
  • John Hyrcanus (Jon Hirr can' uhs)

    Destroyer of the temple on Mount Gerizim.

  • John the Baptist (Jon thuh bap' tist)

    Forerunner of Michael's mission on Urantia and, in the flesh, distant cousin of the Son of Man.

  • John the Revelator (Jon thuh rev' uh ley ter)

    Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation.

  • John Zebedee (Jon Zeb’ e dee)

    One of the twelve apostles.

  • Jonah (joh' nuh)

    Man swallowed by whale in Old Testament of the Bible.

  • Joppa (jop' uh)

    A town on a sandy promontory between Caesarea and Gaza, and at a distance of 30 miles north-west from Jerusalem.

  • Jordan (jawr' dn)

    A river in Modern Palestine, where Jesus was baptized.

  • Jose (Johz)

    Renowned teacher of the Nazareth synagogue.

  • Joseph (joh' zuhf)

    (1) Great-grandson of Abraham, (2) Earthly father of Jesus, (3) Brother of Jesus, (4) Jewish believer of Tyre.

  • Joseph of Arimathea (joh' zuhf ov ar uh muh thee uh)

    A wealthy member of the Sanhedrin, who obtained the body of Jesus after theCrucifixion and laid it in his own tomb.

  • Joshua (josh' oo uh)

    Successor of Moses as leader of Israelites.

  • Joshua ben Joseph (josh' oo uh ben joh zuhf)

    Identity of Michael during the Urantia bestowal.

  • Josiah (joh sahy' uh)

    (1) King of Judah, (2) Blind beggar whom Jesus healed.

  • Jotapata (Joh tuh pa' tuh)

    A fortified Jewish village dating from the time of Joshua, corresponding with the Iron Age.

  • Jove (johv)

    In ancient Roman religion and myth, Jupiter or Jove was the king of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder. He is the equivalent of Zeus in the Greek pantheon.

  • Judah (joo' duh)

    The fourth son of Jacob and Leah.

  • Judaism (joo' dee iz uhm)

    The monotheistic religion of the Jews.

  • Judas (joo' duhs)

    An apostle, the group's treasurer, and the betrayer of Jesus.

  • Judas Alpheus (joo' duhs al fee' uhs)

    One of the twelve apostles, a fisherman and farmer of Kheresa, who was selected by James Zebedee.

  • Judas Iscariot (joo duhs ih skar' ee uht)

    The disciple who betrayed Jesus.

  • Judas Maccabee (joo duhs mak' uh bee)

    Jew who restored Mosaic services in temple.

  • Jude (jood)

    A brother of Jesus.

  • Judea (joo dee' uh)

    The subdivision of ancient Palestine, succeeding the kingdom of Judah; a Roman province during the time of Christ.

  • Juno (joo noh)

    Roman goddess of light.

  • Jupiter (joo' pi ter)

    A Roman god.


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