
  • Manotia (man oh' shah)

    The name of a supreme seraphim of Nebadon, created by the Creative Spirit, who has ascended to the position of associate chief of seraphim on Urantia. Manotia associated with a Melchizedek Son in the work of preparing Paper 39, 'The Seraphic Hosts'.

  • Manovandet (mah noh' van det)

    The first name of a Melchizedek Son who was once attached to the receivership of Urantia after the rebellion, and who authored Paper 53, 'The Lucifer rebellion'.

  • Mansant (man' sant)

    A great mortal teacher during the post-Planetary Prince age on Urantia who taught veneration of the 'Great Light.' Mansant now serves on the Urantia Advisory Council as one of the four and twenty counselors.

  • Mansion world (man' shuhn wurld)

    One of the seven progressive training worlds on which planetary resurrected mortal survivors resume their lives when overtaken by death. These spheres are satellites that orbit world number one of the fifty-six worlds encircling Jerusem, the capital of the local system Satania.

  • Mansion World Students (man' shuhn wurld stoo' dunts)

    Surviving mortals who reawaken on the mansion worlds belong to this class.

  • Mansion World Teachers (man' shuhn wurld tee' chers)

    Recruited and glorified cherubim who function in most of the educational enterprises of the morontia life.

  • Mansonia (man sohn' ee ah)

    The name given to each of the seven satellites which orbit world number one of the fifty-six worlds encircling Jerusem, the capital sphere of Satania. These seven satellites(e.g. mansonia number one, two, etc.) are the mansion worlds devoted to the transitional culture of ascending mortals. Also refers to the mansion world experience or career. Seven progressive training worlds on which planetary resurrected mortal survivors resume their lives when overtaken by death. These spheres are satellites that orbit world number one of the fifty-six worlds encircling Jerusem, the capital of the local system Satania.

  • Mansurotia (man sue roh' shah)

    A tertiary Lanonandek Son who serves in the Satania system government as first assistant Sovereign to Lanaforge, the System Sovereign, and who sits on the Jerusem executive council, the supreme advisory body of Satania.

  • Mantutia (man too' shah)

    The first name of the Melchizedek Son who directed the twelve Nebadon personalities who authored those papers concerning the local universe and the history of Urantia.

  • Marcus (mahr' kuhs)

    A speaker at the forum in Rome to whom Jesus provided personal ministry and who became the successor to the Apostle Peter.

  • Marduk (mahr' dook)

    The chief god In Babylon who was a perpetuation of the Adam legend, the son-of-God idea.

  • Mardus (mar' dus)

    The leader of the Cynics of Rome who, in interactions with Jesus sometime during A.D. 22-23, learned about good and evil.

  • Mark (mahrk)

    Also known as John Mark, as a boy he lingered about many of the scenes that he depicts in the Gospel bearing his name.

  • Martha (mahr' thuh)

    (1) Jesus' second sister, (2) Sister of Lazarus who was, together with her brother and sister, a close friend of Jesus and his family.

  • Mary (mair' ee)

    (1) The earth mother of Jesus, (2) Mary Magdalene, a convert of Jesus who became the chief spokesman of the women's corps of evangels, (3) Sister of Lazarus who was, together with her brother and sister, a close friend of Jesus and his family, (4) The wife of Clopas, one of the women believers who witnessed Jesus' crucifixion and came ready to prepare his body after his physical death, (5) Mary Mark, mother of John Mark, in whose home the Last Supper was held, (6) Mary, mother of the Alpheus twins, who went with other women believers to anoint Jesus' body after his physical death.

  • Mary Magdalene (mag' duh leen)

    A convert of Jesus who became the chief spokesman of the women's corps of evangels.

  • Master Physical Controllers (ma's ter fiz' i kuhl kuhn troh' lers)

    Beings who are the mobile subordinates of the Supreme Power Centers.

  • Master Son (mas' ter suhn)

    A Creator Son who has sojourned seven times among his creatures and thereby become a sovereign and supreme ruler of his Local Universe.

  • Master Universe (mas' ter yoo' nuh vurs)

    Comprises the seven evolving superuniverses in association with the central and divine universe and the uninhabited but mobilizing universes of outer space.

  • Matadormus (mat uh dor' muhs)

    The wealthy young man who refused to part with his worldy possessions as a prerequisite to becoming one of Jesus' ordained teachers.

  • Materialism (muh teer' ee uh liz uhm)

    (1) Preoccupation with or emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values, (2) The philosophical theory that regards matter and its motions as constituting the universe, and all phenomena, including those of mind, as due to material agencies.

  • Materialize (muh teer' ee uh lahyz)

    (1) To come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out, (2) To assume material or bodily form; become corporeal.

  • Matthew (math yoo)

    (1) One of the twelve apostles of Jesus, (2) The Gospel of Matthew, one of the four gospels of the New Testament.

  • Matthew Levi (math yoo lee vahy)

    One of the twelve apostles of Jesus.

  • Matthias (muh thahy' uhs)

    Replaced Judas Iscariot as treasurer of the apostles.


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