
  • Pre-Trinity (pree trin' i tee)

    The existential, solitary, nonattainable I AM .

  • Preactual (pree ak' choo uhl)

    A quality of the I AM.

  • Preadjutant (pree aj' uh tuhnt)

    Mechanical mind, the nonteachable intellect of the most primitive forms of material life.

  • Prechoice age (pree chois eyj)

    Twenty years for the children of Adam and Eve.

  • Precolored (pree kuhl' erd)

    Humanity before the appearance of the colored races.

  • Prefinite (pree fahy' nahyt)

    Before the genesis of finite beginnings .

  • Preglacial (pree gley' shuhl)

    A time when mountain ranges were born, streams changed their courses, and isolated volcanoes broke out all over the world.

  • Pregravity (pree grav' i tee)

    The first step in the individuation of space potency into the pre-energy forms of cosmic force.

  • Premachine (pree muh sheen')

    An age in which the only way in which man could accomplish work without doing it himself was to use an animal.

  • Premagical (pree maj' i kuhl)

    The incantations of primitive religion .

  • Premorontia (pree mohr ohn' shuh)

    Mortal experience extending from the highest purely animal level to the lowest actual contactual morontia level of self-consciousness as a personality experience.

  • Preperson (pree pur' suhn)

    Prior to the bestowal of personality.

  • Prepersonal spirits (pree pur' suh nl spir' itz)

    Are representative of the Universal Father’s direct and unexplained contact with the creatures of the realms.

  • Prereligious (pree ri lij' uhs)

    At this level, men pray to gods — local and national and to fetishes, amulets, ghosts, rulers, and to ordinary people.

  • Primary Associators (prahy' mer ee)

    Masterly energy conservators and custodians.

  • Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers (prahy' mer ee ih ven' choo ay td mas' ter fohrs awr guh nahy' zers)

    One of the groups comprising the Universe Power Directors.

  • Primordial (prahy mawr' dee uhl)


  • Priscilla (pri sil' uh)

    Jewish refugee from Rome.

  • Progressor (proh gres' ohr)

    An ascending creature.

  • Prometheus (pruh mee' thee uhs)

    Greek god who stole fire from heaven.

  • Providence (prov' i duhns)

    The realm of the Supreme Being and the Conjoint Actor.

  • Ptolemais (tol uh may' uhs)

    A city on the coast north of Jerusalem.

  • Ptolemies (tol uh meez)

    An area south of Palestine.

  • Ptolemy (tol' uh mee)

    Greek king of Egypt.

  • Publican (puhb' li kuhn)

    Tax gatherers.


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