
  • Nabal (ney' bahl)

    A rich Edomite whose widow David married.

  • Nabodad (nah' boh dad)

    The leader of the Salem missionary school at Kish, whose ill-advised efforts at social reform led to the defeat of the Melchizedek teachings in Mesopotamia.

  • Nabon (ney' bohn)

    A Greek Jew and a leader of the Mithraic mystery cult in Rome who had many conferences with Jesus during the latter's Mediterranean tour. He was most lastingly impressed with a discussion of truth and faith.

  • Naboth (ney' bawth)

    The man and his sons who were cheated and executed by King Ahab.

  • Nabu (ney' boo)

    One of the chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Nahor (ney' hor)

    Brother of Abraham.

  • Nain (nan)

    A village near Nazareth.

  • Nalda (nahl' duh)

    Samaritan woman at Jacob's well.

  • Nambia (nam' bee uh)

    The first-born Life Carrier in Nebadon, who serves with Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek as director of this order of local universe sonship.

  • Nanak (nah' nuhk)

    Founder of Sikhism.

  • Naomi (ney oh' mee)

    Bride at Cana wedding feast.

  • Nasanta (ney sahn' tuh)

    One of the first ten Woman evangelists.

  • Nathan (ney' thuhn)

    (1) A Greek Jew from Caesarea who wrote the gospel according to John; (2) a potter who befriended Jesus when he was a child; (3) father of Johab, the groom at Cana; (4) one of David's messengers.

  • Nathaniel (nuh than' yuhl)

    (1) The sixth and last of the apostles to be chosen by the Master himself; (2) Wealthy Pharisee of Ragaba.

  • Natural death (nach' er uhl deth)

    When you finish your earthly career.

  • Naturalism (nach' er uh liz uhm)

    A mechanistic belief system.

  • Nazareth (naz' er uhth)

    A small town on the caravan routes from the Orient .

  • Neanderthal (nee an' der thawl)

    The mixed descendants of the Badonan tribes.

  • Nebadon (neb' ah don)

    The name of our local universe, which is governed by our Creator Son, Michael, together with his Creative Mother Spirit consort. Salvington is its headquarters sphere.

  • Nebuchadnezzar (neb uh kuhd nez' er)

    Babylonian king.

  • Necho (nek roh)

    Egyptian king.

  • Necromancy (nek ruh man see)

    A technique used by savage man to secure insight into the future and to favorably to influence the environment.

  • Negroid (nee' groid)

    The secondary Sangik type, which originally included the orange, green, and indigo races.

  • Nephilim (nef il' im)

    The Nodites.

  • Neptune (nep' toon)

    Roman water-god.

  • Nereids (neer' ee ids)

    Subordinate gods .

  • Niagara (nahy ag' ruh)

    Rock deposits from the second Silurian inundation.

  • Nicaea (nahy see' uh)

    Site of the defense by Athanasius of the true nature of Jesus.

  • Nicodemus (nik uh dee' muhs)

    Wealthy and elderly member of the Sanhedrin.

  • Nicopolis (nih kop' oh lis)

    The city which Augustus founded .

  • Nirvana (nir vah' nuh)

    A condition of supreme enlightenment and supernal bliss wherein all fetters binding man to the material world had been broken.

  • Noah (noh uh)

    (1) Member of Garden reception committee; (2) Historical figure of the flood tradition created by the Hebrew priesthood during the Babylonian captivity.

  • Nod (nohd)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff (see Ang), Nod headed the commission on industry and trade, and became leader of those 60 staff members who joined the rebellion.

  • Nog (nohg)

    A false god of those remnants of the lowest Sangik races occupying Dalamatia at the time of the flood which engulfed the city 162 years after the planetary rebellion.

  • Nonabsolute (non ab suh loot')

    In some manner, e.g., time-conditioned, and therefore not absolute.

  • Nonbreathers (non bree' thers)

    Inhabitants of a planet devoid of air.

  • Noncreators (non kree ey' ters)

    Eventuated transcendental beings, the eventuated children of divinity, ultimacy, and eternity; neither finite nor infinite; neither creators nor creatures.

  • Nonmortal (non mawr' tl)

    Seraphic, Adamic, midwayer, and Adjuster ascending orders of sonship.

  • Nonreality (non ree al' i tee)

    Cessation of existence.

  • Nonspatial (non spey' shuhl)

    Devoid of space.

  • Nonspirit (non spir' tiz)

    All manifestations of force-energy and the organization of power and matter.

  • Nontemporal (non tem' per uhl)

    Without time.

  • Nonutopian (non yoo toh' pee uhn)

    Without bliss.

  • Norana (nawr ahn' ah)

    Syrian woman whose daughter was healed.

  • Nordan the Kenite (nawr' dan thuh ken' ite)

    Brilliant disciple or Melchizedek.

  • Nordics (nawr' diks)


  • Norlatiadek (nor lash' ee ah dek)

    The constellation to which Urantia belongs. Constellations represent the 100 primary divisions of local universes and link the systems to local universe administration.


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