
  • God-unidentified (god uhn ahy den' tuh fahyd)

    Not associated with God.

  • Godad (goh' dad)

    A sixth-century B.C. hermit whose instructions concerning the traditions of the Melchizedek missionaries were ignored by Gautama Siddhartha.

  • Godheads (god' hed)

    Each one of the personalities of the trinity.

  • Godlike (God' layk)

    Divine, like God.

  • Godlikeness (God layk' nes)

    To be like God.

  • Godward (god' werd)

    In the direction or likeness of God.

  • Golgotha (gol' guh thuh)

    Place in Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.

  • Goliath (guh lahy' uhth)

    Philistine warrior.

  • Gonod (Goh nod')

    A wealthy Indian traveler and father of Ganid with whom Jesus traveled around the Mediterranean basin A.D. 22-23 (see Ganid).

  • Gophna (gohf' nuh)

    Small village to the north of Jerusalem. Today it is known as Jifna.

  • Gospel (gos' puhl)

    Life of Jesus of Nazareth described in the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

  • Gradant (gray' dant)

    The standard weight measure on Jerusem which is equivalent to ten ounces of weight on Urantia.

  • Graduate Guides (graj' oo eyt gahyds')

    Personalities who sponsor and conduct the high university of technical instruction and spiritual training of mortals. .

  • Grand Universe (grand yoo' nuh vurs)

    The present organized and inhabited creation.

  • Grandfanda (Grand fahn' duh)

    The first ascendent mortal to reach Havona. He was a pilgrim from a planet in superuniverse number one.

  • Gravita (grah vee' tuh)

    The name given to energy-matter of dual constitution, which is responsive to linear gravity, and which is the basis of the physical systems of the superuniverses.

  • Gravitation (grav i tey' shuhn)

    Natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distances between their centers.

  • Gravity (grav' i tee)

    Physical, mindal, or spiritual force due to gravitation in any of these domains.

  • Gravity-embraced (grav' i tee em breysd')

    Under the effect of the gravity.

  • Gravity Messengers (grav' i tee mes' uhn jers)

    Spirits who utilize gravity for purposes of transit; they can go anywhere any time — instanter — but they are not persons.

  • Greco-Roman (gree koh roh' muhn)

    Refers to those geographical regions that culturally were influenced by the language, culture, government and religion of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

  • Greenland (green' luhnd)

    Island between the Artic and Atlantic Ocenas, near Canada.

  • Guardian of Destiny (gahr' dee uhn ov des' tuh nee)

    Seraphim devoted to the ministry to individual mortals.

  • Guites (gayts)

    Tribe of Northern Mesopotamia.

  • Hades (hey' deez)

    A place invented by the Greeks to receive weak souls.


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