
  • Ultimacy (uhl' tuh muh see)

    The absonite function in the master universe tantamount to universal overcontrol and supersustenance.

  • Ultimata (uhl tuh mah' ta)

    Energy systems disclosing response to Paradise (absolute) gravity, but not to linear gravity.

  • Ultimate (uhl' tuh mit)

    Self-projected and time-space-transcending Deity.

  • Ultimate-Absolute (uhl' tuh mit ab suh loot')

    One of the progressive levels toward the completion of the cycle of reality.

  • Ultimates (uhl' tuh mitz)

    That which is of master universe significance and impinges on the destiny level of the completed master universe.

  • Ultimaton (uhl tim' e tohn)

    An energy particle which is the primary unit of material existence, 100 of which combine to form a single electron. Ultimatons are not responsive to linear gravity, but are subject to Paradise gravity.

  • Ultrapersonal (uhl' truh pur' suh nl)

    Meanings inherent in the personality completion of God the Absolute .

  • Umajor (yoo mey' jer)

    The architectural sphere which is the capital of Splandon, the major sector of our superuniverse of Orvonton to which Nebadon belongs. Full name is Umajor the Fifth (see Orvonton).

  • Uminor (yoo mahy' ner)

    The architectural sphere which is the capital of Ensa, the minor sector of our superuniverse of Orvonton to which Nebadon belongs. Its full name is Uminor the third (see Orvonton).

  • Unclassified Centers (uhn klas' uh fahyd sen' terz)

    The centers who function in special local situations but not on the inhabited planets.

  • Unions of Days (yoon' yuhn uv deyz)

    The Paradise advisers to the rulers of the local universes.

  • Universal Absolute (yoo' nuh vur suhl ab suh loot')

    The unrevealed infinity-unity of the Paradise Father.

  • Universal Censors (yoo' nuh vur suhl sen' serz)

    Represent the collective attitude of Deity in the domains of executive judgment — justice.

  • Universal Conciliators (yoo' nuh vur suhl kuhn sil' ee ey terz)

    The traveling courts of the universes of time and space.

  • Universal Father (yoo' nuh vur suhl fah' ther)

    The personality of the First Source and Center .

  • Universal Manipulator (yoo' nuh vur suhl muh nip' yuh ley ter)

    The Third Source and Center, the ancestor of the power-control creatures and the activator of the cosmic forces of space.

  • Universe (yoo' nuh vurs)

    Diverse levels of creation, all unified in the plans and administration of the Architects of the Master Universe.

  • Universe Aids (yoo' nuh vurs eydz)

    Beings who are engaged in specific missions for the Creator Sons.

  • Universe Circuit Supervisors (yoo' nuh vurs sur' kit soo' per vahy zerz)

    Beings concerned, not with the realms of purely physical or material energy — the domain of the Universe Power Directors — but with the circuits of relative spiritual energy and with those modified circuits which are essential to the maintenance of both the highly developed spiritual beings and the morontia or transition type of intelligent creatures.

  • Universe Mother Spirit (yoo' nuh vurs muhth' er spir' it)

    The universe representative of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Universe of universes (yoo' nuh vurs uv yoo' nuh vurs ez)

    The work of God and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures.

  • Universe power (yoo' nuh vurs pou' er)

    all forms of energy which, while still responding to Paradise gravity, are directly responsive to linear gravity.

  • Universe Power Directors (yoo' nuh vurs pou' er dih rek' terz)

    Entities who are indispensable to the organization, control, and regulation of the physical energies of the grand universe.

  • Univitatia (yoo ni vi tay' sha)

    A residential order of nonreproducing beings, created by the Creator Son and Creative Spirit, who constitute the permanent population of and minister to the constellation headquarters worlds.

  • Unnamed Reflectivator Liaisons of Majeston (uhn neym' d)

    A group of the unclassified and unrevealed orders in the Paradise classification of living beings.

  • Unpervaded space (uhn per veyd' ed speys)

    The vast space reservoirs above and below Paradise.

  • Unqualified Absolute (uhn kwoll uh fahyd ab suh loot')

    The unlimited capacity for infinity response .

  • Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme (uhn kwoll uh fahyd soo' per vahy zer uv thuh suh preem')

    The personalization of time-space supremacy.

  • Unqualified unity (uhn kwoll uh fahyd yoo' ni tee)

    The consequence of the creative acts and the power mandates of the Paradise Trinity.

  • Unqualifiedly (uhn kwoll uh fahyd lee)

    Limited or conditioned only by volition.

  • Unrevealed Ascenders (un ri veel' d uh sen' ders)

    One of The Ascending Orders of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Unrevealed Creative Agencies of the Ancients of Days (un ri veel' d kree ey' tiv ey' juhn sees uv thuh eyn' shuhnts uv deyz)

    A group of the unclassified and unrevealed orders in the Paradise classification of living beings.

  • Unrevealed Deity-origin Beings (un ri veel' d dee' i tee awr' i jinbee' ings)

    A group of The Supreme Spirits, of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Unrevealed Deity-trinitized Beings (un ri veel' d dee' i tee trin' uh tized bee' ings)

    A group of the Trinity-origin and Trinitized Beings, created by all three Paradise Deities, either as such or as the Trinity, together with the Trinitized Corps, which designation refers to all groups of trinitized beings, revealed and unrevealed.

  • Unrevealed Dual-origin Beings (un ri veel' d doo uhl awr i jin bee' ings)

    One of the Stationary Orders of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Unrevealed Sons of God (un ri veel' d suhns' uv god)

    One of the Descending Orders of beings of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Unrevealed Spirit-origin Beings (un ri veel' d trin' i tee awr' i jin bee' ings)

    Members of the Family of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Unrevealed Trinity-origin Beings (un ri veel' d spir' it awr' i jin bee' ings)

    A group of the Trinity-origin and Trinitized Beings.

  • Unrevealed Universe Aids (un ri veel' d yoo' nuh vurs eydz)

    Members of the Descending Orders of beings of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Urantia (yoo ran' cha)

    The name by which our world (planet) is known in the universes (see Orvonton).

  • Uriah (yoo rahy' uh)

    Husband of Bathsheba.

  • Urmia (oor' mee uh)

    An old Persian city on the western shores of Lake Urmia.

  • Usatia (yoo say' sha)

    The chief of all Census Directors in Orvonton. Created by the Infinite Spirit, Census Directors register the existence (birth and death) of all will creatures in the universe of universes (see Salsatia).

  • Uversa (yoo ver' sah)

    The architectural and headquarters world of the seventh superuniverse, Orvonton, of which our local universe, Nebadon, is a part. Those member's of the Urantia revelatory commission who were superuniverse personalities came from Uversa (see Orvonton).

  • Uzziah (uh zahy' uh)

    16 year old king of Judah.


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