
  • Planetary Custodians (plan i ter' ee kuh stoh' dee uhnz)

    One of the groups comprising the Morontia Power Supervisors, a division of the Universe Power Directors.

  • Planetary Midwayers (plan i ter' ee mid' wey urz)

    One of the groups comprising the Corps of Permanent Citizenship, a division of the Universe Power Directors.

  • Planetary Mortals (plan i ter' ee mawr' tlz)

    Animal-origin evolutionary beings of ascendant potential.

  • Plato (pley' toh)

    Greek philosopher of the sixth century before Christ.

  • Polynesian (pol uh nee' zhuhn)

    A group of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

  • Polytheism (pol' ee thee iz uhm)

    Monotheism in the making.

  • Pontius Pilate (pon' shuhs pahy' luht)

    Governor of Judea.

  • Porogia (pohr odg' ee uh)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Norlatiadek.

  • Porphyreon (pawr fahy' ree uhn)

    A coastal city, presumably the one eight miles north of Sidon.

  • Porshunta (pohr shunt' uh)

    The leader and master mind of the orange race who ministered from their headquarters at Armageddon approximately 300,000 years ago. Serves today on the Urantia Advisory Council as one of the four and twenty counselors.

  • Portalon (pohrt' uh lohn)

    A local universe neighbor of Nebadon.

  • Post-Havona (pohst hah voh' nuh)

    Epochs in the time-space and the time-space-transcended spheres of master universe evolutionary expansion.

  • Postexperiential (pohst ik speer ee en' shuhl)

    That which lies after destinies

  • Postfinite (pohst fahy' nahyt)

    Finite endings or destinies.

  • Postgravity (pohst grav' i tee)

    In this stage, energy-matter discloses response to the control of linear gravity.

  • Potencies (poht' n seez)

    The potentials inherent in matter, mind, and spirit.

  • Potentiality (puh ten shee al' i tee)

    Potentiality comes inward from the infinity periphery and converges at the center of all things.

  • Power (pou' er)

    Universe power includes all forms of energy which, while still responding to Paradise gravity, are directly responsive to linear gravity. This is the electronic level of energy-matter and all subsequent evolutions thereof.

  • Power-personality synthesis (pou' er pur suh nal' i tee sin' thuh sis)

    The ever-ascending mobilization and perfecting unification of all phases and values of finite reality.

  • Praetorium (pray tohr' ee uhm)

    An addition to the fortress of Antonia, where Pilate and his wife made their headquarters when stopping in Jerusalem.

  • Prajapati (pruh jah' puht ee)

    Deity-father principle of the Vedic cult.

  • Pre-Adamic (pree uh dam' ik)

    Civilization before the arrival of an Adam.

  • Pre-Aryan (pree air' ee uhn)

    The early pre-white Andites.

  • Pre-existentials (pree eg zi sten' shuhl)

    That which lies before beginnings .

  • Pre-experiential (pree ik speer ee en' shuhl)

    A quality of the I AM.


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