
  • Triata (try ah' tah)

    The energy-matter systems of Havona, which are threefold in organization and are responsive to linear gravity.

  • Trimurti (trih moor' tee)

    The supreme trinity of Hinduism.

  • Trinitarian (trin' i tahr e uhn)

    Interdependence of the three divine personalities .

  • Trinitize (trin' i tahyz)

    It is beyond the possibility of any being successfully to portray to the human mind the nature and purport of this extraordinary transaction.

  • Trinitized Ambassadors (trin' i tahyz d am bas' uh ders)

    Trinity-embraced ascendant mortals of Son- or Spirit-fused nature.

  • Trinitized beings (trin' i tahyz d bee' ings)

    Beings created by all three Paradise Deities, either as such or as the Trinity, together with the Trinitized Corps.

  • Trinitized Corps (trin' i tahyz d kawr)

    All groups of trinitized beings, revealed and unrevealed.

  • Trinitized Custodians (trin' i tahyz d kuh stoh' dee uhn)

    Trinity-embraced seraphim and midwayers.

  • Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy (trin' i tahyz d see' kritz uv suh prem' uh see)

    The highest order of the Stationary Sons of the Trinity.

  • Trinitized Sons (trin' i tahyz d suhns)

    A group of composite origin which includes all beings embraced by the Paradise Trinity even though not of direct Trinity origin.

  • Trinitized Sons of Attainment (trin' i tahyz d suhns uv uh teyn' muhnt)

    Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number.

  • Trinitized Sons of Destiny (trin' i tahyz d suhns uv des' tuh nee)

    Beings trinitized by a finaliter and a Paradise-Havoner .

  • Trinitized Sons of Perfection (trin' i tahyz d suhns uv per fek' shuhn)

    Creature-trinitized wards of the Teacher Sons, further embraced by the Paradise Trinity.

  • Trinitized Sons of Selection (trin' i tahyz d suhns uv si lek' shuhn)

    The Trinitized Custodians and the Trinitized Ambassadors.

  • Trinitizing (trin' i tahyz ing)

    A technique that produces tertiary maximums — things, meanings, and values that are neither perfect nor perfected yet are co-ordinate with both ancestral factors.

  • Trinity (trin' i tee)

    Trinities are truths of relationship and facts of co-ordinate Deity manifestation.

  • Trinity embrace (trin' i tee em breys')

    The divine embrace of the Paradise Deities.

  • Trinity embraced (trin' i tee em breys' d)

    Becomes a Trinitized Son.

  • Trinity-embraced (trin' i tee em breys' d)

    Beings having the experience of trinitization, either as a part of their origin or as an experience of Trinity embrace subsequently attained.

  • Trinity-origin and Trinitized Beings (trin' i tee awr' i jin ahnd trin' i tizd bee' ings)

    Groups of beings created by all three Paradise Deities, either as such or as the Trinity.

  • Trinity-origin Beings (trin' i tee awr' i jin bee' ings)

    One of the seven grand divisions of the divine family of living beings registered on Uversa .

  • Trinity Teacher Sons (trin' i tee tee' cher suhns)

    Beings who range the grand universe as the supernal teachers of all personalities, human and divine.

  • Trinity Ultimate (trin' i tee uhl' tuh mit)

    The Master Architects, the grand universe Supreme Creators, and the Supreme Being .

  • Triodity (trahy ohd' eh tee)

    Any of several triune relationships on the level of the existential Absolutes, not including the Father, which are directly involved in the cosmic appearance of the experiential Deities (Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute).

  • Triple velocity (trip' uhl vuh los' i tee)

    About 558,840 miles per second.


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