
  • Unrevealed Dual-origin Beings (un ri veel' d doo uhl awr i jin bee' ings)

    One of the Stationary Orders of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Unrevealed Sons of God (un ri veel' d suhns' uv god)

    One of the Descending Orders of beings of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Unrevealed Spirit-origin Beings (un ri veel' d trin' i tee awr' i jin bee' ings)

    Members of the Family of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Unrevealed Trinity-origin Beings (un ri veel' d spir' it awr' i jin bee' ings)

    A group of the Trinity-origin and Trinitized Beings.

  • Unrevealed Universe Aids (un ri veel' d yoo' nuh vurs eydz)

    Members of the Descending Orders of beings of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Urantia (yoo ran' cha)

    The name by which our world (planet) is known in the universes (see Orvonton).

  • Uriah (yoo rahy' uh)

    Husband of Bathsheba.

  • Urmia (oor' mee uh)

    An old Persian city on the western shores of Lake Urmia.

  • Usatia (yoo say' sha)

    The chief of all Census Directors in Orvonton. Created by the Infinite Spirit, Census Directors register the existence (birth and death) of all will creatures in the universe of universes (see Salsatia).

  • Uversa (yoo ver' sah)

    The architectural and headquarters world of the seventh superuniverse, Orvonton, of which our local universe, Nebadon, is a part. Those member's of the Urantia revelatory commission who were superuniverse personalities came from Uversa (see Orvonton).

  • Uzziah (uh zahy' uh)

    16 year old king of Judah.

  • Value-level (va'l yoo lev' uhl)

    An experiential reality .

  • Van (van)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of the staff of Caligastia (see Ang), headed the supreme court of tribal coordination and racial cooperation. He was one of the 40 members of the 100 who did not join the rebellion, remaining loyal to Michael's government.

  • Vanite (vahn' ite)

    The descendants of Van who were in turn the ancestors of the Assyrians in the regions of northern Mesopotamia near Lake Van and Mount Ararat.

  • Vedas (vey' dahs)

    Among the most ancient of sacred books.

  • Vedic (vehd' ik)

    The cult of the Aryans .

  • Veluntia (vel uhn' sah)

    One of the largest suns in Orvonton.

  • Venus (vee' nuhs)

    Roman goddess of fertility.

  • Vergil (vur' jil)

    Roman poet.

  • Veronica (vuh ron' i kuh)

    Woman of Caesarea-Philippi who was healed.

  • Vesta (ves tuh)

    Roman goddess of the home.

  • Vevona (va vohn' a)

    Chief, during Adam's time, of the souls of peace, a corps of seraphic ministers belonging to the angelic order of planetary helpers. The angel who announced to the worlds the birth of Michael as the human Jesus.

  • Vicegerent (vahys jeer' uhnt)

    One with the authority to act on another's behalf.

  • Vicegerington (vahys ger' ing tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise. This is the home sphere of those beings who take origin in the actions of the Father and the Son.

  • Vilton (vil' tn)

    A tertiary Lanonandek Son now serving under Lanaforge as secretary of the Lanonandek ministry of Satania.


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