
  • Reservists (ri zur' vists)

    Humans who are protectors of planetary destiny, pivotal individuals in the plans which the world administrators are prosecuting.

  • Revelator (rev' uh ley ter)

    Members of a commission that must act in accordance with the instructions which form a part of the revelation mandate.

  • Reversion Directors (ri vur' zhuhn dih rek' terz)

    The promoters of relaxation and humor — reversion to past memories.

  • Rig-Veda (rig vey' duh)

    One of the most ancient of sacred books.

  • Rimmon (rhim' un)

    A city in Galilee.

  • Rodan (roh dan')

    A Greek philosopher from Alexandria whose discussions with Nathaniel and Thomas led him to become a committed believer in and teacher of the gospel of the kingdom.

  • Ruben (roo' buhn)

    A tribe that traditionally had dwelt in the regions east of the river Jordan.

  • Rufus (roo' fuhs)

    Son of Simon of Cyrene.

  • Ruth (rooth)

    (1) Ancestor of Mary, (2) Sister of Jesus, (3) One of the first ten women evangelists.

  • Ryonin (rye ohn' un)

    Teacher of Buddhism.

  • Sadib (sah deeb')

    A tertiary Lanonandek Son who serves in the Satania system government as second assistant Sovereign to Lanaforge, the System Sovereign.

  • Sagittarius (saj i tair' ee uhs)

    An enormous and dense star cloud, around which our local universe and its associated creations all move.

  • Saharans (suh har' ruhnz)

    Herders and agriculturists from the Sahara region.

  • Sakyamuni Buddha (sah' kyuh moon ee boo' duh)

    Title given to Gautama by his disciples.

  • Salem (sey' luhm)

    A city in Palestine.

  • Salome (suh loh' mee)

    (1) Sister of Mary, (2) Mother of James, John and David Zebedee.

  • Salsatia (sal say' sha)

    A high-order spirit being who serves as the Nebadon Census Director with headquarters on Salvington and registers the existence (marked by birth and death) of all will creatures in the local universe(see Usatia).

  • Salvington (sal' ving tn)

    The headquarters sphere of the local universe of Nebadon, personal home of the Creator Son, Michael, and the Creative Spirit (see Nebadon, Orvonton).

  • Samaria (suh mar ee ah)

    A region in Palestine.

  • Samaritan (suh mar' i tn)

    A culture competing with the Jews.

  • Samson (sam' suhn)

    A Nazarite predecessor of John.

  • Samuel (sam' yoo uhl)

    First of the Hebrew prophets.

  • Sandmatia (sand may' sha)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Sangik (san' jik)

    The Badonite family, descended from Andon and Fonta, in which the ancestorsof the six colored races of Urantia were bom in approximately 498,000 B.C.

  • Sanhedrin (san hed' rin)

    Scribes and Pharisees.


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