
  • Maximated (max' uh mayte ed)

    Raised to the highest possible point or condition or position.

  • Maza (mah' zah)

    Ancient village or town near Jerusalem.

  • Meaning-value (mee'·ning val'·yoo)

    Meaning and value combined into one term.

  • Mecca (mek' uh)

    City in western Saudi Arabia

  • Mechanical Controllers (muh kan' i kuhl kuhn troh' lers)

    Mobile assistants of the associate power directors.

  • Medeba (muh dee' buh)

    Town in Perea, ancient Palestine.

  • Megiddo (muh gid' oh)

    Ancient city in northern Israel, on the plain of Esdraelon.

  • Mek (like deck)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff, Mek headed the planetary council on art and science.

  • Melchizedek (mel kee' zuh deck)

    The first of the four orders of descending sonship designated as local universe Sons of God, created by the Creator Son and Creative Spirit in collaboration with the Father Melchizedek in the early days of populating the Local Universe of Nebadon.

  • Melchizedek Sons (mel kee' zuh deck suhns)

    The first of the four orders of descending sonship designated as local universe Sons of God, created by the Creator Son and Creative Spirit in collaboration with the Father Melchizedek in the early days of populating the local universe of Nebadon.

  • Melkarth (mel' kahrth)

    Ancient temple in Tyre, Phoenicia.

  • Mentation (men tey' shuhn)

    The process or result of mental activity.

  • Mercury (mur' kyuh ree)

    The second smallest planet and the nearest to the sun.

  • Merom (may' rohm)

    A lake formed by the river Jordan, about ten miles north of the Sea of Galilee.

  • Mesopotamia (mes uh puh tey' mee uh)

    (1) Ancient name for the land that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, (2) Location of the Planetary Prince's headquarters approximately 500,000 years ago, (3) Location of the second Garden of Eden approximately 36,000 B.C., (4) Where a Melchizedek colony was established in the 2nd Century B.C. (5) Homeland of the Chaldean priests who set out to pay homage to the infant Jesus, (5) Location where the remnants of the destroyed Hebrew civilization were held in captivity in the 2nd Century B.C.

  • Mesotron (mez' uh tron)

    An ""energy carrier"" particle of matter that holds together, by reciprocating function, the charged protons and the uncharged neutrons of the nucleus of the atom.

  • Messenger Hosts of Space (mes' uhn jer hohsts uhv speys)

    Beings of the Infinite Spirit who function as the connecting links between the higher personalities and the ministering spirits.

  • Messiah (mi sahy' uh)

    The promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people.

  • Messianic (mes ee an' ik)

    Of or relating to the Messiah, his awaited deliverance of the Jews, or the new age of peace expected to follow this.

  • Messina (me see' nuh)

    A seaport in NE Sicily where Jesus, Gonod and Ganid stopped on the way to Rome and where Jesus changed the life of a young fruit vendor boy.

  • Metamorphic (met uh mawr' fik)

    Pertaining to or characterized by change of form, or metamorphosis.

  • Metaphysics (met uh fiz' iks)

    The result of man’s unavailing attempt to span the chasm between the widely separated domains of science and religion.

  • Micah (mahy' kuh)

    Hebrew prophet who boldly denounced the priest-ridden ritual of the Hebrews and fearlessly attacked the whole sacrificial system.

  • Micaiah (mihk ay' ah)

    Assisted Elisha, the faithful associate of Elijah, to keep the light of truth alive in Palestine.

  • Michael of Nebadon (mahy' kuhl uv neb' ah don)

    The Creator Son is the divinity co-ordinate of the Eternal Son, and the creative associate of the Infinite Spirit. To our universe and all its inhabited worlds the Sovereign Son is, to all practical intents and purposes, God.


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