
  • Herod (her' uhd)

    Anyone of the Herodian dynasty.

  • Herod Agrippa (her' uhd uh grip' uh)

    King of the Jews after his uncle Herod Antipas. Killed James.

  • Herod Antipas (her' uhd uhn tee' puhs)

    Governor of Galilee and Perea during Jesus youth and ministry to A.D. 39. Son of Herod the Great.

  • Herod the Idumean (her' uhd thee id yoo mee' uh)

    Founder of the Herodian Dynasty. Father of Herod the Great, Grandfather of Herod Antipas.

  • Herodian (huh roh' dee uhn)

    Political party that advocated emancipation from the direct Roman rule by a restoration of the Herodian dynasty.

  • Herodias (huh roh' dee uhs)

    Unlawful wife of Herod Antipas.

  • Heshbon (Hesh bohn')

    An ancient town located at the east side of the Jordan River.

  • Hestia (hes' tee uh)

    Greek goddess of the hearth.

  • Hesunanin (Heh soo nan' in)

    The first name of Onamonalonton (see Onamonalonton).

  • Hezekiah (hez uh kahy' uh)

    Judean king and reformer.

  • High Commissioners (hahy kuh mish' uh ners)

    One of the seven orders of Helpers of the Universe.

  • High Son Assistants (hahy suhn uh sis' tuhnt)

    Mighty messengers of the Perfection of days, one of the seven Supreme trinity Personalities.

  • Hildana (hil deyn' uh)

    Woman accused of adultery.

  • Himalayas (him uh ley' uhz)

    Mountain range in Asia, separating the Indian subcontinent from the Tibet Plateau.

  • Hinduism (hin' doo iz uhm)

    Predominant religious tradition of the Indian subcontinent.

  • Hinnom (hin' uhm)

    Valley outside of Jerusalem.

  • Hippos (hip' ohs)

    A town at the east of the Galilee Sea.

  • Hiram (hahy' ruhm)

    King of Tyre during times or David and Solomon.

  • Hittites (hit' ahyt)

    Tribe living in the hills of Canaan during the era of the Patriarchs.

  • Holdant (Hohl' dant)

    A tertiary Lanonandek Son who is currently serving in the Satania system government as custodian of the system, controller and holder of all interned spirits above the mortal level.

  • Holy (hoh' lee)

    Dedicated or devoted to the service of God.

  • Holy Spirit (hoh' lee spir' it)

    The Holy Spirit is the spiritual circuit of this Creative Daughter of the Paradise Infinite Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a circuit indigenous to each local universe and is confined to the spiritual realm of that creation; but the Infinite Spirit is omnipresent.

  • Honen Shonin (hoh' nuhn sho' neen)

    Japanese teacher of Buddhism.

  • Horeb (hawr' eb)

    Another name for the biblical Mount Sinai.

  • Horus (hawr' uhs)

    Egyptian deity, son of Osiris and Isis.


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