(mith ray' ik)
In Persia sun veneration gave rise to the later Mithraic cult.
(mith' ruh iz uhm)
In Persia sun veneration gave rise to the later Mithraic cult; successor to Zoroastrianism in Persia .
(mith' ras)
The greatest of all the mystery cults, the worship of Mithras.
(moh' ab)
An area of rocky hills, visible from Nazareth beyond the Jordan.
(moh' guhl)
One of the dynasties of the East.
(moo ham' id)
Founded a religion which was superior to many of the creeds of his time.
(muh nahr' kuhl)
A paternal form of rulership.
(mong' guh loid)
The primary Sangik type, including the original red, yellow, and blue races.
(mon' i terz)
Prepersonal presences that reside in the minds of will creatures.
(mon may' sha)
The universe name for Urantia's solar system which was formed over four billion years ago (see Angona).
(mon oh' tah)
The living, nonspirit energy of Paradise.
(mon uh thee' iz uhm)
Belief in the One God of final value.
(mon uh thee' ists)
Belivers in a supreme deity.
(moh' kee)
A tribe of red men.
(mawr' uhl)
Of, pertaining to, or concerned with proper conduct, or its principles.
(moh ron' chah)
That phase of universe-reality intervening and bridging the gulf between the material and spiritual realms of the universe.
Morontia career
(moh ron' chah kuh reer')
An experience intended to effect the permanent eradication from the mortal survivors of animal vestigial traits.
Morontia Companions
(moh ron' chah kuhm pan' yuhn)
One of the groups of the Messenger Hosts of Space, in the family of the Infinite Spirit .
Morontia form
(moh ron' chah fawrm)
The new life vehicle for the immortal soul and for the indwelling of the returned Adjuster.
Morontia mortals
(moh ron' chah mawr' tlz)
Student visitors only within the confines of the local universe of their origin.
Morontia Power Supervisors
(moh ron' chah pou' er soo' per vahy zerz)
One of the groups comprising the Universe Power Directors.
Morontia Progressors
(moh ron' chah proh gres' urz)
Ascending pilgrims .
(moh ron' chah)
a new vehicle for personality manifestation.
(mawr' tl)
Life in the flesh.
Mortal Corps of Finaliters
(mawr' tl kohr uv thuh fahy nal' i turz)
Completed mortals who serve in many capacities on worlds settled in light and life.