
  • Supreme Decision (suh preem' dih sizh' uhn)

    When any human being makes the supreme decision, when there is a real betrothal with the Adjuster, a personal guardian is immediately assigned to that soul.

  • Supreme Mind (suh preem' mahynd)

    The Supreme Being is the unification of three phases of Deity reality

  • Supreme Power Centers (suh preem' pou' er sen' terz)

    The Supreme Power Centers distributed throughout the superuniverses number, with their associates and subordinates, upward of ten billion.

  • Supreme Spirits (suh preem' spir' its)

    A group of composite origin that embraces, among others, the following orders

  • Supreme-Ultimate (suh preem' uhl' tuh mit)

    ... the eternal Paradise Trinity is an ever-present reminder that Deity trinitization may accomplish what is otherwise nonattainable; hence do we postulate the sometime appearance of the Supreme-Ultimate and the possible trinitization-factualization of God the Absolute.

  • Surviving identity (ser viv' ing ahy den' ti tee)

    The material self has personality and identity, temporal identity; the prepersonal spirit Adjuster also has identity, eternal identity. This material personality and this spirit prepersonality are capable of so uniting their creative attributes as to bring into existence the surviving identity of the immortal soul.

  • Surviving souls (ser viv' ing sohls)

    The God-discerning mortal is able to sense the unification value of these three cosmic qualities in the evolution of the surviving soul, man’s supreme undertaking in the physical tabernacle where the moral mind collaborates with the indwelling divine spirit to dualize the immortal soul.

  • Susa (soo suh)

    Ancient city of the Summerians.

  • Susanna (soo zan' uh)

    Chief of the first ten women evangelists.

  • Susatia (sue say' shah)

    Dual-origin and stationary offspring of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit, these beings are the permanent citizens of Salvington, assist in its administration, and are associated with the ascendant citizens of the local universe.

  • Switzerland (swit' ser luhnd)

    Country in western Europe.

  • Sychar (sy' car)

    A city near Jacob's well.

  • Syracuse (sir uh kyoos)

    Ancient seaport city in Sicily.

  • Syria (seer' ee uh)

    Ancient country in W Asia, including the present Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and adjacent areas.

  • System Centers (sis' tuhm sen' ters)

    One Supreme Power Center is permanently assigned to each local system. These System Centers dispatch the power circuits to the inhabited worlds of time and space.

  • System Co-ordinators (sis' tuhm koh awr' dn ey te)

    Here in those unique temples at the center of the seventy radiating wings wherein are the chambers of transition similar to the resurrection halls on the initial world of reception for earth-origin mortals, the necessary changes in creature form are skillfully effected by the system co-ordinators.

  • Taanach (tan' ack)

    Small village in Israel.

  • Tabamantia (Tab ah man' chah)

    An agondonter finaliter who survived the experience of the first rebellion ever in the universes of time and space.

  • Talmai (tahl' my)

    King of Geshur, whose daughter David married.

  • Tamar (tey mer)

    Ancestor of Mary.

  • Tao (tou)

    Lao-tse built directly upon the concepts of the Salem traditions when he declared Tao to be the One First Cause of all creation.

  • Tarentum (tuh ren' tuhm)

    Coastal city in Southern Italy.

  • Tarshish (tra' shish)

    Biblical destination of Jonah on his ill-fated journey.

  • Tarsus (tahr' suhs)

    Capital of the Roman province of Cilicia.

  • Tasmania (taz' mey nee uh)

    Island to the south of Australia.


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