
  • Lanaforge (Lan' ah forge)

    A primary Lanonandek Son who succeeded Lucifer as System Sovereign.

  • Lanonandek (La non an' dek)

    The third order of Local Universe Sons of God brought into existence by the Creator Son and Creative Spirit.

  • Lanonandek Sons (La non an' dek sonz)

    System Sovereigns and as constellation counselors in the local universe.

  • Lao-tse (lou' dzuh)

    Chinese religious leader of the 6th century B.C.

  • Laotta (lah ot' uh)

    A Nodite woman, head of the western Garden of Eden school, with whom Adam chose to mate after Eve had defaulted in their planetary mission.

  • Lapland (lap' land)

    Region of extreme northern Europe including northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland and the Kola Peninsula of northwest Russia.

  • Larissa (luh ris' uh)

    Town in the city of Thessaly, Greece.

  • Lasea (la see' uh)

    Ancient city on the island of Crete, Greece.

  • Last Supper (lahst suhp' er)

    The last meal Jesus spent with his apostles while he was on earth.

  • Lausanne (loh zan')

    Province of the Roman Empire where Pontius Pilate retired.

  • Lazarus (laz' er uhs)

    (1) Close friend of Jesus at Bethany, (2) Beggar in Nazarite allegory.

  • Leah (lee' uh)

    Eldest daughter of the Apostle Philip.

  • Lebanon (leb' uh nuhn)

    (1) One of Solomon's elaborate and wasteful building projects, (2) Mount Lebanon

  • Lebbeus (lih bee' uhs)

    The Apostle Judas Alpheus' other name.

  • Lebonah (leb' o naw)

    Town near Shiloh, on the north side of Bethel.

  • Lecture (lek' cher)

    A speech read or delivered before an audience or class.

  • Legion (lee' juhn)

    (1) Twelve units of Seraphim (248,832 pairs or 497,664 individuals) (2) A division of the Roman army, usually comprising 3000 to 6000 soldiers, (3) Very great in number.

  • Lessen (les' uhn)

    (1) To become less, (2) To make less; reduce, (3) Archaic

  • Levantine (lev' uhn tahyn)

    Inhabitant of the Levant, the former name for the area of the Eastern Mediterranean now occupied by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.

  • Levi (lee' vahy)

    Original name of the Apostle Matthew.

  • Levites (lee' vahyts)

    Sons of Levi, a sacred caste in ancient Israel.

  • Levitical (li vit' i kuhl)

    (1) Of or pertaining to the Levites, (2) Of or pertaining to Levitical law, which relates to the priests and Levites and to the forms of Jewish ceremonial observance.

  • Leviticus (li vit' i kuhs)

    Third book of the Bible, containing laws relating to the priests and Levites and to the forms of Jewish ceremonial observance.

  • Liaison Stabilizers (lee ey' zawn stey' buh lahy zerz)

    Regulators of the morontia energy in association with the physical and spirit forces of the realm.

  • Life Carrier Sons (lahyf kar' ee er suhns)

    Local universe Sons of God who are the offspring of a Paradise Creator Son in varied association with the complemental local universe Mother Spirit. Intrusted with designing and carrying creature life to the planetary spheres; after planting this life on such new worlds the Life Carriers remain there for long periods to foster its development.


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