
  • Nonabsolute (non ab suh loot')

    In some manner, e.g., time-conditioned, and therefore not absolute.

  • Nonbreathers (non bree' thers)

    Inhabitants of a planet devoid of air.

  • Noncreators (non kree ey' ters)

    Eventuated transcendental beings, the eventuated children of divinity, ultimacy, and eternity; neither finite nor infinite; neither creators nor creatures.

  • Nonmortal (non mawr' tl)

    Seraphic, Adamic, midwayer, and Adjuster ascending orders of sonship.

  • Nonreality (non ree al' i tee)

    Cessation of existence.

  • Nonspatial (non spey' shuhl)

    Devoid of space.

  • Nonspirit (non spir' tiz)

    All manifestations of force-energy and the organization of power and matter.

  • Nontemporal (non tem' per uhl)

    Without time.

  • Nonutopian (non yoo toh' pee uhn)

    Without bliss.

  • Norana (nawr ahn' ah)

    Syrian woman whose daughter was healed.

  • Nordan the Kenite (nawr' dan thuh ken' ite)

    Brilliant disciple or Melchizedek.

  • Nordics (nawr' diks)


  • Norlatiadek (nor lash' ee ah dek)

    The constellation to which Urantia belongs. Constellations represent the 100 primary divisions of local universes and link the systems to local universe administration.

  • Obadiah (oh buh dahy' uh)

    Hebrew prophet.

  • Oban (oh' bahn)

    Onagar's headquarters on the northern shores of the ancient Mediterranean in the region of the present Caspian Sea.

  • Okhban (ack' bohn)

    Great Egyptian prophet who was murdered.

  • Olivet (ol' eh vet)

    The Mount of Olives.

  • Olympian (uh lim' pee uhn)


  • Olympus (uh lim' puhs)

    Home of the Greek gods.

  • Omniaphim (om nee' ah fim)

    The fourth class of ministering spirits of the grand universe, created by the Infinite Spirit in concert with the Seven Supreme Executives, who serve as the exclusive servants and messengers of the Supreme Executives.

  • Omnificent (om nif' uh suhnt)

    Creating all that is created.

  • Omnipersonal (om nee pur' suh nl)

    Embracing all the known relationships of personality; before, during and after personality.

  • Omnipotence (om nip' uh tuhns)

    The everywhere dominance of the absolute level.

  • Omnipotent (om nip' uh tuhnt)

    The transcendental Almighty .

  • Omnipresence (om nuh prez' uhnt)

    Everywhere present, and at the same time.


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