
  • Spirit existences (spir' it ig zis' tuhns ez)

    There are spirits

  • Spirit explorers (spir' it ik splohr' erz)

    Entities such as the Solitary Messengers.

  • Spirit-fused (spir' it fyooz' d)

    Mortals fused with the fragmentations of the premind spirit of the Third Source and Center.

  • Spirit-fusion (spir' it fyoo' zhuhn)

    As the Universal Father fragmentizes his prepersonal Deity, so does the Infinite Spirit individuate portions of his premind spirit to indwell and actually to fuse with the evolutionary souls of the surviving mortals of the spirit-fusion series.

  • Spirit gravity (spir' it grav' i tee)

    The ever-present and unerring spiritual grasp of all true spirit values.

  • Spirit identity (spir' it ahy den' ti tee)

    Mortals acquire real spirit identity just before they leave the local universe . . . . Passing from the final morontia stage to the first or lowest spirit status . . . . But the spirit form is just as real as the morontia body (was).

  • Spirit-indwelt (spir' it in dwelt)

    Mortals who have powers of prevision (insight) and may visualize the future.

  • Spirit-mind (spir' it mahynd)

    Mind-spirit unified by personality.

  • Spirit of Truth (spir' it uv trooth)

    The bestowal spirit of the Creator Son, the Comforter.

  • Spirit of Wisdom (spir' it uv wiz' duhm)

    The highest of the seven adjutant mind spirits.

  • Spirit of Worship (spir' it uv wur' ship)

    The religious impulse, the sixth adjutant mind spirit.

  • Spirit personalities (spir' it pur suh nal' i teez)

    Members of the vast family of the Divine and Infinite Spirit .

  • Spirit presences (spir' it prez uhnsprez' uhns ez)

    One of the categories of spirit.

  • Spiritington (spir' eh ting tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost Circuit around Paradise. This is the Paradise home of those high beings exclusively representative of the Infinite Spirit.

  • Spiritists (spir' eh tists)

    Jews who taught that the kingdom would be ushered in by the great judgment of God.

  • Spiritized (spir' it eyez d)

    Transformed from the material levels to the spiritual .

  • Spiritizing (spir' it eyez ing)

    A functional progression which gradually extends from the material to the spiritual.

  • Spiritual energy (spir' i choo uhl en' er jee)

    A creation of The Eternal Son.

  • Spironga (speer ohn' juh)

    Spirit offspring of the Bright and Morning Star and the Father Melchizedek, these dual origin beings are a stationary order who are natives of, and spirit helpers in, the local universe.

  • Splandon (splan' duhn)

    The name of the major sector of the superuniverse, of Orvonton to which our local universe, Nebadon, belongs. Its capital sphere is called Umajor the fifth (see Orvonton).

  • Spornagia (spohr nagh' e ah)

    An animal order of creatures responsible for the care and cultivation of the landscapes of the headquarters worlds in the local universe. They are the only creatures to experience actual reincarnation.

  • Stabilizers (stey' buh lahy zerz)

    These are the regulators of the morontia energy in association with the physical and spirit forces of the realm. They make possible the conversion of morontia energy into morontia material.

  • Star-observer colony (stahr uhb zur' ver kol' uh nee)

    The star-observer colony of Uversa now numbers over one million. These astronomers come and go, though some remain for comparatively long periods.

  • Star Students (stahr stood' ntz)

    The celestial astronomers.

  • Stationary Sons of the Trinity (stey' shuh ner ee suhnz uv thuh trin' i tee)

    This group of Trinity Sons embraces the following personalities


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