• Corps of Transcendental Finaliters (kawr uv tran sen denl' tl fahy nal' i turs)

    A member group of the Paradise Corps of the Finality.

  • Corps of Trinitized Finaliters (kawr uv trin' i tahyzd fahy nal' i turs)

    Creature-trinitized sons.

  • Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny (kawr uv un ri veel' d sohns uv des' tuh nee)

    One of the seven Corps of the Finality.

  • Trinitized Corps (trin' i tahyz d kawr)

    All groups of trinitized beings, revealed and unrevealed.

  • Cosmic-force (koz' mik fawrs)

    All energies deriving from the Unqualified Absolute but which are as yet unresponsive to Paradise gravity.

  • Cosmic-mind (koz' mik mahynd)

    Mind circuits of the grand universe.

  • Creative Daughter (kree ey' tiv daw' ter)

    A daughter of the Infinite Spirit, the Divine Minister, the Mother Spirit of a local universe.

  • Creative Spirit (kree ey' tiv spir' itz)

    Partner of the Creator Son of a local universe.

  • Creator (kree ey' ter)

    God the Father is the personal Creator of Paradise and, in association with the Eternal Son, the Creator of all other personal universe Creators.

  • Creator personalities (kree ey' ter pur suh nal' i tees)

    The Supreme Creator personalities, ranging from the Master Spirits to the Creator Sons, emerge from Paradise to engage in the agelong task of bringing the evolving universes into factual being.

  • Creator Son (kree ey' ter sohn)

    The fathers of the inhabited worlds and the sovereigns of the local universes.

  • Crispus (kris' pus)

    Chief ruler of synagogue at Corinth.

  • Cro-Magnon (kroh mag' nuhn)

    Members of the post-Adamic blue race.

  • Crucifixion (kroo suh fik' shuhn)

    A harsh method of punishment learned by the Greeks and the Romans from the Phoenicians.

  • Cruse (krooz)

    A container.

  • Mystery-cult (mis' tuh ree kuhlt)

    The majority of people in the Greco-Roman world, having lost their primitive family and state religions and being unable or unwilling to grasp the meaning of Greek philosophy, turned their attention to the spectacular and emotional mystery cults from Egypt and the Levant.

  • Cultism (kuhl' tiz uhm)

    A symbolism of rituals, slogans, or goals.

  • Custodians of Records on Paradise (kuh stoh' dee uhnz uv rek' erdz ohn par' uh dahys)

    One of the groups comprising the Messenger Hosts of Space.

  • Cuthites (cuth' itz)

    One of the groups sent to replace the Jews of the northern kingdom of Israel who were taken into captivity by the king of Assyria.

  • Cutites (cue' tahyts)

    One of the groups that occupied the first garden after it was vacated by Adam.

  • Cybele (sib' uh lee)

    Mother of Attis In Phyrgian cult.

  • Cymboyton (sim boy' ton)

    A wealthy Urmia merchant at whose school of religion Jesus taught in the spring of A.D. 25.

  • Cynic (sin' ik)

    Roman philosophers who derived much of their doctrine from the remnants of the teachings of Machiventa Melchizedek.

  • Cyprus (sahy' pruhs)

    A Mediterranean island settled by the Mesopotamians around 5000 B.C.

  • Cyrene (sahy ree' nee)

    A city in northern Africa.

  • Cyrus (sahy' ruhs)

    Persian king who seized Babylon in 538 B.C.

  • Dagon (da gohn')

    God of the Philistines.

  • Dalamatia (dal al may' shah)

    The headquarters city of the Planetary Prince, once situated on the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia, approximately 500,000 years ago. This city was named after Daligastia.

  • Daligastia (dal I gas' chah)

    A secondary Lanonandek Son who served as the primary assistant to Caligastia, former Planetary Prince of Urantia.

  • Damascus (duh mas' kuhs)

    A city near Sidon in the north.

  • Dan (dan)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff (see Ang). Dan headed thegroup of advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals.

  • Daniel_ (dan' yuhl)

    Hebrew prophet who understood rule of Most High.

  • Danite (dan' ite)

    A member of that segment of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff which was headed by Dan. Two Danites discovered the non-sexual liaison which produced the primary midway creatures (see Midwayers).

  • Danubian (dan yoo' bee uhn)

    Andonites, farmers and herders who had entered Europe through the Balkan peninsula and were moving slowly northward by way of the Danube valley.

  • Daphne (daf' nee)

    Greek nymph.

  • David (dey' vid zeb' i dee)

    King of Judah.

  • Dawn of eternity (dawn uv ih tur' ni tee)

    The beginning of eternity.

  • Daynal (day' nahl)

    One of three descending orders of revealed Paradise Sons of God. Of origin in the Trinity, they are also known as Trinity Teacher Sons.

  • Eternals of Days (ih tur' nulz uv deyz)

    One of the groups comprising the Stationary Sons of the Trinity.

  • Natural death (nach' er uhl deth)

    When you finish your earthly career.

  • Deborah (deb' er uh)

    Ruler of the Hebrews.

  • Decapolis (dih kap' uh lis)

    A district of Greeco-Roman cities.

  • Supreme Decision (suh preem' dih sizh' uhn)

    When any human being makes the supreme decision, when there is a real betrothal with the Adjuster, a personal guardian is immediately assigned to that soul.

  • Deification (dee uh fi key' shuhn)

    Creating objects of worship.

  • Deified reality (dee' uh fahyd ree al i tee)

    Deified reality embraces all infinite Deity potentials ranging upward through all realms of personality from the lowest finite to the highest infinite.

  • Deify (dee' uh fahy)

    To elevate to the level of deity.

  • Paradise Deities (par' uh dahys dee' i tees)

    The Universal Father, The Eternal Son, The Infinite Spirit.

  • Deity (dee' i tee)

    DEITY is personalizable as God, is prepersonal and superpersonal in ways not altogether comprehensible by man. Deity is characterized by the quality of unity.

  • Deity Absolute (dee' i tee ab suh loot')

    The experientializing God of transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings.

  • Deity unity (dee' i tee yoo' ni tee)

    The divine oneness of the three original and co-ordinate and coexistent personalities, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.