
  • Michaels (mahy kuhlz)

    An order of the Paradise Sons of God .

  • Mid-breathers (mid breeth urz)

    Beings such as the Urantia races.

  • Mid-mind (mid mahynd)

    The evolving soul of man, a morontia phenomenon .

  • Midianites (mid' ee uh nahyts)

    Invaders of the Jordan valley.

  • Midsonite (mid' sohn ite)

    Worlds on which the Melchizedeks have functioned as life carriers; progeny of a Melchizdek and a Material Daughter.

  • Midsonite Orders of the Local Universes (mid' sohn ite awr' der uv thuh loh' kuhl yoo' nuh vurs)

    One of the unclassified and unrevealed orders of the Triune-origin beings.

  • Midspace (mid speys')

    Quiet zones which separate the successive space levels of the master universe.

  • Midwayer (mid wey ur)

    Creatures who appear on most inhabited worlds, and always on life-experiment (decimal) worlds such as Urantia. They exist and function in the realm 'midway' between human and angel.

  • Mighty Messenger (mahy' tee mes' uhn jer)

    A group of sons chiefly, but not wholly, concerned with the services of the ascendant career of the time-space mortals.

  • Milcha (mil' kah)

    A cousin of the Apostle Thomas.

  • Mind (mahynd)

    Mind, on Urantia, is a compromise between the essence of thought perfection and the evolving mentality of your immature human nature. The plan for your intellectual evolution is, indeed, one of sublime perfection, but you are far short of that divine goal as you function in the tabernacles of the flesh. Mind is truly of divine origin, and it does have a divine destiny, but your mortal minds are not yet of divine dignity.

  • Mind adjutant (mahynd aj' uh tuhnt)

    Perform invaluable service in the mind circuits on the inhabited worlds .

  • Mind-adjutants (mahynd)

    Coming from a local universe Mother Spirit and related to creature life of intelligence status .

  • Mind circuit (mahynd sur' kit)

    The cosmic arena of creature choice.

  • Mind-dominated beings (mahynd dom' uh neyt ed bee' ings)

    mind personalities who have spirit.

  • Mind gravity (mahynd grav' i tee)

    Unerringly clutches all vital meanings of intellectual existence.

  • Mind-matrix (mahynd mey' triks)

    The mortal-mind transcripts and the active creature-memory patterns.

  • Mind personalities (mahynd pur suh nal' i teez)

    In the same sense that there are spirit personalities who have mind there are mind personalities who have spirit.

  • Minerva (mi nur' vuh)

    Roman goddess.

  • Ministering Spirits (min' uh ster ing spir' itz)

    Angels are the ministering-spirit associates of the evolutionary and ascending will creatures of all space; they are also the colleagues and working associates of the higher hosts of the divine personalities of the spheres.

  • Ministering spirits of time (min' uh ster ing spir' itz uv tahym)

    A group comprising the Personalities of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Minor Sector (mahy' ner sek' ter)

    One hundred local universes (about 1,000,000,000 inhabitable planets).

  • Miriam (mir' ee uhm)

    Sister of Jesus.

  • Mispeh (mis' puh)

    A city in Perea.

  • Mithra (mith' rah)

    Iranian god worshiped as the savior and redeemer of sinful mankind.


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