
  • Solonia (soh lohn' ee uh)

    The chief of the fifth order of angels, the planetary helpers, who was on duty during the time of Adam and Eve and who proclaimed Eve's default of the divine plan and requested the return of the Melchizedek receivers to Urantia.

  • Soma (soh muh)

    Ancient Aryan god.

  • Son-fused Mortals (sohn' fyoozd mawr' tlz)

    An Ascending Order of Mortals in the dual-origin category.

  • Son of God (sohn uv god)

    All of the Paradise Sons who, in spirit and nature, if not in all attributes, are divinely perfect portraitures of the Original Son.

  • Son of Man (sohn uv man)

    Our own Creator Son, onetime Son of Man on earth, now the exalted sovereign of our local universe .

  • Son-seized (suhn' seez d)

    The translated souls of the flowering ages of the settled spheres who do not pass through the mansion worlds or any of the earlier phases of morontia life.

  • Sonarington (soh nahr' ing tun)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise. It is the personal receiving world of the Eternal Son and Paradise headquarters of the accredited and approved ascending and descending Sons of God.

  • Sons of God (suhns uv god)

    The personal expression of the Universal Father in the sectors of time and to the children of the whirling planets of the evolving universes of space.

  • Sonship (suhn' ship)

    Recognition of personality ancestry.

  • Sonta-an (sohn' tah ehn)

    The name Fonta used for Andon meaning 'loved by mother'.

  • Sonta-en (sohn' tah ahn)

    The name Andon used for Fonta meaning 'loved by father'.

  • Sontad (sohn' tahd)

    The first of 19 children born to Andon and Fonta. Assisted by his eldest sister, he assumed leadership of the family clan when his parents died.

  • Sortoria (sohr tohr' ee uh)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Soul (sohl)

    The immortal self of an ascending mortal, an experiential acquirement. The soul of man or woman is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual — it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

  • Sovereignty of the Almighty Supreme (sov' rin tee uv thee awl mahy' tee)

    As existent upon the consummation of the present universe age, the Supreme Being will function as an experiential sovereign in the grand universe.

  • Space (speys')

    Space is not force, energy, or power. It seemingly originates just below nether Paradise and is a bestowal of Paradise.

  • Space charge (speys' chahrj)

    A homogeneous and undifferentiated aspect of universal force.

  • Space-force (speys' fohrs)

    The predecessor of space-energy and the energy of gravity control.

  • Space potency (speys' poht' n see)

    A primal endowment of Paradise that is not an actual level of reality, but is ancestral to all relative functional nonspirit realities .

  • Spaceless (speys' wurd)

    An attribute of The absolute level.

  • Spaceward (speys' wurd)

    Outward from Paradise.

  • Spirit (spir' it)

    Any and all things responding to the spirit circuit of the Son.

  • Spirit-born (spir' it bawrn)

    A new orientation of personality as well as the development of a new standard of values.

  • Spirit circuit (spir' it sur' kit)

    Carrier of the mandates of the Eternal Son.

  • Spirit entities (spir' it en' ti teez)

    Though not personal, these marvelous fragments of the Father are commonly referred to as beings and sometimes, in view of the spiritual phases of their present ministry to mortals, as spirit entities.


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