David Zebedee
(dey' vid)
Head of the messenger service.
Dawn of eternity
(dawn uv ih tur' ni tee)
The beginning of eternity.
(day' nahl)
One of three descending orders of revealed Paradise Sons of God. Of origin in the Trinity, they are also known as Trinity Teacher Sons.
(deb' er uh)
Ruler of the Hebrews.
(dih kap' uh lis)
A district of Greeco-Roman cities.
(dee uh fi key' shuhn)
Creating objects of worship.
Deified reality
(dee' uh fahyd ree al i tee)
Deified reality embraces all infinite Deity potentials ranging upward through all realms of personality from the lowest finite to the highest infinite.
(dee' uh fahy)
To elevate to the level of deity.
(dee' i tee)
DEITY is personalizable as God, is prepersonal and superpersonal in ways not altogether comprehensible by man. Deity is characterized by the quality of unity.
Deity Absolute
(dee' i tee ab suh loot')
The experientializing God of transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings.
Deity unity
(dee' i tee yoo' ni tee)
The divine oneness of the three original and co-ordinate and coexistent personalities, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.
(de mawr' tl eyz ng)
Passing from the mortal state to the immortal status.
(dih send' ur)
Gods that have descended from Paradise to the domains of time and space.
Descending Orders
(dih send' ng awr' derz)
A group of beings of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.
Descending Sons
(dih send' nh sohns)
They are dedicated to the descending ministry of service on the worlds and systems of time and space.
(des' tuh nee)
Eternal Paradise is the real and far-distant destiny of the immortal souls of the mortal and material sons of God.
Destiny Guardians
(des' tuh nee gahr' dee uhnz)
Seraphim are not known as destiny guardians until such time as they are assigned to the association of a human soul who has realized one or more of three achievements
(des' tuh nee)
The eighth group of worlds encircling Salvington.
(doo tuh ron' uh mee)
Portrayed the Great Choice — as between the good and the evil.
(did' y mus)
A fisherman of Tarichea and onetime carpenter and stone mason of Gadara.
(dil' mahy)
An ancient Sumerian city located near the site of an earlier Nodite city, Dilmun, near the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia.
(dil' muhn)
An ancient Nodite city founded after the submergence of Dalamatia, the racial and cultural headquarters of the descendents of Nod.
(dahy oj' uh neez)
Greek philosopher to whom the Cynics traced their philosophy.
(di' on)
A town in Perea.
(dahy uh nahy' suhs)
Greek god of wine.