
  • Hosannas (hoh zan' uh)

    Cry of praise or adoration shouted in recognition of the messiahship of Jesus.

  • Hosea (hoh zee' uh)

    Prophet of northern kingdom of Israel.

  • Humanistic (hyoo' muh nistik)

    An approach in study, philosophy, or practice that focuses on human values and concerns.

  • Humanized (hyoo' muh nahyzd)

    To made human or humanlike.

  • Hydrosphere (hahy' druh sfeer)

    Describes the combined mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet.

  • Hyrcanus (hahr' kahn uhs)

    A Maccabeean leader who destroyed the Temple of Mount Gerizim.

  • Ikhnaton (ik naht' n)

    Egyptian pharaoh having a clear concept of revealed religion and one God.

  • Illinois (il uh noi')

    State in the central United States.

  • Imhotep (im hoh' tep)

    Andite architectural genius who erected first pyramids.

  • Immanence of the Supreme (im' uh nuhns ov thee suh preem')

    Remaining within , indwelling in the Supreme.

  • Immanuel (ih man' yoo uhl)

    Ambassador of Paradise Trinity on Salvington.

  • Immortal soul (ih mawr' tl sohl)

    Incorporeal essence of a person, which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

  • Incarnation (in kahr ney' shuhn)

    Conception and birth of a sentient creature who is the material manifestation of an entity whose original nature is nonmaterial.

  • India (in' dee uh)

    Country in south asia.

  • Indo-China (een' duh chahy' nuh)

    Peninsula in the east of India and south of China.

  • Indonesia (in duh nee' zhuh)

    Country in southeast Asia.

  • Indra (in' druh)

    Lord of atmosphere in Vedic cult.

  • Indwell (in dwel')

    To live within.

  • Inequities (in ek' wi tees)

    Lack of equity, unfairness.

  • Infinite Spirit (in' fuh nit spir' it)

    The Third Person of Deity.

  • Infinitude (in fin' i tood)

    The state or quality of being infinite.

  • Iniquitous (ih nik' wi tuhs)

    Characterized by injustice or wickedness; consistently and willfully sinful.

  • Iniquity (ih nik' wi tee)

    The persistent pursuit of sin and error.

  • Inspired Trinity Spirits (in spahy' uhrd Trin' i tee Spir' its)

    (1) They come into being by the act of the Paradise Trinity and may be utilized by any one or two of the Deities as well as by all three.

  • Intergravity (in tur grav' i tee)

    A group of force and energy activities occurring in space.


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