
  • Jabbok (Jab' bok)

    One of the streams on the east of Jordan river, into which it flows, about midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.

  • Jacob (jey' kuhb)

    (1) Son of Isaac, (2) Childhood friend of Jesus, (3) Wealthy Jewish trader from Crete, (4) Director of group of younger evangelists, (5) Runner whom Jesus sent to Philadelphia.

  • Jah (Jah)

    Semite name for Deity.

  • Jainism (jahy' niz uhm)

    A group of religious believers who preserved the doctrine of one God in India.

  • Jairus (jay' ruhs)

    One of the synagogue rulers at Capernaum, whose only daughter, presumed dead, Jesus restored to life.

  • James (jeymz)

    One of the 12 apostles, the son of Zebedee and brother of the apostle John.

  • James Alpheus (jeymz' ul fee yuhs)

    One of the twelve apostles, a fisherman and farmer of Kheresa, who was selected by James Zebedee.

  • James of Safed (jeymz ov sah fed')

    Father of epileptic demon-possessed boy.

  • James Zebedee (jeymz zeb' i dee)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Jamnia (Jam' ni a)

    Ancient city of Palestine lying about 15 miles (24 km) south of Tel Aviv-Yafo and 4 miles (6 km) from the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Jansad (Jan' sad)

    The son of Eveson (second-born of Adam and Eve), who became the successor of Adam as head of the Adamite tribes.

  • Japhia (jaf' i a)

    A town on the southern boundary of Zebulun. It is represented by the modern Yafa, about 1 1/2 miles Southwest of Nazareth, near the foot of the hills.

  • Jaram (Jay ram')

    A Hittite student of Melchizedek who extended to Abraham Melchizedek's invitation to come to Salem and hear the teachings of monotheistic truth.

  • Jebus (jee' buhs)

    An ancient Canaanite city taken by David, it later became Jerusalem.

  • Jehoash (ji hoh' ush)

    King of Israel.

  • Jehonadab (ji hoh' na dub)

    Gypsy chieftain who joined forces with Jehu.

  • Jehovah (ji hoh' vuh)

    A name of God in the Old Testament.

  • Jehu (jee' hyoo)

    A King of Israel.

  • Jephthah (jef' thuh)

    A Hebrew who sacrificed his only daughter for defeating his enemies.

  • Jeramy (Jer' ruh mee)

    A Greek proselyte of the Jewish faith from Niccopolis, with whom Apostle Paul stayed when traveling to Corinth, the capital of the Roman province of Achaia.

  • Jeremiah (jer uh mahy' uh)

    Fearless Hebrew prophet.

  • Jericho (jer' i koh)

    An ancient city of Palestine.

  • Jeroboam (jer uh boh' uhm)

    Son of Jehoash, the first king of the Biblical kingdom of the Hebrews in North Palestine.

  • Jerusalem (ji roo' suh luhm)

    A city in, and the capital of, Israel.

  • Jerusem (jeh' roo sehm)

    The headquarters world of Satania, our local system.

  • Jesus (jee' zuhs)

    Also called Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, Joshua ben Joseph, Son of God, Son of Man, and Michael of Nebadon.

  • Jesus of Nazareth (jee' zuhs ov naz' er uhth)

    Human identity of Michael of Nebadon.

  • Jesusonian (jee zuh soh' nee uhn)

    About or pertaining to Jesus.

  • Jethro (jeth' roh)

    Father-in-law of Moses.

  • Jezebel (jez' uh buhl)

    Daughter of king of Tyre, the wife of Ahab, king of Israel.

  • Joab (joh' ab)

    One of the young evangelists.

  • Joachim (yoh' ah khim)

    Father of Mary, Jesus' mother.

  • Joanna (joh an')

    Treasurer of first ten women evangelists.

  • Joash (joh' ash)

    Boy king of Judah.

  • Job_ (job)

    Central character in the biblical Book of Job, that is a fairly good reflection of the teachings of the Salem school at Kish and throughout Mesopotamia.

  • Jogbehah (Jug beh' ah)

    The former chief of the twelve apostles of John the Baptist, a Nazarite and onetime head of the Nazarite school at Engedi, later chief of the seventy messengers of the kingdom.

  • Johab (Joh' ahb)

    The son of Nathan, the groom of Naomi at Cana.

  • John (jon)

    John the Baptist, the forerunner of Michael’s (Jesus Christ's) mission on Urantia and, in the flesh, distant cousin of the Son of Man.

  • John Hyrcanus (Jon Hirr can' uhs)

    Destroyer of the temple on Mount Gerizim.

  • John the Baptist (Jon thuh bap' tist)

    Forerunner of Michael's mission on Urantia and, in the flesh, distant cousin of the Son of Man.

  • John the Revelator (Jon thuh rev' uh ley ter)

    Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation.

  • John Zebedee (Jon Zeb’ e dee)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Jonah (joh' nuh)

    Man swallowed by whale in Old Testament of the Bible.

  • Joppa (jop' uh)

    A town on a sandy promontory between Caesarea and Gaza, and at a distance of 30 miles north-west from Jerusalem.

  • Jordan (jawr' dn)

    A river in Modern Palestine, where Jesus was baptized.

  • Jose (Johz)

    Renowned teacher of the Nazareth synagogue.

  • Joseph (joh' zuhf)

    (1) Great-grandson of Abraham, (2) Earthly father of Jesus, (3) Brother of Jesus, (4) Jewish believer of Tyre.

  • Joseph of Arimathea (joh' zuhf ov ar uh muh thee uh)

    A wealthy member of the Sanhedrin, who obtained the body of Jesus after theCrucifixion and laid it in his own tomb.

  • Joshua (josh' oo uh)

    Successor of Moses as leader of Israelites.

  • Joshua ben Joseph (josh' oo uh ben joh zuhf)

    Identity of Michael during the Urantia bestowal.

  • Josiah (joh sahy' uh)

    (1) King of Judah, (2) Blind beggar whom Jesus healed.

  • Jotapata (Joh tuh pa' tuh)

    A fortified Jewish village dating from the time of Joshua, corresponding with the Iron Age.

  • Jove (johv)

    In ancient Roman religion and myth, Jupiter or Jove was the king of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder. He is the equivalent of Zeus in the Greek pantheon.

  • Judah (joo' duh)

    The fourth son of Jacob and Leah.

  • Judaism (joo' dee iz uhm)

    The monotheistic religion of the Jews.

  • Judas (joo' duhs)

    An apostle, the group's treasurer, and the betrayer of Jesus.

  • Judas Alpheus (joo' duhs al fee' uhs)

    One of the twelve apostles, a fisherman and farmer of Kheresa, who was selected by James Zebedee.

  • Judas Iscariot (joo duhs ih skar' ee uht)

    The disciple who betrayed Jesus.

  • Judas Maccabee (joo duhs mak' uh bee)

    Jew who restored Mosaic services in temple.

  • Jude (jood)

    A brother of Jesus.

  • Judea (joo dee' uh)

    The subdivision of ancient Palestine, succeeding the kingdom of Judah; a Roman province during the time of Christ.

  • Juno (joo noh)

    Roman goddess of light.

  • Jupiter (joo' pi ter)

    A Roman god.

  • Justa (juhst' uh)

    Believer with whom Jesus stayed in Sidon.

  • Justus (juhst' uhs)

    (1) One of two men suggested as Judas successor, (2) Devout merchant of Corinth.


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