
  • Life Carriers (lahyf kar' ee er)

    Local universe Sons of God who are the offspring of a Paradise Creator Son in varied association with the complemental local universe Mother Spirit. Intrusted with designing and carrying creature life to the planetary spheres; after planting this life on such new worlds the Life Carriers remain there for long periods to foster its development.

  • Life vehicle (lahyf vee' i kuhl)

    Type of body a mortal creature inhabits.

  • Light and life (lahyt and lahyf)

    (1) Final evolutionary attainment of status for an individual being or, collectively, for a world of time and space

  • Linear gravity (lin' ee er grav' i tee)

    The short-range cohesive force of the macrocosmos (also called local gravity).

  • Linear-gravity (lin' ee er grav' i tee)

    Linear-gravity response is a quantitative measure of nonspirit energy. Linear-gravity pull is inherent in material mass and the circular-gravity presence of the Isle of Paradise.

  • Livias (liv' ee uss)

    Small town in Perea, near Jericho.

  • Local System (loh' kuhl sis' tuhm)

    Basic unit of the supergovernment, consisting of about one thousand inhabited or inhabitable worlds.

  • Local Universe (loh' kuhl yoo' nuh vurs)

    A division of a superuniverse comprising one hundred constellations (about 10,000,000 inhabitable planets), and ruled by one of the co-ordinate Creator Sons of God of the order of Michael.

  • Local Universe Centers (loh' kuhl yoo' nuh vurs sen' ters)

    Power centers on the headquarters of each Local Universe that function to downstep and otherwise to modify the seven power circuits emanating from superuniverse headquarters.

  • Local Universe Creative Spirits (loh' kuhl yoo' nuh vurs kree ay' tiv spir' itz)

    A personal representation of the Infinite Spirit (also called the Local Universe Mother Spirit), these Divine Ministers accompany a Creator Son to the realms of space, there to be his companion, first, in physical organization and, later, in creation and ministry to the creatures of the newly projected universe.

  • Local Universe Susatia (loh' kuhl yoo' nuh vurs sue say shah)

    Beings who are the offspring of the Creator Son and Creative Spirit and that reside and function as permanent citizens on Salvington and are closely associated with Spirit-fused mortals.

  • Lord (lawrd)

    (1) God, (2) Jesus Christ, (3) The Supreme Being, (4) Lord God of Israel, (4) Gabriel, the Lord God of hosts, (5) Lanaforge, Lord of Satania.

  • Lot_ (lot)

    Nephew of Abraham.

  • Louisville (loo' ee vil)

    City in Kentucky, USA.

  • Loyalatia (loy al ay' shah)

    The seraphim who warned a human seer not to worship the angels, since they are simply fellow servants with the mortal races.

  • Lucifer (loo' suh fer)

    The deposed System Sovereign of Satania who led a rebellion against the Universal Father and Michael of Nebadon.

  • Luke (lewk)

    Gentile convert of Paul.

  • Lut (luht)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff, Lut headed the guardians of health and life council.

  • Lutentia (lew ten' chah)

    The rebellious and subsequently deposed System Sovereign of Palonia into whose position Michael of Nebadon was appointed as part of Michael's second bestowal experience in the form of a Lanonandek Son.

  • Luxor (luhk' sawr)

    Town in upper Egypt, on the Nile, near the ruins of ancient Thebes.

  • Lydda (lid' ah)

    Town that lay about 9 miles east of Joppa, on the road from the sea-port to Jerusalem.

  • Lysimachia (lye si ma' kee a)

    Hellenistic Greek town of ancient Thrace.

  • Macad (ma cahd')

    Town in Perea, ancient Palestine.

  • Maccabee (mak' uh bee)

    Judas Maccabee, a Judean priest who assumed command of Judean resistance to Greek forces in the second century BC. Maccabee restored Mosaic services at the Mt. Zion temple.

  • Macedonia (mas i doh' nee uh)

    Ancient kingdom in the Balkan Peninsula, in southern Europe.


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