
  • Genghis Khan (jeng' gis kahn')

    Great Mongol warrior.

  • Gennesaret (jen es' uhr et)

    A region around Gennesaret lake (also, Sea of Tiberius, Sea of Galilee, Sea of Chinnereth) at the north of the Dead Sea.

  • Gerar (gee' rahr)

    Town and district in what is today south central Israel

  • Gerasa (gee' rah suh)

    One of the most important Roman cities,located in the region of Decapolis.

  • Gerizim (gee' ri seem)

    Mount in the north west of Jerusalem near Shechem.

  • Geshur (gee' shuhr)

    Kingdom in the east of Galilee Sea.

  • Gethsemane (geth sem' uh nee)

    Park situated on the western slope of the Mount of Olives to the east side of Jerusalem, where Jesus prayed.

  • Gibeon (gib' ee uhn)

    City located to the northwest of Jerusalem.

  • Gibraltar (ji brawl' ter)

    Strait connecting Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, between Spain and North Africa.

  • Gideon (gib' ee uhn)

    One of the judges of Israel.

  • Gilboa (jil boh' uh)

    Mounth near Jezreel valley and Jordan River, at southeast of Mt. Carmel.

  • Gischala (gis kah' luh)

    Town in the north of the Galilee Sea, in the west of the Jordan river , where Jesus and apostles preached the gospel and baptized believers.

  • Glantonia (Glan toh' nee uh)

    A neighboring local system in the constellation of Noriatiadek.

  • Glorified (glawr' uh fahyd)

    To make glorious; give glory to.

  • God (god)

    The personalizaton of Deity.

  • God-hunger (god huhng' ger)

    Aspect of the Deity leveraged when the human being is doing the God's will.

  • God-hungry (god huhng' rhee)

    Aspect of the mortal mind related with the desire of spiritual growth.

  • God-knowing (god noh' ing)

    Knowledge that humans have about God.

  • God the Absolute (god' thee ab' suh loot)

    The experientializing God of transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings, now existential as the Deity Absolute.

  • God the Almighty (god thee awl mahy' tee)

    The Supreme Being functions primarily in the central universe as a spirit personality; secondarily in the grand universe as God the Almighty.

  • God the Father (god thee fah' ther)

    Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.

  • God the Sevenfold (god thee sev' uhn fohld)

    Deity personality anywhere actually functioning in time and space.

  • God the Son (god thee suhn)

    Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.

  • God the Spirit (god thee spir' it)

    Conjoint Actor, Universal Integrator, and Mind Bestower. The Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity.

  • God the Supreme (god thee suh preem')

     The actualizing or evolving God of time and space.


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