
  • Stephen (stee' vuhn)

    First Christian martyr.

  • Stoic (stoh' ik)

    Stoicism was the superior philosophy of the better classes [of Hellenistic cultures]. The Stoics believed that a controlling Reason-Fate dominated all nature. They taught that the soul of man was divine.

  • Stone of Scone (stohn uv skohn)

    A surviving ""sacred stone"" fetish.

  • Student spirits (stood' nt spir' itz)

    Spirit ascenders who continue to master new worlds while they practice at giving out to others that which they have imbibed at the experiential founts of wisdom.

  • Student visitors (stood' nt viz' i terz)

    One of the Seven Courtesy Colonies of Uversa.

  • Sub-Paradise (suhb par' uh dahyz)

    The seven superuniverses .

  • Subabsolute (suhb ab suh loot')

    Evolutional levels of power-personality manifestation in the master universe.

  • Subbreathers (suhb bree' therz)

    Those inhabiting a planet with an atmosphere as thin as that of our outer neighbor, Mars.

  • Subpersonal (suhb pur' suh nl)

    A creature without personality, e.g., an animal.

  • Succoth (soo kawt')

    A Perean town among those visited by the seventy evangelists; Succoth is also the name of a Jewish harvest festival, called ""Tabernacles"" in the UB.

  • Sudna (sood' nah)

    A Havona Servital on record as having been embraced by the Father and translated to the status of Graduate Guide (see servital).

  • Suduanism (soo' doo ah nizm)


  • Sumeria (soo meer' ee uh)

    An area on the Persian Gulf .

  • Sumerian-Chaldean (soo meer' ee uhn kal dee' uhn)

    Groups who taught a three-in-one God concept founded on the traditions of the days of Adam and Melchizedek.

  • Summarizer (suhm' uh rahyz ur)

    One of God the Supreme's indispensable qualities.

  • Summating (suhm' yet ing)

    A process used by the Supreme to aggregate evolutionary experience.

  • Superadditive (soo' per ad' i tiv)

    Where the sum of two or more things is very often something more than, or something different from, predictable additive consequences .

  • Superalmighty (soo' per awl mahy' tee)

    The speculated power of the Supreme in the outer universes.

  • Superangel (soo' per eyn' juhl)

    The Brilliant Evening Stars .

  • Superaphic (soo' per af' ik)

    Of, or pertaining to, the beings and activities of the highest order of central universe ministering spirits, the supernaphim.

  • Superbreather (soo' per bree' ther)

    Intelligent creatures on a planet with an atmosphere similar to that of our near neighbor, Venus.

  • Supercitizens (soo' per sit' uh zuhnz)

    Eventuated beings with absonite attributes.

  • Superenergy (soo' per en' er jee)

    An attribute of the Unqualified Absolute.

  • Superevolutional (soo' per ev uh loo' shuhn ul)

    That which is transcendental is not necessarily nondevelopmental, but it is superevolutional in the finite sense.

  • Superfinite (soo' per fahy' nahyt)

    Reality, as comprehended by finite beings, is partial, relative, and shadowy. The maximum Deity reality fully comprehensible by evolutionary finite creatures is embraced within the Supreme Being. Nevertheless there are antecedent and eternal realities, superfinite realities, which are ancestral to this Supreme Deity of evolutionary time-space creatures.


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