
  • Paradise Citizens (par' uh dahys sit' uh zuhns)

    Co-ordinate Trinity-origin Beings resident on Paradise.

  • Paradise Companions (par' uh dahys kuhm pan' yuhns)

    An order of the the Messenger Hosts of Space.

  • Paradise Corps of the Finality (par' uh dahys kohr uv thuh fahy nal' i tee)

    A composite personality group resident in Uversa.

  • Paradise Deities (par' uh dahys dee' i tees)

    The Universal Father, The Eternal Son, The Infinite Spirit.

  • Paradise Father (par' uh dahys)

    The eternal God — the Paradise Father of all universe personalities.

  • Paradise-Havona-trinitized Sons (par' uh dahys huh vohn' uh trin' i titzd suhns)

    One of the three orders of creature-trinitized sons, the result the trinitization of certain high spiritual aspects of the Supreme Being .

  • Paradise-Havoner (par' uh dahys huh vohn' er)

    The creative efforts of the Paradise Citizens and the Havoners.

  • Paradiseward (par' uh dahys wurd)

    Toward Paradise.

  • Paradisiacal (par uh di sahy' uh kuhl)

    One aspect of the activities of seven-circuited Havona.

  • Parsees (pahr' sees)

    Modern perverters of the gospel of Zoroaster.

  • Parthia (pahr' thee uh)

    One of the countries in the region of Palestine.

  • Pattern (pat ern)

    Can be projected as material, spiritual, or mindal, or any combination of these energies. It can pervade personalities, identities, entities, or nonliving matter. But pattern is pattern and remains pattern; only copies are multiplied.

  • Paul of Tarsus (pawl uv tahr' suhs)

    One of the greatest teachers of this era along with Jesus and Philo of Alexandria.

  • Pauline (paw' lahyn)

    The version of the life and teachings of the Son of Man which became paganized Christianity.

  • Pella (pel' uh)

    A city near the Jordan River in Perea.

  • Pentecost (pen' ti kawst)

    A feast occurring seven weeks after Passover.

  • Penuel (peh new' uhl)

    A city in Perea.

  • Pepi (pep' ee)

    Egyptian king.

  • Perea (pur ree' uh)

    The most beautiful and picturesque province of all Palestine.

  • Perfect (pur' fikt)

    Complete, in every relevant aspect.

  • Perfections of Days (per fek' shuhns uv deyz)

    The rulers of the superuniverse major sectors.

  • Perfectors of Wisdom (pur fek' tohrs uv wiz' duhm)

    A specialized creation of the Paradise Trinity designed to personify the wisdom of divinity in the superuniverses.

  • Perpetua (per pech' oo uh)

    Simon Peter's wife.

  • Persian (pur' zhuhn)

    Referring to the area that later became Mesopotamia.

  • Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit (pur' suh nul eydz uv thuh in' fuh nit spir' it)

    One of the groups comprising the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit.


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