
  • Chemosh (kee' mosh)

    God of the Amorites.

  • Cherubim (cher' uhb im)

    Assistants to the seraphim.

  • Chorazin (ko ra' zin)

    A city that did not well receive the gospel.

  • Christ (krahyst)

    Michael, the sovereign of our universe of Nebadon .

  • Christ Michael (krahyst mahy kuhl)

    Son of Man and Son of God.

  • Christian (kris' chuhn)

    A cult started by Paul on “the blood of the everlasting covenant.” .

  • Chronoldek (kronol' dek)

    An order of frandalanks, or Master Physical Controllers, who register time as well as quantitative and qualitative energy presence (see frandalanks).

  • Chuza (choo' zah)

    Steward of Herod Antipas.

  • Cicero (sis' uh roh)

    Roman orator.

  • Circle of eternity (sur' kuhl uv ih tur' ni tee)

    God is the perfected circle of eternity.

  • Circuit (sur' kit)

    May be material or spiritual .

  • Circuit Regulators (sur' kit reg' yuh ley ter)

    The unique beings who co-ordinate physical and spiritual energy .

  • Circular-gravity (sur' kyuh ler grav' i tee)

    The energy presence of the Isle of Paradise.

  • Claudia Procula (klaw' dee uh pokk' yoo lah)

    Wife of Pontius Palate.

  • Claudius (klaw' dee uhs)

    (1) Wealthy slave holder with whom Jesus talked in Rome, (2) Discouraged young woman who became a preacher.

  • Clement (klem' uhnt)

    Pupil of Pantaenus at Alexandria.

  • Cleopas (klee' oh pas)

    Shepherd of Emmaus who observed 7th morontia appearance of Jesus.

  • Cloa (klo' ah)

    Ancestor of Mary.

  • Clopas (kloh' pas)

    Husband of Jesus' aunt.

  • Coabsolute (koh ab' suh loot)

    One of three superfinite possibilities for universe manifestation contained by the Supreme Being.

  • Cocreative (koh kree ey' tiv)

    Not wholly subject to the fetters of antecedent causation.

  • Combined Controllers (kuhm bahynd' kuhn troh' lerz)

    Highly mechanical beings sensitive to, and functional with, physical, spiritual, and morontial energies.

  • Confucius (kuhn fyoo' shuhs)

    Chinese proclaimer of truth in the 6th century B.C.

  • Conjoint Actor (kuhn joint' ak' ter)

    The spirit-mind personality, the source of intelligence, reason, and the universal mind.

  • Constantine (kon' stuhn teen)

    Roman emperor who adopted Christianity.


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