
  • Triune-origin Beings (trahy yoon' awr' i jin bee' ings)

    Created by all three Paradise Deities.

  • Triunities (trahy yoo' ni teez)

    The basic association of Absolutes.

  • Triunity (trahy yoo' ni tee)

    A threefold functional aggregate unanimity.

  • Troas (troh' ahs)

    A city between Athens and Ephesus.

  • Troposphere (trop' uh sfeer)

    The lower five or six miles of the earth’s atmosphere .

  • Tubal-Cain (too' buhl keyn)

    Son of Lamech.

  • Turanians (too rey' nee uhnz)

    Descendants of the Aryan conquerors of India.

  • Turkestan (tur' kuh stan)

    The region east of the southern end of the Caspian Sea, near the Kopet Dagh.

  • Tut (tuht])

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff (see Ang). Tut headed the governors of advanced tribal relations.

  • Tutankhamen (toot ahng kah' muhn)

    Son-in-law of lkhnaton.

  • Twelve Apostles (twelv' uh pos' uhlz)

    Laymen, unlearned in the lore of the rabbis and untrained in the methods of rabbinical interpretation of the Scriptures.

  • Twelvefold Adjutants of the Havona Circuits (twelv' fohld aj' uh tuhnts uv thuh ha vohn' a sur' kitz)

    One of the groups of the Supreme Spirits, of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Two-brained (too breynd)

    The Urantian type, somewhat more imaginative, adventurous, and philosophical than the one-brained mortals but somewhat less spiritual, ethical, and worshipful than the three-brained orders.

  • Tyrannus (tahy rahn' us)

    A school in Ephesus.

  • Tyre (tahy' uhr)

    A city closely associated with Sidon.

  • Tyrus (ti' ruhs)

    A town in Perea.

  • Ultimacy (uhl' tuh muh see)

    The absonite function in the master universe tantamount to universal overcontrol and supersustenance.

  • Ultimata (uhl tuh mah' ta)

    Energy systems disclosing response to Paradise (absolute) gravity, but not to linear gravity.

  • Ultimate (uhl' tuh mit)

    Self-projected and time-space-transcending Deity.

  • Ultimate-Absolute (uhl' tuh mit ab suh loot')

    One of the progressive levels toward the completion of the cycle of reality.

  • Ultimates (uhl' tuh mitz)

    That which is of master universe significance and impinges on the destiny level of the completed master universe.

  • Ultimaton (uhl tim' e tohn)

    An energy particle which is the primary unit of material existence, 100 of which combine to form a single electron. Ultimatons are not responsive to linear gravity, but are subject to Paradise gravity.

  • Ultrapersonal (uhl' truh pur' suh nl)

    Meanings inherent in the personality completion of God the Absolute .

  • Umajor (yoo mey' jer)

    The architectural sphere which is the capital of Splandon, the major sector of our superuniverse of Orvonton to which Nebadon belongs. Full name is Umajor the Fifth (see Orvonton).

  • Uminor (yoo mahy' ner)

    The architectural sphere which is the capital of Ensa, the minor sector of our superuniverse of Orvonton to which Nebadon belongs. Its full name is Uminor the third (see Orvonton).


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