
  • Seleucid (si loo' sid)

    The group in power in Syria.

  • Selta (sel' tah)

    Writer attached to the court of Emperor Caligula.

  • Semites (sem ahytz)

    Among the most blended of Urantia peoples, containing hereditary factors from most of the nine world races.

  • Sepphoris (sef' or us)

    A trade center in Galilee.

  • Sequentiality (si kwen' she al eh tee)

    The ability to consciousize time even in the absence of motion.

  • Serapatatia (ser ah pah tah' sha)

    The Nodite leader (descended from Caligastia's defaulted corporeal staff) manipulated by Caligastia to entrap Eve into the default of the Adamic mission by mating with Cano (see Cano, Laotta).

  • Seraphic (si raf' ik)


  • Seraphim (ser' uh fim)

    Ministering orders of the angelic hosts.

  • Seraphim of assignment (ser' uh fim uv uh sahyn' muhnt)

    The angel who sponsors the new body for the ascending mortal, the morontia form, as the new life vehicle for the immortal soul and for the indwelling of the returned Adjuster.

  • Seraphington (si raf' ing tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise. It is the home world of the vast hosts of beings created by the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.

  • Servital (surv' eh tahl)

    An order of central universe (Havona) creatures of origin in the collaboration of the Seven Master Spirits and the Seven Supreme Power Directors.

  • Set_ (set)

    Egyptian god of darkness and evil.

  • Seth (seth)

    The eldest son of Adam and Eve born in the second garden, founded the Sethite priesthood whose ministry included religion, education, and health.

  • Sethard (seth' ard)

    One of seven outstanding human teachers.

  • Sethite (seth' ahyt)

    An order of priests who were great post-Adamic teachers.

  • Seven Groups of Reflective Spirits (sev' uhn groopz uv ri flek' tiv spir' itz)

    A group of the Supreme Spirits on the Uversa Personality Register.

  • Seven Master Spirits (sev' uhn mas' ter spir' itz)

    The factualizing mind of the Supreme as a time-space experience in Majeston.

  • Seven Orders of Reflective Spirits (sev' uhn awr' der uv ri flek' tiv spit' itz)

    One of the groups of the Supreme Spirits in the Paradise classification of living beings.

  • Seven Spirits of the Circuits (sev' uhn spit' itz uv thuh sur' kitz)

    A specialized representation of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits (sev' uhn spit' itz uv thuh huh vohn' ah sur' kitz)

    The joint impersonal representation of the Infinite Spirit and the Seven Master Spirits to the seven circuits of the central universe.

  • Seven Supreme Executives (sev' uhn suh preem' ig zek' yuh tivz)

    The administrative co-ordinators of the grand universe.

  • Seven Supreme Power Directors (sev' uhn suh preem' pou' er dih rek' terz)

    The physical-energy regulators of the grand universe.

  • Sevenfold (sev' uhn fohld)

    A basic scheme of the superuniverse organization and government.

  • Sevenfold Adjutant Mind-Spirits (sev' uhn aj' uh tuhnt mahynd spir' itz)

    A group of the Supreme Spirits of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Shabattum (shah batt' um)

    The seventh day of the week. Its origin as a day of honor began with the Adamites, and during later times in Mesopotamia its observance became heavy-laden with tattoos and rituals.


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