
  • Vishnu (vish' noo)

    Third member of the Hindu Trimurti.

  • Volitional (voh lish' uhn ul)

    The power or capability of choosing; having freewill

  • Vorondadek (vor on' da dek suhns)

    The second order of local universe Sons of God created by the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit. These beings, one million in number in Nebadon, are also known as 'Constellation Fathers'.

  • Vorondadek Sons (vor on' da dek)

    A group of the Local Universe Sons of God.

  • Wolvering (wol' ver ing)

    A local universe neighbor of Nebadon.

  • Word-Son (wurd suhn)

    Spirit expression of the Thought-Father.

  • Xenophanes (zuh nof' uh neez)

    Greek philosopher of the 6th century B.C.

  • Yahweh (yah' we)

    God of the southern Palestinian tribes.

  • Zaccheus (zak' e uhs)

    Chief tax collector of Jericho.

  • Zacharias (zak uh rahy' uhs)

    Father of John the Baptist.

  • Zadoc (za' doc)

    Adoptive parent of paternal ancestor of Joseph.

  • Zaphon (za' fon)

    A town in Perea.

  • Zealots (zel' uhts)

    A strong nationalist party that proposed to bring things to a head through political revolt.

  • Zebedee (zeb' i dee)

    Boat builder of Capernaum.

  • Zebulun (zeb' yoo luhn)

    A village in Galilee.

  • Zechariah (zek uh rahy' uh)

    Hebrew prophet.

  • Zeus (zoos)

    Head of the Greek pantheon.

  • Zone of Infinity (zohn uv in fin' i tee)

    An unknown and unrevealed area directly underneath the location of the Trinity, in the central portion of nether Paradise.

  • Zophar (zoh' fer)

    Third friend of Job.

  • Zoroaster (zawr' oh as ter)

    Great religious leader of the 6th century B.C.

  • Zoroastrian (zawr oh as' tree uhn)

    The teachings of Zoroaster.

  • Zulus (zoo' looz)

    An African tribe just evolving a religion of ghost fear and sacrifice.


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