
  • Creature-trinitized (kree' cher trin' i tayhd)

    The union of finaliters and Paradise-Havona personalities.

  • Crispus (kris' pus)

    Chief ruler of synagogue at Corinth.

  • Cro-Magnon (kroh mag' nuhn)

    Members of the post-Adamic blue race.

  • Crucifixion (kroo suh fik' shuhn)

    A harsh method of punishment learned by the Greeks and the Romans from the Phoenicians.

  • Cruse (krooz)

    A container.

  • Cultism (kuhl' tiz uhm)

    A symbolism of rituals, slogans, or goals.

  • Custodians of Records on Paradise (kuh stoh' dee uhnz uv rek' erdz ohn par' uh dahys)

    One of the groups comprising the Messenger Hosts of Space.

  • Cuthites (cuth' itz)

    One of the groups sent to replace the Jews of the northern kingdom of Israel who were taken into captivity by the king of Assyria.

  • Cutites (cue' tahyts)

    One of the groups that occupied the first garden after it was vacated by Adam.

  • Cybele (sib' uh lee)

    Mother of Attis In Phyrgian cult.

  • Cymboyton (sim boy' ton)

    A wealthy Urmia merchant at whose school of religion Jesus taught in the spring of A.D. 25.

  • Cynic (sin' ik)

    Roman philosophers who derived much of their doctrine from the remnants of the teachings of Machiventa Melchizedek.

  • Cyprus (sahy' pruhs)

    A Mediterranean island settled by the Mesopotamians around 5000 B.C.

  • Cyrene (sahy ree' nee)

    A city in northern Africa.

  • Cyrus (sahy' ruhs)

    Persian king who seized Babylon in 538 B.C.

  • Dagon (da gohn')

    God of the Philistines.

  • Dalamatia (dal al may' shah)

    The headquarters city of the Planetary Prince, once situated on the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia, approximately 500,000 years ago. This city was named after Daligastia.

  • Daligastia (dal I gas' chah)

    A secondary Lanonandek Son who served as the primary assistant to Caligastia, former Planetary Prince of Urantia.

  • Damascus (duh mas' kuhs)

    A city near Sidon in the north.

  • Dan (dan)

    One of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff (see Ang). Dan headed thegroup of advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals.

  • Daniel_ (dan' yuhl)

    Hebrew prophet who understood rule of Most High.

  • Danite (dan' ite)

    A member of that segment of the 100 corporeal members of Caligastia's staff which was headed by Dan. Two Danites discovered the non-sexual liaison which produced the primary midway creatures (see Midwayers).

  • Danubian (dan yoo' bee uhn)

    Andonites, farmers and herders who had entered Europe through the Balkan peninsula and were moving slowly northward by way of the Danube valley.

  • Daphne (daf' nee)

    Greek nymph.

  • David (dey' vid zeb' i dee)

    King of Judah.


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