
  • Technical Advisers (tek' ni kuhl ad vahy' zer)

    Technical Advisers are dedicated to the work of preventing delay, facilitating progress, and counseling achievement.

  • Technicians (tek nish' uhns)

    A division of seraphim who help new ascenders adjust themselves to the new and comparatively strange environment of the morontia spheres.

  • Teherma (Teh her' mah)

    A Persian businessman in Amathus in early A.D. 27 who, despite Simon Peter's fumbled attempts to present the gospel teachings, responded to Jesus and entered the kingdom.

  • Tenskwatawa (Tens kwah' tah wah)

    A teacher of the Shawnee Indian Nation who in the early 1800's accurately predicted the eclipse of the sun, thereby contributing to the evolutionary process of replacing shamanic conjuring with science.

  • Terah (teer uh)

    Father of Abraham.

  • Tertiaphim (tur' she ah fim)

    The second order of angelic ministering spirits of the superuniverses who are children of the Infinite Spirit. These high angels function as the staff of the Creator Son until the Bright and Morning Star is personalized.

  • Thaddeus (thad' e us)

    Other name for James Alpheus.

  • Thamna (tham' nuh)

    Ancient city in Greece.

  • Thapsacus (thap' suh kuhs)

    Ancient town along the western bank of the Euphrates river.

  • Thebes (theebz)

    Capital of Egypt, before and after Arman.

  • Third Source and Center (thurd' sohrs and sen' ter)

    The Third Source and Center is known by numerous titles

  • Thomas (tom' uhs)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Thomas Didymus (tom' uhs did' y mus)

    Thomas Didymus, a fisherman of Tarichea and onetime carpenter and stone mason of Gadara. He was selected [as an apostle] by Philip.

  • Thor (thawr)

    Thor, the victorious commander of the armies of the north in the final battle of the Somme, became the hero of the northern white tribes and later on was revered as a god by some of them.

  • Those High in Authority (thohz hahy'in uh thawr' i tee)

    The second group of the Trinitized Sons of Attainment, are all Adjuster-fused beings of mortal origin. These are the perfected mortals who have exhibited superior administrative ability and have shown extraordinary executive genius throughout their long ascending careers.

  • Those without Name and Number (thohz with out' neym and nuhm' ber)

    The remaining three orders, Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without name and number, are glorified ascendant mortals.

  • Thoth (thohth)

    Wise Egyptian god.

  • Thought Adjuster (thawt uh juhs' ter)

    Pre-personal fragment of the Universal Father that indwells the human mind. Man is spiritually indwelt by a surviving thought adjuster. If such a human mind is sincerely and spiritually motivated, if such a human soul desires to know God and become like him, honestly wants to do the Father’s will, there exists no negative influence of mortal deprivation nor positive power of possible interference which can prevent such a divinely motivated soul from securely ascending to the portals of Paradise.

  • Thrace (threys)

    Historical and geographic area in southeast Europe.

  • Threefold (three' fohld)

    (1) The Universal Father achieves freewill liberation from the bonds of infinity and the fetters of eternity by the technique of trinitization, threefold Deity personalization; (2) The grand universe is the threefold Deity domain of the Trinity of Supremacy, God the Sevenfold, and the Supreme Being; (3) God is spirit in a threefold sense

  • Tiberias (tahy beer' ee ahs)

    The new city which was soon to succeed Sepphoris as the capital of Galile.

  • Tiberius (tahy beer' ee uhs)

    Emperor of Rome.

  • Tibet (ti bet)

    Plateau region in Asia, north of the Himalayas.

  • Tidal-gravity (tahyd' l grav' i tee)

    Tidal-gravity, a force between space objects, will shatter the moon into small particles, when it gets too close to the earth. These particles may assemble about the world as rings of matter resembling those of Saturn or may be gradually drawn into the earth as meteors.

  • Tiglath (Tig' lath)

    The young man whom Jesus picked to accompany and assist him during his six-week sojourn on Mount Hermon in A.D. 25 during which Jesus completed psychic circle mastery.


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