
  • Jebus (jee' buhs)

    An ancient Canaanite city taken by David, it later became Jerusalem.

  • Jehoash (ji hoh' ush)

    King of Israel.

  • Jehonadab (ji hoh' na dub)

    Gypsy chieftain who joined forces with Jehu.

  • Jehovah (ji hoh' vuh)

    A name of God in the Old Testament.

  • Jehu (jee' hyoo)

    A King of Israel.

  • Jephthah (jef' thuh)

    A Hebrew who sacrificed his only daughter for defeating his enemies.

  • Jeramy (Jer' ruh mee)

    A Greek proselyte of the Jewish faith from Niccopolis, with whom Apostle Paul stayed when traveling to Corinth, the capital of the Roman province of Achaia.

  • Jeremiah (jer uh mahy' uh)

    Fearless Hebrew prophet.

  • Jericho (jer' i koh)

    An ancient city of Palestine.

  • Jeroboam (jer uh boh' uhm)

    Son of Jehoash, the first king of the Biblical kingdom of the Hebrews in North Palestine.

  • Jerusalem (ji roo' suh luhm)

    A city in, and the capital of, Israel.

  • Jerusem (jeh' roo sehm)

    The headquarters world of Satania, our local system.

  • Jesus (jee' zuhs)

    Also called Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, Joshua ben Joseph, Son of God, Son of Man, and Michael of Nebadon.

  • Jesus of Nazareth (jee' zuhs ov naz' er uhth)

    Human identity of Michael of Nebadon.

  • Jesusonian (jee zuh soh' nee uhn)

    About or pertaining to Jesus.

  • Jethro (jeth' roh)

    Father-in-law of Moses.

  • Jezebel (jez' uh buhl)

    Daughter of king of Tyre, the wife of Ahab, king of Israel.

  • Joab (joh' ab)

    One of the young evangelists.

  • Joachim (yoh' ah khim)

    Father of Mary, Jesus' mother.

  • Joanna (joh an')

    Treasurer of first ten women evangelists.

  • Joash (joh' ash)

    Boy king of Judah.

  • Job_ (job)

    Central character in the biblical Book of Job, that is a fairly good reflection of the teachings of the Salem school at Kish and throughout Mesopotamia.

  • Jogbehah (Jug beh' ah)

    The former chief of the twelve apostles of John the Baptist, a Nazarite and onetime head of the Nazarite school at Engedi, later chief of the seventy messengers of the kingdom.

  • Johab (Joh' ahb)

    The son of Nathan, the groom of Naomi at Cana.

  • John (jon)

    John the Baptist, the forerunner of Michael’s (Jesus Christ's) mission on Urantia and, in the flesh, distant cousin of the Son of Man.


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