
  • Machaerian Palace (mack err' ee an)

    Palace of Herod Antipas, who governed Galilee and Perea during Jesus’ youth and ministry to A.D. 39.

  • Machiventa (mak eh ven' ta)

    Melchizedek Son who incarnated on Urantia during the times of Abraham in approximately 2,000 B.C. At present, Machiventa is the planetary Prince of Urantia.

  • Madagascar (mad uh gas' ker)

    Island republic in the Indian Ocean, about 240 miles (385 km) off the SE coast of Africa.

  • Madon (ma dohn')

    Village in Galilee.

  • Magadan (mahg' ah duhn)

    A park near Bethsaida-Julias where Jesus held conferences, camped with his followers and ordained seventy teachers.

  • Magdala (mag' dah luh)

    (1) In this city's resorts of ill repute the women evangelists found and ministered to Mary Magdalene, (2) Where Jesus as a boy engaged in fishing with the uncle who made his headquarters near this city, (3) Jude, Jesus' brother, established his home here.

  • Magellanic Cloud (muh jel' uhn ik kloud)

    A gigantic luminous mass of blazing suns in the Milky Way galaxy.

  • Magi (mey' jahy)

    Three wise men who supposedly were drawn by the star of Bethlehem to the manger of the infant Jesus.

  • Magisterial Sons (maj uh steer' ee uhl suhns)

    Paradise Sons of God who are children of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit and who take part in judicial actions, magisterial missions and bestowal missions on the worlds of space.

  • Mahayanists (mah' huh yah nuh)

    Followers of Gautama, who developed the ""Great Road"" religious philosophy casting them free from the social limitations inherent in traditional Buddhist philosophy.

  • Majeston (mah' jes ton)

    The 50th Reflective Spirit, of divine Trinity origin, he was created by the Supreme Being in functional liaison with the Deity Absolute. He is chief of reflectivity in the grand universe, with headquarters on Paradise.

  • Major Sector (mey' jer sek' ter)

    Comprises about one tenth of a superuniverse and consists of one hundred minor sectors, ten thousand local universes and about one hundred billion inhabitable worlds.

  • Malach (mah' lahk)

    Syrian believer of Beirut.

  • Malachi (mal uh kahy')

    Hebrew prophet.

  • Malavatia (mal a vay' shah)

    First name of a Melchizedek Son who is one of the authors of the Urantia Papers.

  • Malayan (muh ley' uhn)

    Native or inhabitant of a peninsula of southeast Asia comprising southwest Thailand, western Malaysia, and the island of Singapore.

  • Malchus (mahl' kuhs)

    Syrian bodyguard of the high priest Caiaphas.

  • Malta (mawl' tuh)

    An island in the Mediterranean between Sicily and Africa.

  • Malvorian (mal vor' ee an)

    The first of the order of Graduate Guides and the being who greeted and acted as guide for the first mortal ascender, Grandfanda, when he reached the outer circuit of Havona.

  • Mamre (mam' rey)

    Plains near Hebron where three celestial beings appeared to Abraham.

  • Man-god (mahn god)

    (1) A deity regarded as being in form or origin or in other respects a man. (2) Dyaus-Zeus of the ancient Hellenic Greeks.

  • Manasseh (muh nas' uh)

    Boy king who ruled a corrupt and rich ring of politicians and effected the undoing of Judah, a southern Hebrew clan.

  • Mangus (mang' uhs)

    A centurion, or captain, of the Roman guard stationed at Capernaum who requested that Jesus heal his servant.

  • Manifesto (man uh fes' toh)

    A public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.

  • Manna (man' uh)

    The ""bread of heaven"" said to be miraculously supplied to the Israelites in the wilderness.


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