
  • Amadon (am' ah don)

    A human descendant of Andon and Fonta who was the loyal associate of Van in advocating the rejection of Lucifer's Manifesto approximately 200,000 years ago.

  • Amadonite (am' ah don eyet)

    The 88 Andonites of mortal status who remained loyal to Van and Amadon during the Lucifer rebellion.

  • Amatha (uh' ma thuh)

    Simon Peter's mother-in-law.

  • Amathus (uh' ma thus)

    A town along the eastern route between Jerusalem and Nazareth where Jesus sojourned with the Apostles.

  • Amaziah (am uh zahy' uh)

    King of Judah.

  • Amdon (am' don)

    First mortal to observe Machiventa Melchizedek.

  • Amenemope (ah men e moh' puh)

    An Egyptian teacher and seer who, in the post-Melchizedek period (see Machiventa), taught among other things that God-consciousness is the main factor which determines conduct.

  • Amenhotep (ah men ho' tep)

    (ah men hoh' tep). An Egyptian ruler who lived in 1,500 B.C. and who had an understanding of the soul and spirit as separate indwelling aspects for favored individuals.

  • America (uh mer' i kuh)

    Europe and Africa began to rise out of the Pacific depths along with those masses now called Australia, North and South America, and the continent of Antarctica.

  • Amerindian (am uh rin' dee uh'n)

    Of the red race in the Americas.

  • Amerinds (am' uh rinds)

    People of the red race in the Americas.

  • Amida Buddha (ah' mi duh boo' duh)

    God of Paradise in the west.

  • Ammonites (am' uh nahyts)

    (1) Tribe defeated by Saul, leading to his crowning as king; (2) A rich and unique marine life appeared on the Californian Pacific coast, where over one thousand species of ammonites developed from the higher types of cephalopods.

  • Amorites (am' uh rahyts)

    A tribe, neighbor to the Hebrews.

  • Amos (ey' muhs)

    (1) Hebrew Prophet; (2) Youngest brother of Jesus; (3) Young friend of John Mark; (4) Lunatic of Kheresa.

  • Amosad (ah'm o sad)

    A leader of the Sediite priesthood who lived in approximately 15,000 B.C. (see Seth).

  • Anatolian (an uh toh' lee uhn)

    Asia Minor; site of modern day Turkey.

  • Anaxagoras (an ak sag' er uhs)

    Greek philosopher.

  • Anaxand (an' aks and)

    A young Greek shipyard worker who was taught by Jesus in A.D.22 about how he might overcome the evil of his unjust foreman with good.

  • Ancients of Days (eyn' chun tz)

    Rulers of the Superuniverses (3 in each).

  • Andite (an' dite)

    A human race derived from the impregnation of much of the best human strains (especially Nodite) with Adamic life plasm.

  • Andon (an' don)

    The first male human being, whose initial expression of human will choice occurred when he was ten years old, in 991,474 B.C. Died during an earthquake 32 years later (see Fonta).

  • Andonite (an' doh nite)

    The first primitive human beings descended from and including Andon and Fonta.

  • Andovontia (an doh von' chah)

    The name of the tertiary Universe Circuit Supervisor stationed in our local universe.

  • Andrew (an' droo)

    First chosen apostle.


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