential and creature-Creator-unifying Deity.

  • Supreme Being (suh preem')

    God the Supreme — the actualizing or evolving God of time and space. Personal Deity associatively realizing the time-space experiential achievement of creature-Creator identity. The Supreme Being is personally experiencing the achievement of Deity unity as the evolving and experiential God of the evolutionary creatures of time and space.

  • Supreme Center Supervisors (suh preem' sen' ter soo' per vahy zers)

    These seven co-ordinates and associates of the Supreme Power Directors are the regulators of the master energy circuits of the grand universe.

  • Supreme Creator (suh preem' kree ey' ters)

    The present functioning of divinity in the superuniverses is actively manifest in the operations of the Supreme Creators--the local universe Creator Sons and Spirits, the superuniverse Ancients of Days, and the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. These beings constitute the first three levels of God the Sevenfold leading inward to the Universal Father.

  • Supreme Decision (suh preem' dih sizh' uhn)

    When any human being makes the supreme decision, when there is a real betrothal with the Adjuster, a personal guardian is immediately assigned to that soul.

  • Supreme Mind (suh preem' mahynd)

    The Supreme Being is the unification of three phases of Deity reality

  • Supreme Power Centers (suh preem' pou' er sen' terz)

    The Supreme Power Centers distributed throughout the superuniverses number, with their associates and subordinates, upward of ten billion.

  • Supreme Spirits (suh preem' spir' its)

    A group of composite origin that embraces, among others, the following orders

  • Supreme-Ultimate (suh preem' uhl' tuh mit)

    ... the eternal Paradise Trinity is an ever-present reminder that Deity trinitization may accomplish what is otherwise nonattainable; hence do we postulate the sometime appearance of the Supreme-Ultimate and the possible trinitization-factualization of God the Absolute.

  • Surviving identity (ser viv' ing ahy den' ti tee)

    The material self has personality and identity, temporal identity; the prepersonal spirit Adjuster also has identity, eternal identity. This material personality and this spirit prepersonality are capable of so uniting their creative attributes as to bring into existence the surviving identity of the immortal soul.

  • Surviving souls (ser viv' ing sohls)

    The God-discerning mortal is able to sense the unification value of these three cosmic qualities in the evolution of the surviving soul, man’s supreme undertaking in the physical tabernacle where the moral mind collaborates with the indwelling divine spirit to dualize the immortal soul.

  • Susa (soo suh)

    Ancient city of the Summerians.

  • Susanna (soo zan' uh)

    Chief of the first ten women evangelists.

  • Susatia (sue say' shah)

    Dual-origin and stationary offspring of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit, these beings are the permanent citizens of Salvington, assist in its administration, and are associated with the ascendant citizens of the local universe.

  • Switzerland (swit' ser luhnd)

    Country in western Europe.

  • Sychar (sy' car)

    A city near Jacob's well.

  • Syracuse (sir uh kyoos)

    Ancient seaport city in Sicily.

  • Syria (seer' ee uh)

    Ancient country in W Asia, including the present Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and adjacent areas.

  • System Centers (sis' tuhm sen' ters)

    One Supreme Power Center is permanently assigned to each local system. These System Centers dispatch the power circuits to the inhabited worlds of time and space.

  • System Co-ordinators (sis' tuhm koh awr' dn ey te)

    Here in those unique temples at the center of the seventy radiating wings wherein are the chambers of transition similar to the resurrection halls on the initial world of reception for earth-origin mortals, the necessary changes in creature form are skillfully effected by the system co-ordinators.


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