
  • Simeon (sim' ee uhn)

    (1) Judean singer at the Jerusalem temple, (2) Reputed holy man of Israel.

  • Simon (sahy' muhn)

    (1) A common name of the time; (2) the third brother of Jesus.

  • Simon from Cyrene (sahy' muhn fruhm sahy ree' nee)

    Man who bore Jesus' cross.

  • Simon Peter (sahy' muhn pee' ter)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Simon Zelotes (sahy' muhn zehl' oh teez)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Simultaneity (sahy muhl tey neyh' eh tee)

    A whole and perfectly related cycle of time.

  • Sin (sin)

    One of 7 chief deities of Mesopotamia.

  • Sinai (sahy nahy)

    A holy mountain of the Hebrews.

  • Singlangton (sing' lahn tuhn)

    A great leader and teacher of the yellow race who was the first of the yellow men to teach the worship of 'One Truth.' Currently serves on the Urantia Advisory Council as one of the four and twenty counselors.

  • Single-origin beings (sing' guhl awr' i jin bee' ingz)

    Those of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

  • Sisera (sis er uh)

    General of army of King Jabln.

  • Siva (shee vuh)

    Hindu lord of life and death.

  • Siwalik Hills (sih' wahl ik hilz)

    A location in northern India.

  • Skeptic (skep' tik)

    A follower of the philosophy of Skepticism.

  • Skepticism (skep' tuh siz uhm)

    A philosophy which asserted that knowledge was fallacious, and that conviction and assurance were impossible.

  • Sleep of death (sleep uv deth')

    The period before the resurrection of life for mortal ascenders.

  • Sleeping Survivors (slee' ping ser vahy' verz)

    Ascending mortals in transition to the Mansion Worlds.

  • Slumbers (sluhm berz)

    Transition periods.

  • Socrates (sok' ruh teez)

    Greek philosopher.

  • Socratic (suh krat' ik)

    The philosophy of Socrates.

  • Sodom (sod uhm)

    A city historically linked to its neighbor, Gomorrah.

  • Sol Invictus (sohl ihn vik' tus)

    Sun-god of Mithraism.

  • Solitarington (sohl eh tahr' ing tuhn)

    One of the seven sacred life spheres of the Father which orbit the innermost circuit around Paradise, the home of a host of beings of origin in the conjoint action of the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit, and other superangelic orders.

  • Solitary Messengers (sol i ter ee mes uhn jerz)

    The highest type of perfect and confidential personality available in all realms for the quick transmission of important and urgent messages when it is inexpedient to utilize either the broadcast service or the reflectivity mechanism.

  • Solomon (sol' uh muhn)

    Son of David and Bathsheba.


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