
  • Mortal Corps of the Finality (mawr' tl kohr uv thuh fahy nal' i tee)

    The destination of the ascending Adjuster-fused mortals of time.

  • Mortal survivors (mawr' tl ser vahy' verz)

    Ascending pilgrims .

  • Moses (moh' ziz)

    The emancipator of a remnant of the submerged violet race and the instigator of the revival of the worship of the Universal Father under the name of “The God of Israel”.

  • Most High Assistants (mohst hahy uh sis' tuhntz)

    Members of a group of Universe Aids, a composite personality group of beings that are closely related to the organization and administration of the grand universe.

  • Mota (moh' tuh)

    Morontia wisdom.

  • Mother-makers (muhth' er mey' kerz)

    The Reflective Spirits.

  • Mother-Son (muhth' er)

    One of the two divine parents of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Mother Spirit (muhth' er spir' itz)

    The Third Source and Center and her daughters in the local universes.

  • Mount Carmel (mount kahr' muhl)

    A mountain to the northwest of Nazareth.

  • Mount Hermon (mount hur' muhn)

    A mountain to the north of Nazareth.

  • Mount Seraph (mount ser' uhf)

    The highest elevation on Jerusem and the point of departure for all transport seraphim.

  • Mount Tabor (mount tey ber)

    The highest of all the hills of southern Galilee.

  • Mulatto (muh lat' oh)

    Mixtures of the white and black races .

  • Mystery-cult (mis' tuh ree kuhlt)

    The majority of people in the Greco-Roman world, having lost their primitive family and state religions and being unable or unwilling to grasp the meaning of Greek philosophy, turned their attention to the spectacular and emotional mystery cults from Egypt and the Levant.

  • Mystery Monitor (mis' tuh ree mon' i ter)

    An actual fragment of the very God of all creation .

  • Mythologic (mith uh loj ik)


  • Nabal (ney' bahl)

    A rich Edomite whose widow David married.

  • Nabodad (nah' boh dad)

    The leader of the Salem missionary school at Kish, whose ill-advised efforts at social reform led to the defeat of the Melchizedek teachings in Mesopotamia.

  • Nabon (ney' bohn)

    A Greek Jew and a leader of the Mithraic mystery cult in Rome who had many conferences with Jesus during the latter's Mediterranean tour. He was most lastingly impressed with a discussion of truth and faith.

  • Naboth (ney' bawth)

    The man and his sons who were cheated and executed by King Ahab.

  • Nabu (ney' boo)

    One of the chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Nahor (ney' hor)

    Brother of Abraham.

  • Nain (nan)

    A village near Nazareth.

  • Nalda (nahl' duh)

    Samaritan woman at Jacob's well.

  • Nambia (nam' bee uh)

    The first-born Life Carrier in Nebadon, who serves with Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek as director of this order of local universe sonship.


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