
  • Shaddai (shah dahy)

    The Egyptian concept of the God of heaven.

  • Shalmaneser III (shal man eez' ur)

    Assyrian king.

  • Shaman (shah' muhn)

    Fetish men who were thought to be directed by a spirit ghost, even by a god.

  • Shamash (shah' mahsh)

    One of seven chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Shang-ti (shang' tie)

    Chinese concept of the God of Heaven.

  • Shechem (sheck' um)

    A town in Palestine.

  • Sheepfold (sheep' fohld)

    An enclosure where a shepherd gathers his flock for the night in times of danger.

  • Shekinah (she kin' ah)

    A symbol of the Divine Presence .

  • Shema (she' mah)

    The Jewish creed of faith.

  • Shemer (she' mur)

    City despot of Israel.

  • Sheol (she' awl)

    The Hebrew idea regarding the destiny of the ghost soul.

  • Shiloh (shy' low)

    The location of Yahweh’s temple in the northern kingdom.

  • Shin (shin)

    A Japanese Buddhist sect.

  • Shinran (shin' ran)

    Teacher of Buddhism in Japan.

  • Shittim (sh tim')

    A town in Perea.

  • Shonin (show' nin)

    Teacher of Buddhism in Japan.

  • Shunem (shoo' nehm)

    An ancient village in Palestine.

  • Sibmah (sib' mah)

    A town in Perea.

  • Siddhartha (si' dahr tuh)

    Son of a petty chieftain who ruled over a small and secluded mountain valley in the southern Himalayas, later becoming the Buddha.

  • Siddim (sihd' uhm)

    Location of the battle after which Abraham became leader of a second confederation of eleven tribes.

  • Sidon (sahyd' n)

    A city historically linked to its neighbor, Tyre.

  • Sierras (see er' uhz)

    A mountain range on the west coast of North America.

  • Sikh (seek)

    One of the major religious traditions of India.

  • Silas (sahy' luhs)

    Leading member of early church ln Jerusalem.

  • Siloam (si loh' uhm)

    A semisacred pool in Jerusalem.


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